Ledditor lets everyone in r/TrueCrime know about his tiny pp by adamantly defending notorious serial killer/rapist's tiny pp 🤭

1  2020-06-30 by acidoverbasic


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The women who make up the TrueCrime community have their feet in the social justice camp, talking about women’s safety and forgotten murders and all that, but in their heart they secretly wish cops could treat male murderers like 1980s LAPD

The people involved here probably don't even respect bussy all that much.


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I mean the penis shaming thing is absurd and is no different than fat shaming. OP is actually right here

watching that i imagined if a robbery happened and the announcer stated "the witness noticed the woman who robbed that bank was a ham planet" and then the whole room cheered and clapped.

Both is actually a good thing.

Agreed but you know how wokies only accept one of them. It's either both or neither. I support both obviously, have to exploit the insecurity. Though being f*t is obviously worse especially if you're not a burger

Well, being fat directly causes a form of small-dickedness, so by transitive property it has to be worse, or at least equally as bad as being a regular dicklet.

Add short and bald to the list. It's totally fine and good to ridicule a man over how he was born but tell a bitch she's fatter than she looks in her picture and you did a wrongspeak.

I can't anymore. I'm moving to south east asia to fuck hot ladyboys. For real tho.


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You're looking at it from a rational point of view. You should be looking for which outcome is the most dramatic - having a double standard.

Hey if there's an evil, fat serial killer out there who killed someone l'm close with I'd be cracking fatty jokes in court and at his execution.

alright boys, throw the switch and let's fry up some bacon!

I am very culturally sensitive so I would have one of those tabletop grills fired up for pork belly.

If serial rapist was trans they would be extremely offended if they got dead named or called the wrong pronoun

Which is why its ironic they defend shaming of some things but not others

Didn’t one of his victims make the remark? Sorry she could have called him anything and it would have been fine. Same with the audience applauding her for roasting him. Don’t want your pee pee shamed, don’t use it to rape people. Sorry for the innocent guys who have to deal with the fallout from men making a nuisance of themselves with their peens.

The point is would people have said the same if she said the n-word, or deadnamed, or criticised LGBT

How does everyone miss this point? I don't mind people taking the piss out of me being short and bald as long as I don't lose my job for calling a woman fat. As I can't do the latter I'm going to keep pointing out how retarded this is.


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Choke on my lady noodle.

Men with 🦐 have never been lynched on enslaved because of it so I don't know if comparing it to the n word is appropriate. If someone raped me with their penis, I'll be goddamned if I would call them lullabelle or trixie rather than their dude name. It would also be fine with me if she called him a no good pillow biter.

Not that you don't have a point. There's just a time and a place. Someone tells a knock knock joke about small dicks on r/funny? sure, call them out. Leave a thread about raped and murdered women alone.

haha u have a small weiner




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Fat shaming is better because fat people might be able to do something about it. Penis shaming is only good when it's followed up with constructive suggestions to become a transylvanian.


20 years ago they would have mocked him for being cross dresser or gay. Maybe 20 years from now people don't find the size of penis so shameful anymore.

comparing gays and cross dressers to serial rapists

Gunna have to give this guy a raise at the based department for this one

Either that or there won't be penis shaming in 20 years do to gov't sanctioned, funded, and enforced hrt for dicklets.

Day of the sissy slaves when?

The Neo-Sultan shall be well protected.


You think hrt will make your dick bigger? No. Maybe if they injected it into your fetus but it's too late for you now.

You may be misreading my post by a country mile

Right. Yes. Right. Just chop their dicks off. OK I get it.

I guess I was indirectly hoping for you to tell me of a way to make 7" into 9".

Ah because then you'd be able to use the same technique to turn your 1" into 1.5"?

How ever will I recover from this

Tie a brick to it

It worked in Willy Wonka

Nah he's comparing gays and cross dressers to small penis havers you illiterate

Kind of rude lumping cross dressers in with serial rapists and child rapists

Its unironically hilarious how much society shames small cocks to the point where only monster and villains have one

There's nothing wrong with small dicks. If a terrible person has a small dick, it's likely that they won't feel anything if you tell them they're evil. If you tell them they have a small dick though, you can inflict the pain they deserve.

Honestly you have to be a big fucking loser to rape and kill that many people and still be hurt when people call out your small cock lmao

If you tell them they have a small dick though, you can inflict the pain they deserve.

I think without violating ToS I would suggest that letting someone know that you have complete power over them and can inflict whatever you want on them is what true terror really is. At the risk of being a Debbie Downer.

Right, but don't you think the victims and their loved ones deserve the opportunity to hurt the serial killer/rapist in whatever small way they can?

Again, I don't want to sound like an edgelord, but pain and fear are on a spectrum. In Iran, if they kill your kid, you get to be the one to put the noose around their neck. I feel that that's much more civilized than our system of asking judges for permission to clap sometimes.

Yeah it'd be great if we can do that in the US but we can't.

Also the clapping thing is traditional? I guess in courts after a victim's testimony. Someone explains it in the thread.

The woman probably didn't feel anything either 😆😆

I feel for all the smol dick kings out there. The one issue nobody has any sympathy for.

Fat kweens slay tho. Eat more, feel no guilt biyatch. Eugh imagine being born with a small dick *gobble gobble*

If this was a regular ass dude with a small dick, most people wouldn't care and it'd be mean to make fun of him. But it's a serial killer/rapist with a small dick. Idk how some people can't realize the difference.

Because all the non-criminals with tiny dicks are reminded it's a bad thing that nobody likes. They can pretend people are tolerant of small dicks most of the time but when everybody comes together to laugh at a small dick they realize how people see them and that they are permanently deficient.

I was cursed with a tiny dick and it really is a shitty life. I can't even bring myself to look up the averages because I don't want to learn just how pathetic my eight inches truly is. Yeah it gets bigger when erect but that doesn't help when I'm changing in the locker room and all the guys are staring at my tiny excuse for a dick. I know it can't satisfy women which is why they beg for sex over and over instead of just being content with a single time. They share pictures with each other and sometimes women will ask to see it and then have sex with me, I assume for the comedic value in riding such a worthless cock. It's hell and I wouldn't wish it on anyone.

Omg yes it sucks so much

and it'd be mean to make fun of him.

Only if you have a small cock

That doesn't make any sense.

That's because you have a small cock.

You guys should know by now that I'm a foid 🤭

Well I mean the clit is basically a tiny cock


It's funny watching the insecure men rush to defend dicklet bashing. Everyone knows they're just posturing, so they don't look like a dicklet too.

Wait, the assailant was consistently reported to have a small penis? Your honor, my client couldn't have possibly penetrated whatever lies between the two buckets of lard that comprise the plaintiff's presumed legs.


On the one hand, people are applauding because it turns out a serial killer had smol pp, and that's cringe.

On the other hand, redditors are upset that people clapped because they heard he had smol pp, and that's cringe.

On my third reptilian hand, does that make it okay to make fun of Jessica Yaniv for being a fat man with a smelly smol shenis because she's a libertarian sex offender?

And by that I mean is it okay for normal decent people that aren't me to do that, because I'm going to do it anyway. In fact, I don't care about any of this. Because I'm cool.

too many dicklets in the comments here

The reports taken from victims in the 70s all stated that small penis was part of the suspects description.

I can't imagine this helped the police identify him