R/WeekendGunnit in shambles
13 2020-06-29 by -The_Baron
Two of their mods were banned and the remaining mods are refusing to comply with admin demands.
The sub was set to private for a short time before being reopened as it will stay until it is presumably nuked. Multiple shit storms occuring simultaneously in the subreddit. Buckle in to watch a subreddit self destruct in real time.
8 Janny_lives_Matter 2020-06-29
This sucks but better to go out in a blaze of autistic glory instead of getting on your knees and sucking reddit admin feminine penis for a couple months and getting y’alled anyways. It got pretty tame and stale towards the end anyways, was better in simpler times. RIP
10 CeetheAndSope 2020-06-29
But enough about r/Drama.
3 king_of_retardland 2020-06-29
I mean, hypothetically...what if someone wanted to go out both ways, at the same time?
2 Mistr_MADness 2020-06-29
Same with a lot of similar subreddits. Just look at the evolution (devolution?) of wsb.
1 [deleted] 2020-06-29
7 Endless_mining_shaft 2020-06-29
Going away with a bang is better than gradually cucking yourself.
6 Zero5urvivers 2020-06-29
/r/weekendgunnit is just a great value brand /k/
5 Fart__Boy__Slim 2020-06-29
We must return to the primordial soup.
retvrn to sovp
3 diggity_md 2020-06-29
reject soup
return to carbon atom
1 automatic_cluck 2020-06-29
y'all 🤠
5 PizzaShillsFather 2020-06-29
If they ban WSB, we will lose 2 of the best, autistic subs. Stay safe WSB
1 [deleted] 2020-06-29
4 Naziwrecker 2020-06-29
I'm going to miss people shooting their yard.
2 automatic_cluck 2020-06-29
1 Zozbot 2020-06-29
1 Zozbot 2020-06-29
1 Zozbot 2020-06-29
3 Things_Remote 2020-06-29
WE GONNA CRASH THIS PLANE. Get your toes while they're still here.
2 neo_baneposter 2020-06-29
...With no survivors
2 Beej67 2020-06-29
All information suppression is a moral judgment.
What I find totally fascinating about reddit, and about cancel culture in general, is that it's a litmus test of the shifts in morality. r/weekendgunnit used to post pictures of naked women with 50cal cartridges shoved up their butts as sex toys, and that was fine, but the word "boogaloo" wasn't. That is such a very weird change in subjective morality from the prevailing narrative a decade ago.
1 SnapshillBot 2020-06-29
I can’t help but feel like people like that have had abusive childhoods. It’s the social equivalent of smearing faeces on the walls. Intentionally doing things that are weird and unpleasant for everyone involved just to provoke (justified) negative attention.
R/WeekendGunnit in shambles - archive.org, archive.today
Two of their mods were banned and t... - archive.org, archive.today
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1 Ravensthrowit 2020-06-29
Ill miss watching them display their staggering retärdation with their fairly regular negligent discharge posts.
1 MinerHornet 2020-06-29
Rightoid Funkopops.
-3 kermit_was_wrong 2020-06-29
Nothing of value will be lost.
5 The_Reason_Trump_Won 2020-06-29
Delete your life
1 kermit_was_wrong 2020-06-29
2 TheManWithoutAPie 2020-06-29
you dont understand, mayo guys NEED a space to LARP as total badasses that eat the gubmint for breakfast or else theyll actually try to become them in real life. reddit is literally setting off civil war 2 if they ban weekendgunnit
2 kermit_was_wrong 2020-06-29
Boogs in bodybags - everyone likes that.