Pizzagate is back on the menu, boys

1  2020-07-01 by loli_esports


Hell hath no fury like a suburban soccer mom cucked, I guess.


  1. Pizzagate is back on the menu, boys -,

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Where the hell do they get this idea about a hard drive being shot? I see it constantly repeated by Pizzagate people.

I'm also confused, I thought he didn't fire his weapon.

IIRC it didnt go into the hard drive, it went into the computer tower and boomers dont know what that is so assumed it was a hard-drive.

Reminds me of the “Gary Webb was shot in the head twice with his hands tied behind his back” stuff that keeps getting repeated

Webb’s hands weren’t tied behind his back, and the first shot fired at his head missed his brain entirely, that’s why he fired the second shot

XD XD the Clinton Special XD XD #sethrichwasmurdered #spiritcookingupsomedrama #walnutsauce

Walnut sauce is so fucking good on any savoury meat dish

i bet if they were fans of sesame oil like i am then they would doubtless claim it was a reference to sesame street and thus children.

that’s why he fired the second shot

How do you know that Hillary hired a male hitperson? 🤔

excuse u sweaty the appropriate term is "person of homicide"

And if you were to shoot a computer with the intent of hitting its hard drive, which part of it would you aim at?

I actually have never seen any real evidence it went into a computer at all... Though I'd guess being a restaurant it went through the POS terminal.

my ma definitely calls a tower a hard drive. i'm constantly having to translate for her. i wish she sounded less like a muted trombone

The guy who walked into Comet Ping Pong with an AR-15 and shot 1 bullet that magically went through the Comet computer hard drive hours after all the web cameras on the entire block people were watching comet with were disabled is now out of jail. Nobody else was ever arrested

The next layer of the conspiracy is that the only people talking about the conspiracy have trouble writing out coherent sentences.

Good lord, thank you. I thought I was having a stroke while reading that.

IIRC it didnt go into the hard drive, it went into the computer tower and boomers dont know what that is so assumed it was a hard-drive.

What's the best way to get rid of a hard drive, guys?

  • Drill it

  • Beat it with a hammer

  • Throw it in acid

  • Hire a guy to pretend to shoot up the place, making him take the fall and go to jail. He'll make only a single shot that will be precisely on the hard drive.

Burgers actually just shoot their computers to get them to power off.

wait, how do people in poor countries turn off their appliances ?

Using the guns sold to them by the burgers. There’s gotta be something, maybe the weapons sent to an anti-commie rebel group from forty years ago

top bant

We're poor so we use what's given to us, the power button

That’s how you get viruses I think.

This is true. Your fingers aren't sterile enough to directly touch a computer, but you know what is? A bullet.

In Canada we just hop in the truck, drive to the hydroelectric dam, and stick our thumb in the water outlet until the turbine stops.

Like how Mr. Bean shot his nightlight so he could go to sleep. Maximum IQ.

Can confirm. The .30-06 is starting to get expensive, but it beats pressing the button.

wipe it with a cloth


This guy could have been a customer that didn't want folks to know he gets pineapple on his pizz.a

The bullet didn't even hit anywhere a drive could be. I had this same argument with a pizzagate loon a few months ago and he literally didn't even know what a hard drive was or where they tend to sit.

not letting your SSD float free around your case

What we have goes well beyond fact. We have "known truths." When you have an extremely powerful elite who is obfuscating and controlling the flow of evidence, we use "known truths" (things that are irrefutably true but do not have supporting evidence in the traditional sense).


Pizzagate was never off the table.

Has anyone ever seen Pizzagate and Pizzashill together in the same room at the same time?

And some Q person just won a Republican primary. Burgers are embarrassing.