68  2020-06-29 by icyfive




r/chapotraphouse r/darkhumourandmemes


Are gone


/r/Drama <3 reddit

Are the janitors giving the admins sexual favors? It's the only explanation at this point.

uh sweaty... 😞 plebbit admins come for miles to sample the exquisite bussy of our mods 👑

But we lost r/LoveforLandlords. Was it really worth it?

no we didnt



The landchads have just got private for a bit to stop the eternal MDEfugee menace and homeless chapos squatting

open borders for r/LoveForLandlords


Works for me.

Why? It didn't break any rules.

It’s back up

t's coming up

It's coming up

It's coming up

It's there!


Imagine being an unapprovedcel

It’s not gone you have to be an approvedcel to see.

How am I approved there but not here what the fuckkkk lawlz 😭😭😭

We need to abolish private property


"I dreamed a dream of days gone by..."

Rentoid detected

Bitch you scared me!

Gottem 😎

Well r/communismforthefellas wasn't banned yet so idk

Some fag removed me lol

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Ah you’re right but I’ll leave my earlier comment for the alarmist value

I'll delete mine for the same reason.

You just arent approved there

Your mom just got approved into my bedroom

I'm surprised, you need forklift certs for that

You fuckin owned him dude

How tf is this possible lmao

There are reasons while lawlz didnt make any stickies. He probably took it from the whole administration in the ass

I was legit wondering if he'd finally got a life last night, what a relief to see a new sperg sticky from him today 🤗🤗🤗

How. The. Fuck. Did. r/Drama. Survive. This?

Mayo hate is fine, it is written in the rule.

Because Dramallamas listen to the Chadmins unlike smug Chapocels and Daddycels.

Admins hate AHS, much more than we ever could. After all, we're just people. But to Admins, we're customers. For all of its warts, arr slash drama doesn't get triggered (well mostly) at the existence of non-radlibs whereas AHS throws a temper tantrum. As a chadmin, what do you want? Ideally people who click on ads, but failing that you want engaged users and AHS is 100% antithetical to generating quality user engagement.

Simple really.

Since when do we consider admins to be chads? lmao

Well, unlike Jannies they do get paid for cleaning up after degenerates. Does that make someone a chad though would be the next question.

Jannies have minute and comical power, only able to make a small number of people seethe for $0.00. But a Chadmin is not only able to make thousands seethe from a single click, but he is also payed for it.

A Chadmin replied to me?


CHADmins use this sub. AHS isn't the admin alt subreddit, we are.

Even the admins recognize we are the last fun sub.

idk man stupidpols pretty cool too

For the past year I have been sending spez radishes from my radish garden at the end of every month.

He enjoys them on his summer salads with cucumber and parmesan.

We are safe.

Wait thats all I had to do? I've been letting him fuck my wife.


because despite pretending to be all edgy, drama mods are a bunch of bootlickers

Somebody has to make the boots all shiny, though...

Hoot crap chapo is gone and PCM is alive? How unwoke of Reddit. I’m offended. And triggered.

Final battle between the gommies and the fashys in the threads of PCM

admins as usual with their performative centrism.

I'm unironically shocked that there actually was a banwave. None of the subs that got chucked are surprising tho.

edit: /r/gendercritical got axed but /r/itsafetish survives? LOL

GC was an easy target and that's that. There was nothing about the actual content of the sub that could be described "hate speech." It was basically AskWomen or TwoX but with, you know, actual women and not tubby programmers in knee socks with anime avis.

yeah, it's just weird when you consider that more misandrist and more transphobic subs are still standing...

GC was the most prominent and therefore the most targeted/complained about by the extremely loud and organized Reddit t-gang. I am sure /r/lgbdropthet, /r/itsafetish, and related subs will be hit soon enough.

(It probably doesn't help that the term "gender critical" does have kind of sinister, euphemistic sound to it.)

What I don't understand, how can T's be such an extreme minority in the grand scheme of things, but have such political sway in the current time?

Is it really just because most of them are hiding away in their rooms and being online 24/7?

I honestly believe that the troid menace hurt the whole LGBT community more than it ever helped it.

I'm from a strict religious family, and even my own extended Family was Ok with lgbt shit as long as it didn't really affect any of their surroundings. (not saying that they are right in how they felt, but just explaining stuff)

However now that the T acceptance has gotten so militant has genuinely made them all revert back to hating the whole community again.

I can say the same about friends of mine as well. I feel like there was a time around 2012-2018 where most people I personally encountered were people who either didn't care or weren't opposed to LGBT. And the same people dislike it now because of the picture they've gotten through them.

If I'm being honest, I feel sad for LGBs. They fought for so long to be accepted and for gender roles to be ignored. Just for other people coming into their place, shitting everywhere and fetishising the same gender roles that they tried to remove.

Also weirdly enough, I feel like the removal of gender roles (especially in early childhood) seemed to have really picked up steam till the T-words now jerk over it again.

Which of course has made the LGBs seem even less trustworthy in the eye of the average retard joe.

Anyway, enjoy reading all this shit, don't even know what my point was at all.

