The US Supreme Court rules that if states subsidize private schools, they must also subsidize private religious schools. Lots of freaking out.

1  2020-07-01 by NumerousEvent

The case in question is Espinoza v. Montana. The quick summary is that the Montana created a tax subsidy for education scholarships. Montana also has a constitutional amendment that state funds can't go to religious institutions. Unsure of what to do, the Montana created a rule that religious schools couldn't receive these education scholarships. The Montana Supreme Court did away with the whole program. The Supreme Court, in a 5-4 decision, ruled that should have happened was they got rid of the rule, rather than the program*. Let's look at some hysterical headlines:

Anyway, this ruling seems fairly inconsequential, but people are really blowing up over it.


This is proof that you are unfamiliar with the facts of this case. States don’t provide private schooling. By definition, if the state provides it...

I want to see this line of logic used by radical inc£ls to nationalize only fans accounts.

Feel like the anti-religion seethe is pointless, in large swaths of the US religious schools (mostly Catholic) are a majority of the private schools. They still teach the religion but people from all religious backgrounds send their kids.

The outwardly secular private schools are either hyper elite “Day Schools” or weird ass Elementary/Middle schools that look like they are a front for MKULTRA shit and a month away from being shut down for fraud.

Maybe it’s different out West, just seems like this was a predictable problem they would encounter.

It's actually a good ruling, if the state is going to give monies to one form of private school it should be equal.

Religion nuts are going to hate this eventually because just means their private schools that totally aren't "religious" (but totally are) aren't going to get any monies because states and localities are going to take their ball and just fund public schools. A huge fucking own goal on the religious rights part.

Yeah I really don't understand the any seethe about the ruling. They gave out money and discriminated against schools with religious elements.

I think it happened like this:

  1. State gives out money, discriminates against religious schools
  2. State Supreme Court says, "We did discriminate against schools, and we can't give them money, so we are shutting down the program."
  3. US Supreme Court says, "Hold on - either the legislature can shut down the program, or the court can strike the rule about where it goes."

The user I linked gave what I thought was a good analogy. If a town had a public pool but didn't allow blacks in, and then after a lawsuit the courts decided to order the pool closed, people would say there was fuckery going around.

Edit: Forgot to add. The seething is coming from people who think everything was fair after step 2 above. The user who made the pool analogy angered them.

The State Supreme Court put a hold due to how the State Constitution was written regarding separation. Most states get around this by specific grant writing instead of general use.

So Montana was dumb.

They tried to thread a needle that wasn't going to get threaded. I doubt most other Supreme Courts would've ruled that differently tbph

This is how things should be.

I was vehemently anti-religion as a teenager and through college.

Spending too much time on Reddit since then has made me appreciate religion again, since redditors seethe so much about it, and I hate redditors more than anything.

I concur. Knowing Reddit is comprised mostly of the younger demographic makes me really sad for the future. This coming from someone in their early 30's ... so not too far off demographic wise. Herd mentality at it's finest.

Yeah but redditors come from the bottom 10% of that demo so it's fine

One doesn't need religion to give them morality. But it sure doesn't hurt.

Eh... I've met plenty of shitty religious people who use their piety as a shield. Think Helen Lovejoy from the Simpsons. The kind of people to tip their waitress with a fake $100 bill with a message from Jesus inside.



One thing they have in common with woketards is that they're more interested in virtue signaling than conversion.

Woketardism is like a religion except there's no heaven and only hell. Cancelation is the hell of woketardism.

It's definitely a religion, it even has it's own jargon and rituals. It's crazy because some of the most woke 20 somethings I know were devout Christian teenagers.

Yes that's a good point...

I feel like evangelical Christianity is especially prone to this. Because of the conceit that you can do anything and always be forgiven at any time, it invites itself to abuse. I grew up in an evangelical society and I've very well heard it myself, someone doing it proposing something awful, gets called in it for religious reasons, and then they're like nuh uh if you get saved none of that matters, so I'm just gonna murder this guy and then get saved. The whole concept of evangelical salvation is that it's supposed to bring about some magnificent transformation that changes you as a person at that your become suddenly moral, but too often it clearly doesn't, and people don't want to be unkind and push back on this is something because that person is officially saved after all. And, as I said above, just actively giving yourself permission to sin all you want without care because God forgives everything after all.

You see this contradiction in evangelical churches too. People just get saved when their young because that's what you're supposed to do. They take you to Bible camps where they scare you with stories of burning in hell unto your crying up a storm, then you rush over to the pastor and would do anything to prevent that from happening. So he says a few words in prayer and you follow along rote, and then he's like whelp congrats your saved. And your just like wtf I don't feel any different, but you walk back over to your groups or parents and say your totally saved now and they're all like fuck yeah that's amazing, they're so happy for you.

