It's happening. Chapotraphouse gone, Consumeproduct gone, Gendercritical gone, and counting.

30  2020-06-29 by DaySee


Remember the martyrs of Jakarta

Did you just read this on Wikipedia or something?

I called this some time last year actually. I said at some point reddit will be a collection of default subreddits tailored for marketing. The next step down the line is disabling subreddit creation.

Eventually you will have to submit a DNA sample in order to make an account.


Nah skin color would suffice

Lol Reddit is gonna Digg itself

Today was the first time I've visited saidit... I don't normally fuck with following refugees around to reddit clones. But this banwave was real, unequivocal wrongthink culling to the extreme. Pretty gross.

Yup I've always avoided checking out reddit clones knowing that it's gonna be refugees I probably don't want to interact with anyway, but arrrDeuxrama got banned and at the time arrrDrama was also private so I checked out Ruqqus, probably gonna start using it more and more instead of Reddit depending what other subs get the axe. the banwave didn't really seem to touch any subs I used that much anyway tho so looks like I'll at least be sticking around for a little longer


Idk, digg was never as big as reddit was.

Good move if it means I can finally get off this damn site

Probably why the admins came down hard on people pointing out that all the big subs are controlled by just a few people. Soon the subreddits won't have individual mod teams but the whole website will have a collection of general mods that have power in any subreddit they enter >!still unpaid tho!<


Communism will win

America will do communism and we'll show the world how to do this shit right

Communism will never exist because 90% of burgers will perish their first day in a gulag

americans have spent the past 30 years preparing our bodies to withstand the entry into fullcommunism and resulting 0 food scenario.

Do you kid me? No population is better optimized for periods of starvation than burgercels

How do we stay in tou-

Sad, we lost virtual zoos full of lol cows

Guys what would we do if we survive?

The admins have finally realized that most redditors are easily led cattle and will keep using the site to screee

Why is FemaleDatingStrategy still up? What's more hateful, vile and homophobic than a w🤢 wo🤢 woman 🤮 attempting to reproduce with a man?

This sub is what happens when minimally educated unintelligent people join together to find common ground and project their own self loathing to the rest of the world. There has never been anything clever that I have ever seen from this sub. I will continue to look for humor but I am just starting to think that loss and anger plus unemployment equals humor


  1. It's happening. Chapotraphouse gone... -,

  2. -,

I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers


So it was true

rip gc


finally! i repoted gendercritical MONTHS ago due to death threats and hate mail after saying

"nonbinary people exist" this is amazing news. FUCK GENDERCRITICAL and everyone who was in it

Doing Gods work, my son child

thank you, i see im being downvoted, most likely by the very people i called out

Yeah we're going to have a ton of fugees today, I swear I can already smell the onion stick of the hairy radfem armpits mixed with the swamp ass of the alt right consumers.

ive already been banned by r/truelesbians for pointing out the transphobia.. yikes. you would think people in the lgbt+ community, no matter their orientation or reson for being in said community, wouldnt be hateful. but, sadly, ive seen many people in the lgbt+ community who are in it by their sexuality being transphobic, misogynistic, and racist. it is usually homosexuals (that ive seen!), which is sad. they give the community bad representation.

Glad your here. Drama needs more NB participation. Everyone's welcome and true drama enthusiasts always upvote even then they disagree. (When you see downvotes, it's the filthy refugees or AHS alts brigading.)

We used to have several trans mods, but one was banned some months back thanks to a targeted effort by AHS because they thought she was an uncle tom/token trans person. KaaraRaven is still here though but she hasn't really been active lately.

im glad to be in such a welcoming subreddit! ive been to this sub a few times before but never joined, but this interaction made me want to do so :)

Post bussy

They are nonbinary so I believe the correct term is nbussy.

Post your bussy too.


What? Reporting lolcows?? Where the fuck do you think you are and why are you here? Go back to SRD.