15  2020-06-29 by Lysander125


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30 right wing subs banned (since last year)

1 left wing sub banned

"Is this centrism?"

One of these things is not like the other.

Left-wing idеology promotes unitу, сlass and rасe solidаrity, and aссeptance of all сultures and оrientations.

Right-wing idеоlogy prоmotes inсеl whitе natiоnаlist mаss shоoters.

If уоu can’t undеrstand that right-wing idеоlogy is оbjectively a shit one, then fuсk off fаsсist.

good morning i hate smugрosting lеftоids

Isn't extremism always bad, wether left or right? I know this is the wrong echo chamber to ask this question, but how can you unironically argue that left = always good and right = always bad?

This is not a question in good faith

the fucking cringe

> I am not sure if you know what that means buddy

The left and right’s definition of “extremism” varies depending on who you ask.

Some people think universal healthcare is “extremism”. Other people think going on a race-motivated mass shooting is doing God’s work.

The biggest thing to remember here: the right has almost exclusively been responsible for mass shootings and terrorist attacks in the last decade.

I’m not afraid of getting killed by a leftist; or just doesn’t happen. But getting murdered by some incel chud is a very real possibility in 2020.

watertight logic rightoids btfo,

The only reason I'm not afraid of getting killed by a leftist is because they're all larping

Even when they try to assassinate people like Scalise they fuck it up.

They're honestly just not much of a threat in general. Most chapos also lack the finger strength to pull a trigger anyway.

Yeah thats what alt-left is pushing on the streets, "universal healthcare".

Stalin is not actually a real Tankie or Stalin wasnt really that bad.

Stalin was a lib.

yes, because he owned the libs in gulags.

MDEfugees and Chapugees should come together and make a sub together and totally confuse Reddit's algorithms.

It’s called r/stupidpol

Last time I went to that sub, I homer simpson'd in the bushes lol

Yeah it’s mostly the last couple of class-reductionist leftists coping about how their egalitarian ideology has turned on them and painted them as reactionaries for not being sufficiently woke

Chapocels Big Mad!

🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀

“Yeah T/D might be a cesspool of mask-off white nationalism but Chapo hurt the feelings of some dead slave owners. Which is worse? I don’t think it matters” ¯\ (ツ) /¯

Lets consult the scripture

They SAY they hate the West because it is warlike, imperialistic, sexist, ethnocentric and so forth, but where these same faults appear in socialist countries or in primitive cultures, the leftist finds excuses for them, or at best he GRUDGINGLY admits that they exist; whereas he ENTHUSIASTICALLY points out (and often greatly exaggerates) these faults where they appear in Western civilization. Thus it is clear that these faults are not the leftist’s real motive for hating America and the West. He hates America and the West because they are strong and successful.


I was bussypilled about Uncle Ted on drama specifically.

It's fucking amazing how on the mark he was, well before the technology age we are in now. Nowadays I could chalk it up to his exposure to Chapos, et al. online. But he didn't have that at all when it was written.


Rigt? It id downright scary how prophetic he was!

I kind of want to visit him in prison before he dies.

Unironically I would like to have a printed version of his manifesto, but I'm afraid I would get v& even if I printed it out myself. Not to mention trying to explain it to the unenlightened 😰😰

You can buy it on Amazon. It's fairly popular.

you wont even get vanned for siege, i think uncle teds christmas letters will be fine

Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


  1. Chapos angry in r/ENLIGHTENEDCENTRI... -,

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Chapos literally believe that they were banned for the controversial stance of being against slavery.

"The last post I saw was a trans woman saying it was the only community she felt accepted in and losing it meant a lot to her" LMAO

For some unknown reason I stalked the profile of the trans Lass in question just yesterday. They present totally as male and spent their time grifting for money on chapo. Most likely for heroin. Sorry ‘she’ lost the only place on Reddit degenerate enough to put up with all the begging.

You got a screenshot on this? I'd love that shit

Sorry no. I didn’t know it would become a part of Reddit lore. I almost took a screenshot of the girl dique though.

I hope it kills itself

Very nice

While Chapo wasn't anything like the Donald, I won't miss how rude some of the users were. As a newer person to the left I would ask legit good faith questions and get called a lib and shut down.

What a pussy