Second dumbest sub on reddit spikes the football and does a victory celebration for the dumbest sub on reddit being banned. There’s a new sheriff in town!

1  2020-06-30 by jason_frg


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Streaming is the dumbest thing to ever get popular that I hope this venture does as much damage as possible to the entire platform. I will support any and every cause to nuke all streaming platforms. It was a mistake to dabble in these dark arts, and it must be dealt with.


  1. Second dumbest sub on reddit spikes... -,

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I should have sorted by controversial. There are dumber-than-average takes there

Cops are a minority people, it's against the ToS To badmouth them

The law is the law, Jack.

Come obey the law with us at r/LoveForLawEnforcenent

I'm already a cop there lmao

I'm already a mod there lmao

Yo did they just ban it?

You taxpayers are going to have to increase our budget if you want us to spell stuff.

You autist I’m a cop at r/LoveForLawEnforcement and I can spell.

I outrank you and union rules say you can't post that link, rookie. The thin blue line gets thinner and thinner everyday I guess.


Read another book, maggot

Yikes, please avoid using slurs such as c*p. They prefer "people of policing" or "lawmxn."

what about blue people? is that racist now or is it ok?

do the prefer Ocean Americans perhaps?

People of azure

Blue Libes, Mater!

dobby is free elf

Ffs nowhere is safe

A true Reddit momenttm

I expect a lot of retartation in p&s. Why does it have to be this? 😭

It makes perfect sense. Find me a HP fan who wouldn't call the cops on someone for skateboarding, and I'll produce a unicorn.

imagine getting shot by some guy with a haryy potter/punisher hybrid tattoo lmao in the words of doctor nick, "what a country"

There was a post a while back with a cop who had a furry sticker or something on his gun saying "I'm dumb and gay" iirc.


Imagine getting subdued and arrested by a furry cop. The fear of that kind of shame could feature in a "scared straight" program that actually works.

More like imagine getting pistol whipped and this is the last thing you see before losing consciousness.

not cz

fake and gay

For the love of God, SOMEONE, Elon Musk, anyone, create a new website.

Imagine giving the average redditor a badge and a gun lmao. Truly a meme country

Is the Donald really that far right? Sure, that sub was annoying. But, I never saw anything close to the nonsense on CTH. Like “mayocide” was literally a meme there, which is the killing of all white people. It seems crazy for the admins to equivocate that with frog memes and supporting the president.
