Gay furry youtuber gets his panties in a twist over a meme

2  2020-06-30 by quality_bratwurst


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How anyone watches him with that voice of his and his whining and the fact he fucks dogs is beyond me. I follow a ton of movie YouTubers and that guy is by far the worst one.

I've seen a couple of his older videos and they were decent if you could get past the voice, eventually his takes got shittier and I couldn't sit through a video. He would do this same shit in his YT comments if people called him out.

Thats all he has done , his greatest critiques he's posted have just been decent 5 out of 10 stuff. Then he went off the rails like 5 years ago.

They've been saying that since the 2nd podcast. After the 3rd I unsubscribed because the furry wouldn't stop talking over the other 2 who have way more intelligent things to say than the furry tryhard. I hate everything seemed absolutely miserable the whole time.

The joke is that this November your vote counts exactly as much as a senile retiree whose political sources are nestled between a thread of gay furry porn and a thread of kids wearing swimsuits.


  1. Gay furry youtuber gets his panties... -,

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literally who


The only redeeming adum content is when he gets plastered and starts whinging about how much he wants to get fucked by a horse/how much he wants to fuck a character in a bideeo cheem

His earlier reviews, the longer ones of shit like Walking Dead or After Earth were good but he seems to be becoming more of a leftoid fslur with each passing day.