On this episode of Mythbusters:

17  2020-06-30 by betterdeadthenfed


wait she claimed that her 9 near old brother analy and orally raped her

my family didn't really believe me

and her family didn't do anything when she told then

By spreading numerous untrue stories about us in pursuit of a financial bonanza, she has tortured our entire family and estranged herself from all of us. I will fight this groundless and offensive lawsuit and work to put this to rest once and for all.

and she waited to use a technically loop hole in newyork to do anything about itđŸ€­đŸ€”

foid's clinically mad or the raping blob raped his entire family into submission as a rite of passage.

edit* or he's a male femminists lmao

Tbh, it's not unheard of, I'd even argue it's more common that a family victim blames in such situations. Simply because it's easier to hide such a horrible thing instead of addressing it.

The victim being shunned by their own family to keep quiet is incredibly common.

Plus Adam is a male feminist, we all know how they tick.

How can you even be sued for something you did when you were 11?

New York said fuck you to the statue of limitations and opened a window and then extended it due to rona so you can sue real or imagined rapisits even if it happened 40 years ago

It was mainly because the Catholic church was overdue on their bribes lobbying money in Albany.

G-d raped me can I sue Him?


statue of limitations

Another statue toppled, huh?

More importantly how the fuck are you gonna prove anything one way or the other?

Yeah, it weirds me out that she's calling him out by name for something that he allegedly did as a nine year old. That's not normal behavior for a kid and speaks to some really profound issues in the family. If she's actually a social worker/therapist/whatever like she claims she has to know this is unethical at the very least.

he wasn't a kid he was the raping blob learn the lore

It took on a human form later in life in order to assimilate

Here is a podcast with her from 2017 where she doesn't name her brother. https://www.survivingmypast.net/coping-with-family-while-healing-from-sexual-abuse-with-miranda-pacchiana/

At this point we're decades past any actual evidence and no one besides the two of them is really in a position to know the truth. Regardless, he has more resources than her and it sounds like the family is on his side, so the most she could reasonably hope for is a payout. He's made it clear he isn't going to do that.

Edit: If you search her name you can see she's built an entire personal brand around these allegations. I have no idea if this means anything but it does make one wonder.

I'm ready to believe this 100% without hesitation.



i once got dragged to some thing he hosted in Toronto by my dad and his gf, and he was crying about Drumpf and then he had like these two "cyborgs" on the stage with him. one could like hear colours or some shit and had a literal antenna sticking out of the back of their head, and another could... i can't fucking remember.

but they did this annoyingly long segment where they played some shitty music or sounds, and right before I was at my limit and goin to yell "SHUT THE FUCK UP!" someone from one of the balcony seats did first. i love that person so much.

edit: this was it https://events.seetorontonow.com/event/chris_hadfields_generator_7711

was literally 3 days after Trump won, Hadfield was much less involved than Savage was. i hated it so much lol

the other cyborg had like online configured sensors in her feet that detect seismic activity or some shit

but... but... no...! he's so vocally against this sort of thing! it can't be possible that he was just overcompensating like all of those other guys

As much as I've soured on Savage over the last few years despite living MythBusters growing up, this woman is full of shit. I dated a woman for 5 years who's sister is just like that.

9 year old raping a 7 year old

This is a little hard to believe even for a male feminist.

She could release photo evidence to bolster her argument

guess he busted the myth of consent



The fact that this made it into the very first paragraph suggests that the NYP staff might actually be aware of how farcical the entire MeToo movement has become, like they've taken the one fact which distinguishes this accusation from all the other ones and put it in the first sentence of the article LMAO

It has to be true lmao, who’d make that up

You can tell it's fake because she ripped off Lawls' superhero name. So lazy.

given the specificity of this nickname, i rate this myth "plausible"

Completely agree. F-slurs in r/news in think he's innocent because of this nickname. Apparently they never looked at a dictionary during silent reading time looking for rude words.

When I was in Grade 5 (late 00s), one of my friends would surprise us by exclaiming "Surprise butt rape!". There was also "the rape touch" which was modelled after the cheese touch from The Diary of a Wimpy Kid. Just tag, nothing more. Eventually some dumb broad dobbed on us and all 11 boys in the grade got in trouble. still lolling about this, ngl.

When I was in grade school, we heard a rumor that Gaddafi had killed people by anally penetrating them with pipes or something (I can't remember the specifics, it probably wasn't true). So we of course came up with a thing called "Gaddafi-ing", where one of us would sneak up behind another and knee them in the ass and yell "GADDAFI".

Those were simpler times. We also had another method of torturing each other called the "Jubilee Cornflake". That name still gives me a laugh, although I'm not sure it can compete with "the tape touch" lmao

based. what's the jubilee cornflake and why was it called that?

It sounds like the sister might be a schizo, but we will have to wait and see.

I flip a coin whenever a hate crime or metoo thing pops up on the news.

I flipped a coin and it came heads, so I'mma believe this one cuz THE RAPING BLOB is too dumb for life.

