The radical male feminists of gendercriticalguys are absolutely furious with what happened to the female sub.

1  2020-06-30 by xingxhang


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I've never had a problem before with the communities that reddit banned or quarantined. This time, I am appalled.


I was reading some posts in that sub and apparently r/BanFemaleHateSubs is banned.

It's over for foids.

Damn, their list of subs that they think should be banned was my master based subs list

This sub is what happens when minimally educated unintelligent people join together to find common ground and project their own self loathing to the rest of the world. There has never been anything clever that I have ever seen from this sub. I will continue to look for humor but I am just starting to think that loss and anger plus unemployment equals humor


  1. The radical male feminists of gende... -,

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I have been speaking up plenty. A year ago I believed I was trans and I wrote an email to a well known GC employer of mine, telling her that she was threatening trans lives with her tweets. But now I've done a total 180 because I saw the logic in everything the women were saying here. And since then I've been very vocal on facebook, twitter and here.

I just see TRA tactics as bullying and when I stand up to them they often back down. Unfortunately now they'll feel like they've gained some power. This is a disgraceful, shameful and pathetic move from Reddit and I really have no interest in being left here with just a whole bunch of wanking males for company.

Now this is bravery. Fight on brave warrior.

Imagine caring about women lmao

How much of a self-loathing doormat do you need to be to be a male TERF? I know it tends to get ignored by internet tr*nnies looking for someone to rage against, but that "RF" in TERF stands for "Radical Feminist". Hating men is one of the cornerstones of their entire ideology.

Hell, their hatred of tr*nnies is literally just an extension of their hatred of men. They hate trans-women for being men attempting to infiltrate female spaces, and they hate trans-men for being "class traitors". If there was a way to 100% eliminate all traces of "maleness" (whatever the fuck that means), they'd stop being trans-exclusionary and become pro-forced feminization.

But here these f*ggots are, actively defending people that hate them in an effort to get a crumb of gussy. Instead of embracing bussy, the way they should be. 😤

How much of a self-loathing doormat do you need to be to be a male TERF?

t. cuckoldry


I took a much smarter approach and just became TE.

A male terf is like a nazi jew

I'm living for the day where women will look all around them and realise that the spaces they used to enjoy, away from gender related shit, is yet again filled by horny men.

They are infighting, silencing themselves and calling themselves bigots. It's honestly really fun to watch.

Women are already realizing it, just not the terminally online ones. Phyllis was right

I am on the verge of actually hating w*men more than I hate troons.

First they ban me from the main sub for "mansplaining" because I said hating all men will alienate possible allies. But now that their sub is banned, they're all too happy to come into the sub with "guys" in its fucking name and spread their gussy nonsense. And the useless idiots in that sub (simps) are fucking lapping it up.

The whole thing is causing me massive amounts of cope and seethe.

Can't show weakness to drama jannies they love abusing their power.

I meant I got banned from the GenderCritical guys sub lmao sorry about the mix-up. I encourage everyone to go read my cringey spergout.

Lmao just read it. Glorious drama.

I am directly being aggressive with you. You act like an incel.

Watch out the male feminists are getting mad.


GC refugee here - that sub changed my life for the better - saved my marriage by supporting my sex strike (didn't plan it that way but that's what it was) - and things improved. Anyway. I don't know of any subs for debating / discussing gender/sex from a neutral point of view. (Ok, I haven't done a full r/ search because I've been obsessing this all day and need to get some stuff done.) Point being, if there was a neutral discussion /debate sub, they really can't ban it without looking completely ridiculous. It would be newsworthy if they banned that. I encourage any experienced mods and I would like to participate.