r/itsafetish goes private

3  2020-06-30 by PizzaWasRiteAbtWomen


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You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


  1. r/itsafetish goes private - archive.org, archive.today*

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NGL I have no idea how the admins missed that one.

Yeahhhh it's one of the more egregious subreddits as far as targeting "vulnerable" groups goes. How they survived is beyond most people.

Is this an elaborate pun or am I getting got?

r/itsafetish is easily the best subreddit in existence.

dammit, I was reading that one yesterday. All the GC people flocked there. Looks like GCfugees are to r/itsafetish like MDEfugees are to r/Drama.

Pretty solid proof that GC cared more about dunking on trans people than being feminist lmao

Drama in Other Discussions tbh

Eh, it wasn't that interesting anyway. Some of it was funny, most of it was well no shit that guy's in it because it makes him horny.