However, he doesn’t seem to have apologized for anything, which is a good sign

The family shunned her too. Apparently she hasn't provided for them nearly as much as he has for them to care about her little rape story.

Apparently they actually believed her but after he apologized they pushed it under the rug. Honestly I could maybe believe this, but if it's true all it means is that there was a fucked up family situation and both of the kids were abused.

Anyways we will have to see what is determined


It is now upon the vicious gauntlet of public opinion to decide.


To be fair, that's what I thought when Tara Reade claimed that Uncle Joe said "c'mon man, I thought you liked me."

Not at all shocked that this male feminist got me too. Jamie would never do this shit he just wants to be left alone and make crazy shit.

That's why they never got along, Jamie wanted to expose the raping blob to the world but was threatened into silence


Are you male? Are you a leftist? You're a rapist, 100%

The sample size is now too big to disprove, every leftist male is a rapist.

Looks like myths aren't the only things he busts.

very good title

You'd think she'd learn to lock her door after the first time.


If you support free speech, you must support people pinging other users. It's completely legal speech. If you won't defend pinging as free speech because you or someone else finds it disgusting, then no speech that you or anyone else views as disgusting is safe.

>if it is in fact on shaky legal ground it's reasonable to not want to be the case that establishes it as illegal.

It's not, The reddit admins are straight up lying to the ignorant (like yourself) to justify their prejudice. Pinging being protected speech has long since been estabilished, as it has undeniable artistic merit. The only time it's been included under any obscenity laws is when someone is being charged with possession of harassment, so the state can slap them with more charges. The courts have been very careful to not charge anyone for pinging, because they'd get their asses fucking annihilated by a higher court due to the firm precedence of pinging being completely legal speech. /r/Drama had nothing to worry about, this guy was just making shit up to fool people into thinking his censoring wasn't entirely personally motivated.


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Former “Mythbusters” co-host Adam Savage allegedly sexually abused his younger sister for years while calling himself the “raping blob” during the late 1970s, the woman says in a lawsuit filed Tuesday.

I wouldn't be surprised one bit.

Not all rapists are male feminists...

But all male feminists are rapists.

Sorry had to finish it

Don't worry, friend, we're allowed some redditor-like guilty pleasures.

My greatest shame

Redpill me on adam savage?

Imagine if he also said

Ok, enough fun with the little sister. Must go to bed

Instead of raping her.

He did say but just after raping her

I mean, the dude's work speaks for itself, but you can just look at him and tell he's a male feminist. The beard, the glasses, the pop culture obsession

Now, if he really did this when he was a preteen I really don't think we can hold him accountable, so it's possible he's kept his nose clean since

Male feminist

Yikes 😳 so no reason to doubt this allegation tbh

San Francisco male feminist. Guilty

Is rockthrow gonna be right again?

He's a libertarian, eh

Secretly PurplePilled

ok, so.... rape is bad mmmkay. But how can a 56 year old be liable for what they did as a 9 year old to a 7 year old? Shouldnt the parents be the ones liable?

The parents don’t have that TV money.

The world is so fucked right now.

Imagine ruining your brother's life over this instead of sitting down and talking about how maybe your parents neglected you (because how else would this be possible). He was a fucking child, if he was raping his sister and getting away with it there was something seriously wrong in that home.

How come everybody want to "unpack" everything apart from things that actually require a deeper understanding?

And you're still assuming it happened when there'll never be any proof

No I'm not I'm just playing along, interested at how retards interpret this.

The world is so fucked right now.

Imagine ruining your brother's life over this

if my brother was Adam Savage i wouldnt hesitate

i like how in the article the sister even admits the parents dont believe her accusations

Exactly, but still he's the villain somehow?

Actually, it says it's not that they don't believe her, they just don't give a shit.

“Yes, they believed me — but my family members still seemed determined to brush my trauma under the rug. Over time, I came to realize they viewed me as the problem for focusing on the abuse. Not the brother who had abused me.”

Sweaty, they are the issue here and always were. Why is there nobody around her helping her through this? Because famous white man bad. 👀

Idk why people aren't believing this, that's almost textbook. Family members blame the victim for bringing it up and embarrassing them and causing unnecessary drama in their family and can't they just let it go already?

Happens all the time. I work in mental health and it's a story I've heard with small variations countless times; parents don't want to face their culpability or the discomfort of the choices they would have to make if they believe the allegations. So they ignore, compartmentalize, or at worst, blame and pathologize the victim. This wrecks lives.

Not necessarily a comment on this situation in particular, but rather the phenomenon in general.

Family members blame the victim for bringing it up and embarrassing them and causing unnecessary drama in their family and can't they just let it go already?

And where’s the lie in all of this? đŸ€”đŸ€”đŸ€”

personally i think its a 50/50 chance either she made it all up or the parents are legit crazy and raised a raping blob

Amost definitely made up but I'm just interested in the angle people take.

I'm just excited that "raping blob" is entering the vernacular.

