Chapofugee attempts to threaten someone online

2  2020-06-30 by RadTradEkans


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We might be bent but our barrels are straight.


I bet they wouldn't even raise their voice to get their security deposit back.

Support Trans Landlords


I bet they'd sue their grandma and lose.

these creatures probably own airsoft guns

A lot were scared to own guns because they might clean their own attics lol. That was an amazing post. Shame it's gone now

Resetera had a similar thread lol. I tried to make a post about it here but it was back in the days where autojannie nuked everything. Half the thread was like “Uhhhhhh I’m a trans feminist communist and I want a gun but I don’t want to blow my brains out” and the other half was smug Yuropoors lecturing everyone on how much better things are in their failing white ethnostates.

Warning: G*mers and snug Yuropoors

As a trans woman I am seriously considering getting a gun for my own protection. The main reason keeping me away is that I have a history of suicidal thoughts, and am afraid of the increased suicide risk that comes with having a gun in the household.

Yurof**: Fucking yuck Era. When did y'aaaaallllllllllll become nra bait and get spooked by any thing that you start day dreaming of murdering folks. I just see a bunch of people that are gonna end up hurting themselves long before any property or persons are in need of protection. What the fuck. The US is fucked.

... weakening ourselves by fighting each other to the death and possibly even taking our own lives as we fail to cope with what is going on (I have a shaky understanding that many gun purchases in this nation are use for suicide).

I've bought and sold guns so often for suicide attempts. I feel like I probably really need one but I'm scared what I would do if I had it.

Oh boy, I cant wait for pawn shops to be absolutely flooded with new in box guns for used gun prices

this line of thought is so alien to me I literally cannot empathise. If you dont want to shoot yourself, then dont fucking shoot yourself. It's not rocket science. wtf is wrong with these people?

It helps pad the 41%

Sorry unlike you I have a real job to get to

This is a huge ass lie

A chapocel is by definition a parasite incapable of honest labour, much like the gypsy or the anglo.

My god I just checked your post history. There is no shaming you. This is literally your life. Just imagine how much you could accomplish if you weren’t addicted to Reddit. You’re making a difference, though!


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But I was told by AHS that they didn't deserve there ban and they were playful scamps?!