soychildren explode with joy over getting a FREE(!) PDF FILE with their purchase of a $60 game

1  2020-06-30 by OnlyDidMethOnceYAHOO


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This is so self-congratulatory for a game that's not even out lol. "Order our game and you also get concept art that you can see the finished version of in the game"

They do this a lot. If you can think of something that people complain about that's not in their game they'll smugpost about how their games don't have it.

That game looks so massive that I’m sure it’ll get boring after 2 hours

my man. Finally someone else who gets overwhelmed by open world games, which makes you end up being bored and quitting.

I'm sure the game will be at the very least fine, but I'd never know because I'm too indecisive to play open world rpgs lol.

It took me 8 months to finish AC Odyssey because my autistic ass needed to go to every single point on the map. 🀣

I did the same thing in that Zelda game for Switch.

I spent about 75% of the time lost randomly walking around the southern part of the map, which apparently you never need to go to in the story, and the last 25% realizing there was an actual story path you were supposed to follow.

botw was actually one of the very few open world games which I not only finished but loved.

I think the lack of side quests, the constant journey towards a new look out tower as well as the main story always being highlighted on the map made traversal way more fun.

Botw and the arkham games are the only open world games I've ever finished.

xD That happened to me too on Zelda.

Does that mean you want to make out?

I tried but it just so got boring to me. Never finished the game because there was just too much garbage to do.

Any AC game after Rogue was complete fucking garbage. The revamped AC games are the worst offenders too

It took you a lot of time but wasnt it fun? Finding new stuff, new cool places the devs made. I'm also one of those people who want to get/see any cool place in open world games, and i enjoy doing so.

Also i think a big part of it taking u 8 months was you playing it on and off lmao

It's becoming a more accept complaint in modern AAA gaming that there's too much shit and not enough focus for modern games to be satisfying.

They're like big casinos with roller coasters- you think you're in for a ride but it's just entrapment to make you either a gamming f-slue or spread your boussy for micro transactions.

I felt God of War on PS4 was perfect in that respect.

It was psuedo open world. There was plenty of exploration to do if you wanted, but the game had a definite flow that manifested both in the story and the layout of the game itself. It was dope. Never really got bored or felt overwhelmed.

How do you get overwhelmed, you just pick something and do it. If the gameplay amd story dont hook you, drop that bitch

have you played the witcher 2 and 3? because if this game is like them, its going to be ok, unless you are one of those ocd soys who can't even start the main quest before exploring all other options

Witcher 2 is the superior witcher title.

i would agree if it wasn't for the Blood and Wine expansion

Wanting to spend hours on end "immersing" yourself in a fictional world.

I personally only like games that I can pick up and drop within a short amount of time. I have things to do.

Exactly. It's not exploration based, so having such a huge world that doesn't seem like it will really have linear levels is going to get yawnworthy fast. Also, they're pushing the "we are very inclusive" stuff very hard and that makes me feel suspicious about it.

Will have the same ten recycled voice actors for every character.

As good as it is I can only play Red Dead 2 for like an hour at a time. It's just overwhelming.

I'll never understand buying deluxe edition shit. My neighbor does this and his house is filled with useless gayymer trinkets.

the whole point of steam is to not deal with all that bullshit, or CD's or anything.

imagine using some retarded gamer version of AOL when you could just stop at the store and buy it like a functioning adult that leaves the house

The last time I bought a PC game at the store, it had no game data on the CD and contained an executable to download it on Steam. πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”

Orange box?

That was 13 years ago

Well that was the last time I bought a PC game at the store.

I wanna say MGS5, but I think it was longer ago than that.

that's funny i just bought that yesterday, on steam. nice little bookend to our conversation.

and for real after the orange box? fuck owning an optical drive.

It's a damn good game, you'll like it.

Overwatch was the last thing I've installed with an optical drive. It's pretty redundant since it's had so many updates by now.

I got a computer case without space for an optical drive since I don't have a use for it anymore.

If you didn't shake the box, that's your fault. You get what you pay for.

They got mad at me at the pet store last time I tried that.

What lol... Even if you buy a physical game you have to spend a year downloading updates and shit. Are you one of those "normal people" that hangs around gamestop? ewwww

I think it's fine if your house is empty as fuck and you want to personalize it abit.

Incorrect opinion, and you made the same mistake as retards do with 'a lot' but took it one step further.

raising concerns about the Preorder Question is going to get this sub banned

also includes the sound track though, that's a pretty good deal if the music is good

You can just download the tracks you like from youtube in like 3 seconds though.


Your flair might be applicable to me here but youtube to mp3 downloads sound absolutely awful

Based CDPR shills. Everyone knows a good digital deluxe would include real extras like an exclusive neon cyberdong skin, legendary emote, and some fat XP boosts. Art books and music are for discordf*gs.

I like to think that everyone shitty on the Left is just a troll account created and maintained by Barron Trump, attempting to use his mammoth brain to make centrists vote Daddy 2020. Because if these people actually exist, and have these strange opinions that so many people supposedly might have, then I'll have to actually vote for Daddy, given he's the option most likely to put these fucking people in camps.

But I'm wise to you, Barron: you'll never actually make me vote.


  1. soychildren explode with joy over g... -,

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cd project red good

Why would you want a physical map of a cyberpunk city? πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”

everything about this game looks extremely uninspired

go here, collect this, drive a car that's all but glued to the road around a city that manages to feel lifeless, punch a few people with a single button press, sit through some nihilistic story with unskippable cutscenes, repeat ad nauseam

maybe it's the fact that as i age both my perspective and priorities shift but i can't help but feel that this is just gonna end up being the same shit i've been playing for the last decade

everything about this game looks extremely uninspired, go here, collect this, drive a car that's all but glued to the road around a city that manages to feel lifeless, punch a few people with a single button press, sit through some nihilistic story with unskippable cutscenes, repeat ad nauseam

I thought you were just describing my day to day life.

The problem is that it's attracted the crowd who are looking for a game that they can fully abandon their shitty real lives in favor of. The same crowd who bought into Star Citizen.

The game looks fine, but nothing we haven't seen before. Seems likely that it'll be like Witcher 3 in that environments are pretty dioramas without much interactivity.

That said, the driving looked not great from the footage I saw - seemed similar to Saints Row.

It definitely suffered development hell. Everything looks last gen, including gameplay.

Wow, their custom css removes the button to search by controversial.

Here's the good stuff:

Every comment section should be sorted by controversial, better than top or """"best""" almost every single time