Seattle mayor who defended CHOP is outraged after protesters showed up at her home

1  2020-06-30 by HodorLePortePorte


Ho ho protest for thee but not for me.




“Oh well Kyle’s mom’s a bitch a big fat bitch the biggest bitch in the whole wide world...”

Go on .....tell me more

“On Monday she's a bitch, on Tuesday she's a bitch, on Wensday though Saturday she's a bitch, then on Sunday just to be different she's a super King Kamehameha beeeotch! Have you ever met my friend Kyle's mom she's the biggest bitch in the whole wide world she's a mean old bitch and she has stupid hair she's a bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch she's a stupid bitch! Kyle's mom's a bitch and she's just a dirty bitch!”

Good follow up, thanks for posting!






Do people like this just not have any empathy or something, they only seem to understand the reality of a situation when it happens to them directly

I thought the categorical imperative was for brainlets, now I understand I have barely scratched the genius of Kant

This is why I am a radical centrist.

Radical centrism is realizing that you are in fact not a sociopath, just not rslured and can feel empathy for other people than those on your side.

That's loser pussy centrism

Radical centrism means that all lives are equally meaningless compared to the infinite totality of your own supreme existence and all beliefs and creeds are meaningless when faced with your own wants and needs.

Well yes but that doesn’t mean we can’t feel for the lost souls of wingcucks.

It means exactly that you pussy.

This sounds heretical. One day you will be enlightened

All radical centrism is heresy, divist.

Radical centrism is the light. Your words are those of a nonbeliever. Are you a mdefugee?

Why do you keep using the word "radical" in support of acting like a giant pussy, divist?

Because heretic, all will eventually feel the light of radical centrism, whether they wish to or not.

Oh so you're a rapist. That's more male feminist than radical centrist, sorry.

Filthy vermin. I don’t play video games.

Because you're busy committing all those rapes, sure.

thats why commies fucking hate centrists. hard to foment insurrection when some of your soldiers are asking "wait, are we the baddies?".

(note, nazis hate centrists too but are far too outnumbered to turn down potential recruits).

Peak radical centrism is when you realize you can be far left or right and still have empathy for just about anyone.

the entire neolib wing of the city government are basically hucksters who have been enabling the activist wing for years b/c it might create enough local hysteria to pass an income tax or gun control laws over the state's wishes. They're only mad that it backfired on them.

Then they came for me.

I wonder how he/she feels knowing that he terrifies children. Like imagine you're eight and see him walking towards you.

I'm sure they rely on that to get that adrenochrome pumping they're desperately addicted to

shit just got real

Obviously those children are incredibly bigoted from SOCIETYY

I think many adults would be terrified too.

Where's her OnlyFans?

Aagh! Demon begone!

La creatura

Volcel if you wouldn't

the soviets were right

And we're lobotomized.

Bring back institutionalization

In the early 1900s he would have fit right in at a sideshow/carnival

This is who moderates your discords and wants to have slumber parties with actual foids in order to "feel closer to them."

How was she supposed to know that ineffectual lip service would eventually ever effect HER?!?!


Thank you :)

CHAZ shot and killed to black kids.

I thought they murdered one child and critically hospitalized the other kid?

I wonder if that's the same kids that robbed the cuck interviewed by the NYT recently. Would be the purest poetry if so.

The cuck who let the kids think that pulling guns on strangers was not a problem?

Wasn't that in the Midwest though?

Oh, indeed, that was in Minneapolis.

That was in Minesotta, so it would've been a hell of a ride.

Protest bad I guess now

The Blaze


I found it on Twitter while searching for #CHOP


I spend more time with women on any given Tuesday than any unloved, lonely shut-in Chapo poster has in his whole fucking life. I might make jokes about women on /r/drama, but IRL I'm one of the fucking girls and fine with it.

When any of them open up to me about their experiences with harassment or assault, it is never - NEVER. FUCKING. EVER. - about a MAGA bro or a frat boy. It is always at the hands of some sensitive feminist "woke" boy.

The "frat boy rapist" thing is a myth that dangerous dudes like this are happy to perpetuate, because it takes the heat off of them, i.e. the real threats to the goddamn wimminz.


  1. Seattle mayor who defended CHOP is ... -,

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Lie in the bed you make.

Seattle can and should peacefully demonstrate but should not put families and children at risk,

I can't, the irony is too much

Quick call the police.


"I never expected the leopards to eat my face!" said the woman voting for the leopards eating people's faces party

If u post it on that subreddit they’ll remove it

They've been such babies about this whole thing because they never thought that making fun of shortsighted people would come back to bite them. It's like 4 layers of dramatic irony

Good morning I hate white women

Hating majorities is encouraged bro

Don’t know why this made me laugh

That's funny, I thought systematic racism was something that existed and was horrible and so on... If that is the case, why wouldn't the mayor of the town be extra double responsible for the horrible systematic racism? She's the face of the system after all.


Nooo you were supposed to eat me last nooo

lmao I kept saying that the only reason she was all "it's a summer of love" was because she was holed up in her gated community home and didn't have to deal with it. Now, if they create a CHOP in her neighborhood she will sing a different tune.

Typical white woman (I can stereotype white women, not a vulnerable).

If only people realized that Democrat politicians don't give an eighteenth of a shit about 90% of the stuff they champion.

Has anyone noticed if reddit became more commie filled after the tencent investment?

help help this leopard is eating my face