CHAZ/ CHOP security force discovers that they are closer to the police than they thought.

7  2020-06-29 by Things_Remote


First 'police' shooting in CHAZ is them executing two children without trial cant make this up

Two black kids actually

yeah but where they trans kangs?

It is the summer of love you bigot and some child murders may have to happen to start the conversation for progress.

Asking someone if they want to be pistol whipped as they die...

Why isn't everyone in the chaz arrested yet?

I'm having a brain short circuit just trying to grasp why this is still happening.

They (Chaz residents and city governement) are trying to show what an actual "tried" socialist commune would look like so far it is going as well as I would have expected. Sucks for the kids but god damn you couldn't write it up any better.

I can't fathom the local government letting it go this long. They're chipping away at everything that makes them a thing the longer this goes.

My scooby instinct smells a conspiracy. I don't know what kind yet but I know it's flavor blasted.

The white flight after these riots subside is going to be pretty funny to see. Ranch houses in the middle of nowhere going for west coast prices.

They're just going to move to other cities. Look how Commiefornians do it.

Parasites ruining the good places. It should be legal to run people with Cali plates off of the road when spotted outside of cali. I see no legal or moral reason why it is not.

Just shoot them, not like they can own a gun to shoot back with, given their gun laws, lol.

The plan is to show the people that they need cops, just let them fester for a bit, lose a few braindead commies, who loses out here? The business owners nearby but that is a small price to pay. Everyone else wins, especially Drama

Damn i cant believe i wasnt smart enough to figure that out lol. Its brilliant. Lefties get what they want by keeping their commie town open, and righties get to watch it turn into chaos, send the cops in, and get more police funding.

Honestly the past 6 or so years the Left has been doing so seemingly intentionally poorly I am actually starting to think there is a conspiracy where the real leaders of the world are actually right wingers sabotaging the Left. But they kinda miscalculated how far Left they could push people and are now just having a giggle.

Ive been saying that the elites in the US are satanic pedos for 10 years lol. Its not exactly a secret either. Family thought i was crazy till Epstien got popped. Crazier shits happened tbh.

Why are they all pedos? Is there a connection between seeking power and pedophilia? Or do they just get bored of railing supermodels and want something spicy and forbidden?

More of the bored and forbidden aspect. There has been theories that unless you prove youre a sociopath in some form or another or give them dirt on you they wont accept you into the elite class. That isnt nescesarry for all rich people of course but it does seem there are an overwhelmin number of wealthy people that are pedos. The people really pulling the strings are some sick people.

There is a list of people somewhere that were implicated in Epsteins black book. It was between royalty and entertainers. Some people dont try to hide it either. Like Mick Jagger was smashing a 14yr old groupy in the 80s and nobody said shit. Putin is on record saying the western world is run by pedophilia and satanism. I dont think he is lying lol.

The amount of 80s musicians that were blatent pedophiles is astounding. Its basically half of them.


The real answer is that there is no plan. It's a bunch of mediocre bureaucrats who have talked themselves into a position they can't back out of, in order to placate a highly vocal political minority. You can see something similar with Trump and his relative silence in the face of calls from Tucker Carlson et al to go full police state.

People tend to talk a big game without fully appreciating the scope and reality of what they're saying. People also tend to double down when faced with external challenges. Combine the two and you end up with CHAZ, especially because it's much easier to just do nothing than to formulate and execute a plan. For the latter phenomenon, see bikeshedding. It's incredibly common in management.

Edit: If there was a plan, it wasn't some kind of orchestrated "just-as-planned" shit. It was probably, "They don't want emergency services? Alright, fuck em." Throw up your hands and then let nature take it's course.

This plan only works if the people in question are capable of introspection

If they were, they wouldn't be anarkiddies

Not the r-tards there, they are given up as cannon fodder and nobody is making them martyrs. Everyone who was even slightly on the fence or just vaguely supportive has backed off. Look up reddit threads from day 3 of CHAZ to now. They learnt real quick. And everyone who said people are going to get shot and robbed have been proven right and it has bolstered that voter base into action because Fox can point to this and say this is what Leftists want to do to all of America.

Honestly (and it may just be reporting) the only surprising thing is that I havent seen articles on the hundreds of sexual assaults and forcible rapes.

Was there ever a count of how many people actually lived in the Chaz?

I'm guessing a few hundred at most, so what does that make their murder rate? Like a few % of the population every few weeks?

I mean shit, who needs the police to do anything. At that rate they'll all have murdered each other by Christmas.

Listen between 1:50 and 2:10


  • "Oh you're not dead huh..."


  • "You wanna get pistol whipped?"


  • Unintelligible yelling


  • Gunshot

Luckily he was in the Chaz because child execution after shooting up their car causing it to crash is looked down upon in the US.

I'm a few deep but here is another video of our brave boys in black at the scene. nsfw as there is a bit of blood.

I am always skeptical when I see stuff like this especially after Boston Smoke Bombing and Sandy Hook Hoax. Even if something had taaken place in this illegitimate CHAZ, it’s supposed to be a crime scene. Where’s the police caution tape and why is the crime scene being tottaly corrupted ? Just asking.

lol what the fuck?

Brain as smooth as a ball bearing lmao

Time to disband CHAZ. Shooting two African Americans who didn’t do anything? Despicable

time to #DefundCHAZ!

The good news in all of this is real estate in Seattle gonna plummit.

As if anyone wants to live in that steaming shit heap

I thought the city was nice when i was there in December. Lots of construction though. I walked to the weed shop by myself in the dark and didn't get mugged, so yay. It's too damn expensive to live in the city unless you want to live in a shoebox for $3k/month.

I jog in downtown Atlanta at night but that doesnt mean there arent homeless people jacking off and shititng every three blocks

yo ngl the silver comet is chill af i busted out a 10 mile tempo run out there one morning back in college when i was passing through marietta and it was so nice i still remember that run, such a nice running trail ngl

Hello fellow atl person. I need to experience this run.

But yes there were homeless there and a crazy black one who kept saying “give money to the invisible n slur” and I chuckled.


"I'd buy that for a dollar!"

They were illegal immigrants that forced their way past the border wall. The chazlords were well within their rights to "light em the fuck up."

Based and borderpatrolpilled.

So these idiots legit shot up the wrong Jeep?

The amount of people who almost certainly sperg out about the police shooting or arresting the wrong person jumping to defend the CHAZ police killing children is comical.

That is what it is looking like.

They just made the Wild West with hippies and less whorehouses.

Crazy how they could take something so cool like the wild west and turn it so shit in no time flat.


No way, I refuse to believe that. Irony that thick would make space-time collapse in on itself and destroy the universe. It is already pure perfection that the people the not-police shot up were black, them being innocent would be too perfect to be real.

Any moment now a private company buys it

Anyone got the twitter screencap of that tankie troid that said this was a great victory for CHAZ's security forces and that they should applaud this because the guys in the car "were probably fash".

It turns out they were a 14 and 16 yo kids lol

Congratulations! I do not often downvote. You have earned mine.


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Wait, I thought this shit was over?

No mayor backed down when then went to shut it down the first time.

Chaz is haram.

Sex, drugs, rape, pillaging. Chaz is haram and allah shall smite thee.


"No question, now, what had happened to the faces of the pigs. The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again: but already it was impossible to say which was which "