My current theory is them latching onto the bleeding hearts in our society. We all want to move forward as a society, and we are supposed to believe that all are create equal, and we should have a society in which all could feel loved & accepted. Then what about the currently shunned sexual deviants & freaks?

The problem is, as we continue to build the idea of acceptance towards one group, next group come along with "what about us," and we keep adding more things to our plate. Not being able to handle all the pressure to accept what's on the table, those demanding acceptance felt they are dealt a short hand, those being demanded to accept felt they are being pushed around.

Nobody wins in the scenario except for drama coin or maybe hard rightoids.


Like I said in my previous comments, my immediate surroundings were filled by openly critical/homophobic people.

And honestly, through the internet I gained an understanding and acceptance for lgbt.

Personaly I'd just think "it isn't affecting, me, and they aren't affecting others as well. So what's the harm?".

Yet my surroundings kept saying "well, if they accept this, next they'll accept that", which I always just handwaved away.

But with time I've come to realize that they were right.

It's clear as day for me that a majority of Ts are only that way due to their porn addiction and more importantly because they get groomed over social media and discord.

This shit is happening right here on reddit as well, yet somehow even mentioning any of this might make you be labeled a bigot.

Fuck man, I remember when you could call Furries degenerates right here on reddit and be upvoted, now you get downvoted into double digits and banned in all the subs.

Shits fucked.

But with time I've come to realize that they were right.

This is what gets me. 10 years ago we were all laughing at such slippery slope. Now it doesn't look that slippery anymore.

Fuck man, I remember when you could call Furries degenerates right here on reddit and be upvoted, now you get downvoted into double digits and banned in all the subs.

Seriously? I only browse drama in depth for a few years now, so I've been living in a bubble.

A pedophile just got outed on /r/ssbm and I'm double digit negative for making fun of his gay little plushie he carried around and indicating maybe we should have seen it coming

Also he was a huge male feminist and we all know how that goes

The Smash community is a special kind of retard. Can't say I am surprised.

When 90% of your demographic are under 15 or over 30 you get the worst possible "fanbases"

Furries are creeping out of their weird little shells now, they are using the same argument of "it doesn't affect anyone else so what's the harm" and actually getting upvoted....

I'm sorry, but I'll never be convinced that the logical destination isn't fucking animals. ex. Pedos are still pedos if it's hentai

Anecdotally, it seems there's a lot of overlap between internet t-girls and people who formerly identified as incels. But incels are demonized, whereas T-girls are Stunning And Brave. Even before you get into phenomena like anime, being T is essentially an invincibility shield for our current moment.

Okay, there's absolutely no scientific validity to the idea that transgenderism is even tangentially related to fetish predilection. It's a phenomenon that predates the internet by not just several years, but several millennia. Razz the furries to your heart's desire (although I don't know why anyone would; they're not marching in the streets for rights), but trans bashing is just the new homophobia, which itself was derided in such a way as recently as twenty years ago.

That being said, that's where I draw the line. All this demisexual/fluteysexual/lotionsexual nonsense is a bunch of made up crap, and a low-key insult to groups in the traditional LGBT community that have actually had to fight for equal rights.

Ts just coomed to tapestries and cave drawings in the past dipshit

Very cool, very scientifically factual.

They really did massively hurt the LGB movement. Before they became in vogue gay acceptance rates were ~65% for the young generation, it’s not sitting at about 40%

Cause there’s thousands of unemployed people who scout the Internet hoping to dox your ass and ruin your life in the name of tolerance

It’s like minority report but way more gay

They have a big online presence due to an excess of free time

Homosexual rights is mostly won other than individual homophobes, therefore they have to find the new battlefield of oppressed.

Ts are the elite of the oppression olympics. In intersectional leftwingism, whoever is most oppressed gets the most authority and their voice matters most, in an attempt to reverse what they think is the hierarchy of mainstream society.

you're probably right. I'm surprised that the admins didn't think about the optics of banning GC and keeping the aforementioned subs + some hardcore misogynist ones like theredpill tho.

There's a GC subculture on basically every woman-centric sub that's actually run by women -- think UnresolvedMysteries, Blogsnark, even Red Scare. I expect the GCfugees will start playing a larger role on these subs and then Reddit will have to make the hilarious choice of whether to ban a litany of woman-run subs for not falling into line on The Penis Question.

Reddit will have to make the hilarious choice of whether to ban a litany of woman-run subs for not falling into line on The Penis Question.

Powermods will force their way into these sub and ban all TERF adjacent people, long before they could even become a problem Reddit has to solve.

I tought at first it was a good sub critical of the person of gender (aka women), but alas it was not to be. 🙁🙁🙁

I've seen some crazy shit in GC. One in particular was a blog post they used to regularly share that said the world would be better if men were enslaved, culled(via abortion) and used solely for breeding.