Now I want to see a retro sci-fi sexploitation film called Attack of the Fifty Foot Raping Blob.

What the fuck is a raping blob lmao

Adam savage's rape fursona

If this is true, it's a horrible thing, but that name... It's just too funny. I don't think I could hear anyone say that without giggling a little, it's just such a fucking ret*rded phrase

I think people are mad that he is such a horrible rapist. I mean, if your raping folks and even your parents are like 'lol no he isnt' that's gotta sting.

It could be a family where he was the golden boy and the parents will always vouch for him. I still think that makes them the real criminals.

That's very common in these situations. Parents don't want to believe it, or they don't want to admit it, so they don't do anything to solve it.

Actually she says that they do believe her, they just don't care, which really shows just how irritating this woman must be

Lmao what kind of retarded take is this?

Imagine ruining your sisters life because you raped her multiple times in a time frame of 3 years, never owned up or faced consequences for it.

Simp harder bitch boy.

Wait who am I simping for? Imagine being 9. Can you do that? Imagine your parents allowing this to take place.

easiest solution, throw the parents and the dude into jail. Who cares anyway.

She's clearly trying to get paid to shut up.

idk about you but imo parents don't necessarily have to teach their 9yo to not rape their sisters. Unless your kid is a fucking psycho, it's just not something you think would happen.

so the parents arent liable for raising a psycho? Hes just born like that? Wow you sound like a stupid christian

so the parents arent liable for raising a psycho?

Yes. sometimes the kid just is a creep. You sound like you're trying to blame your shitty life decisions on your parents bro đŸ€”

So you can be born a creep? Just like being gay?

Just like being a baldy😆

so you don't know about all the serial killers that were raised in normal families with loving parents that even the killers admit were very caring? Or the fact that Aspergers is something that probably develops during pregnancy? Or are asspies just "not raised in good environments"? Innate does not necessarily mean genetic

And yeah, you can be born gay but who cares? Being gay is harmless, raping your sister isn't

I'm sorry, but THE RAPING BLOB is not a title you gain from birth, that shit is earned.

Which serial killers were raised in normal families with loving parents/didn’t experience some sort of trauma or exposure as a child? Genuinely curious.

Ted Bundy?

It’s a pervasive myth that Ted Bundy had a normal childhood. His paternity is unknown and he spent the first part of his life being raised by who he thought were his parents only to have his world shaken when he found out who his mother actually was. This certainly fucked up his sense of identity and made him extremely resentful towards women.

But that's very far from an abusive childhood still, wouldn't you agree? I'd like to think that total psychopathy would be something you get from continuous abuse or very peculiar quirks in your development. Not just finding out, when you're older, that your dad isn't your dad. Sure, that fucks up someone but it's far from enough imo to justify triggering "kill all women" mode. Everyone has had at least some negative things happening in childhood, so it's the "baseline" not the normal.

I think ACEs are really underrated for how much they can fuck people up, especially under a specific cultural/historical complex. The shame of being a “bastard child” in Ted Bundy’s childhood isn’t comparable to how normalized single parent homes are now. Also, his grandmother was mentally ill and grandfather reportedly “violently tempered”. Might not seem like enough to churn out an army of little serial rapists but I think it’s just further evidence that childhood instability is a risk factor in future criminality.

đŸŽŒBaby I was born this wayđŸŽ¶

Traits like being sexually aggressive or homosexual are generally thought to be a mixture of pre-set and developed factors. There's evidence for example of identical twins (who are genetic clones) embodying differing traits one may assume were inherent. How your genes are expressed is more important than your actual inherited genes, and though regulation is largely hereditary there's plenty of ways for environment to modulate it.

Do you seriously believe that personality traits have nothing to do with genetics? Some people are born with fucked up brains.

so youre saying you can be born trans then, got it.

You can be born with a likely predisposition towards effeminate traits, but it’s totallly your choice to cut off your dick and mutilate the rest of your body so you can imitation the approximation of a woman.

Corporal, I think what you’re saying is very hurtful and I can’t condone it.

Is this meant to be edgy? Innate transness is the party line

Just because some personality traits aren't genetic doesn't mean that ALL aren't. For example there's the "Lizzie Borden gene" which makes people slightly more likely to be murderers, which Lizzie Borden apparently had. I'm not saying anything about being born trans, but you can't just take a single thing like this and apply it to every single similar argument.

shut up

Good one you stupid twink

All nurture, no nature


Um sweaty all men no matter how young must be taught not to rape.



You clearly have no understanding of American legal practice. You don't sue someone that has no means of paying those fat contingency fees.

Apparently this has been going on for awhile and she has tried to make a living off of talking about it


Just saw this on the cumtown forum lmao





Even if the age range makes it very implausible, I still believe it.

Because Adam has like all the ingredients that makes a rapist thanks to his pseudo science fame and male feminist agenda.

Merson described Karen’s comments as a “possible HIPAA violation.”

As someone who has to go through HIPAA training what feels like every two weeks or so, this lawyer does not know what he's talking about.