The main reason it was banned is because its widely known about off reddit as a terf haven and it's been mentioned in multiple articles and by a bunch of blue check marks, some with lots of followers

I've seen some crazy shit in GC. One in particular was a blog post they used to regularly share that said the world would be better if men were enslaved, culled(via abortion) and used solely for breeding.

yeah, if there was a ton of content like that on the sub then the ban would make sense from a policy perspective. even if it were a crystal clean sub the ban would still make sense so long as misogynist subreddits were also removed. that's what's fucked up about this - not that GC was banned but that much more hateful subs that have actually been a factor in real-life violence or abuse were not (and that GCmen was conspicuously left up while pretty much every GC sub, including the one specifically for lesbians, was removed). It would be terrible for optics if anybody who wasn't already mad about the banwave gave a shit. You're right in that there's a 99.999% chance that this was about PR tho.

People on /r/itsafetish are reporting that just posting there is getting them sitewide suspensions

it's a honeypot!

Why was gender critical banned? Wasn't it also a cesspool for feminists to discuss and dissect? If anything they may have been deemed t-slur phobic

They were the wrong kind of feminists.

Oh not the libtarded kind. I c

I think gendercritical made a bigger splash because they had a confirmed female userbase.

Does it have to do with the relative sizes or activity?

Lmao seeing what else got banned I actually can't believe this sub was spared. Our janitors must really know how to pleasure the admins

Mods make me an approvedcel.

how the fuck did we survive?

Thank G_d

I love you fuckers

whenever someone is clearly doing a troll post you will get one of the mods or just some jackass saying "LMAO THIS IS BAIT!! HA HA HA" like they are in on the joke.

imagine you are watching a movie and some asshole yells out spoilers. it ruins the total performance. just shut the fuck up, like a good retard, and enjoy the show. dont be such an idiot and scream like you and the writers are on the same level because you are not. it is art.

i have literally seen countless posts where bait is ruined because some faggot points out it is bait so they can feel internet savvy. i am actually very angry.


  1. WE SURVIVED THE BANWAVE - archive.org, archive.today

  2. r/consumeproduct - archive.org, archive.today*

  3. r/wojak - archive.org, archive.today

I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers

This isnt a troll snappy

iT Is aRt

/r/the_donald Ha ha ha ha ha

I bet he whines about it on Twitter.

Trump doesn't know what Reddit is, lets be honest

/r/jailbait got banned long ago, nothing for him here

No way he isn't a r/hottiesfortrump regular

He did an AMA before his election I think

But it was most likely just his PR guy answering, and/or he forgot he ever did that

Oh yes. Didn't the Admins obfuscate it from the front page or something?

He’s complained about t_d censorship before though

We can only hope


banned two relevant subs and the Donald, a legitimately dead sub. Good job reddit!

Even if r/drama doesn't get banned the mods'll lock it to keep the refugees out

If I get locked out again I'm gonna be so pissed, the sub hasn't even been open for 2 weeks

Dude im with you on that one. I may not be very active but this sub legitimately makes me laugh. Almost all the karma I do have is from this sub.

Yeah I better get approved

Imagine not being an approvecel.

Nah I like changing accounts like I do shirts, fresher that way.

Don't you like being cucked by the mods? 😫

If I have to give the mods my body I will

I can confirm it works. Otherwise hit me up with yout bussy pic and I will do what I can.


I only give bussy pics to people people with English as their first language sorry.

smh fat finger foiled me again.

That better not be the only fat extremity of yours

I have a regular sized dick tbh. 18 cm.


Apparently my bussy pics weren't good enough for an approval 😭

Can I unironically get approved? I'll show you my bussy 😭

Can someone tell em what the ones past 10 are?

Realistically, for how long?

To live another day and thats all that matters

as the old saying goes, he who koops and runs away lives to koop another day


r/drama has been around since before the Chimpire and outlasted it. We will go on shitposting forever

went from about 1k people hanging out here to almost 3500 now.

build the wall?

Odds are that the rallying cry of "but the daaaahnaaaald" will live on in the halls of are politics anyway

They’ll just start claiming everything is a brigade from the offsite... site.

I think some of the admins lurk this sub and enjoy the content. That is the only explanation.

Mods, please teach me how to become an approvedcel.

Yours truly, The Cоpe, and the Capeshit.

Approvedcel me.


It is a matter of time until we get banned

I'm literally praying to the Father in Heaven himself that we won't, /r/Drama unironically made me much more self-aware and cheerful in real life.

This ban is insane - no reasons given at all. I hope we don't lol


My piece of shit didn't register on the treads of the machine. I made it as bait for soys, but it un-ironically angered a few people in consume product. If anyone wants it, they can have it. I'm not putting in any real work for free.

r/drama is the CHADmins' favorite sub

GOOD JOB Jannies! You deserve every penny you make!


how tf did we survive but cumtown didnt

Cumtown died?

>r/wojak banned


Yo! AHS users who's seethe-lurking

Pleasure to still be here 😎

They took /r/Wojak? Wtf I just subscribed there 2 weeks ago. It was occasionally R-slurred, but didn't seem ban worthy.

High overlap with consume and it was used by a lot of banned subs regulary to crosspost


what dod wojak do?

Thank god r/raceplay survived

i certainly hope /r/sothis survives this