But afterwards of course you do all the same shit, your not actually a different person besides a night of ptsd maybe. Then frequently they drop out of religion and decide they l hadn't "really" gotten saved, then maybe they get back into a new church that's trendier and go through the whole process again, wow this pastor really is different I'm "really" saved this time, and they get baptised again "for real" or whatever. Some people seem to do this over and over again. Any new growing evangelical church will have a lot of the baptisms that are some old fuck declaring they're now getting baptised "for real this time". It's just a cycle.

Really disenchants me towards the whole idea of evangelical salvation in the first place. Imo religion should be just ritual, you're born in it, you go every holy day and do whatever rituals your religion does, the priest reads some words about how to live a good life or whatever, and that's that. This entire element in evangelical Christianity of seeking transformative salvation and constantly having to question the authenticity of that salvation and examine your inner mind, it just creates a toxic foundation. No wonder the south is so nutso.

I really guilty that in Latin America we're spreading this garbage and making annoying protestant Latinos who are constantly trying to save you and force social conservatism in you in place of good old Catholics who do mass and then just mind their business.

If you're interested in this, there's a podcast that I listen to by a guy from the old Christian band Sherwood. He's doing his PhD thesis on the anxiety and PTSD that the concept of hell can cause. It's pretty fascinating how much parents in the 80s - 2000s fucked up their kids by scaring them with hell.


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Hey fuck you I wanted to tell him to eat my ass

Maybe because when we grew up we noticed same parallels of religious dogma is in ideological dogma.

I always assumed the world would be better off without religion, but then once religion was more or less gone people have replaced it with other ideological nonsense and scientific dogmatism.

Like yeah, Mormonism makes no fucking sense and the whole belief system is r_tarded, but neither does believing that tra_nies actually matter in the grand scheme of things or that climate change is going to destroy the planet. Given the choice I would take 2 hot wives in Utah and a 10% tithe if the rest of the shit would go away.

Omg we're soul mates!

The modern far left isn't as anti religious as it traditionally has been from my experience. Because new atheism just happened, a lot of us were part of it, a lot of it was cringe, and we could very well see for ourselves how atrocious a community of atheists could be. Also the later division of new atheists into the far right and the left, you suddenly see oh wait atheist right winger very sickly approaches Nazi.

So even when you see someone proposing tankie ideas is ironically fairly rare to see them promoting state atheism or Stalins approach to religion. It also conflicts with our desire to build coalitions with black protestants, Latino Catholics, and Muslims on the left for instance. Mostly we just desire that they keep sort of a separation between their religion and their politics, and not seek to impose socially conservative elements of their religion politically, and most are comfortable with that it seems. Especially among the young generation there seem to be a lot of pro-lgbt who at the same time remain religious protestants, catholics, Muslims, Hindus, etc..., and at that point we're basically cool. I'm not 100% sure how they square it theologically but it's a real phenomenon.

Like Ilhan Omar wears freaking hijab, but she's pro LGBT and has critiscized Palestine in LGBT issues before. That sort of seems to be the dividing line, you aren't going to get very far on the left if you don't support LGBT issues, if you're able to square those two I don't think people care a lot about your personal religion afterwards.

The white left is overwhelmingly secular, like we either come from families where religion didn't exist, or we come from a religiously conservative tradition we resent. But there have actually been conversions recently, like Dasha from Red Scare pod literally converted to Catholicism. Afaik she's taken no socially conservative positions, still talks about fucking guys constantly, and still makes typical irreverent jokes, so I don't know how she squares it. Now the Red Scare pod does have a lot of non woke takes to the point a lot of people don't consider it left (even though they're self professed socialists), but it hasn't become like tradcath social conservative land either.

I've even considered it, in some ways I admire a lot of the properties that religion brings to a society. I've even gone to churches. It just felt like acting though, I don't really believe, I just feel like it would be nice to. But you can't make yourself believe like that of course. It would also be nice to my parents, that's one of the things you don't consider when you become an edgy atheist teen.

Eventually your parents find out and spend the rest of their lives thinking their children are going to burn in hell and it kills them inside. So it would be nice to be a Christian just for my parents mental health. But I just can't. I wind up feeling like a giant flake, just trying not to offend people, nodding in approval respectfully when the make any claim about their religion and not voicing disagreement, I'm just like jeez that's nice I'm so happy for you that God's going to give your a planet when you die. Unfortunately for members of converting religions this seems like a teasing them, they either think you're a member of the religion and your telling grey lies to avoid awkwardness, or they know your not and your inability to disagree with then gets them overly worked up that they can convert you. Like it's never going to be enough that you respect them or whatever, they literally get worked up and worried about you because they don't want you to go to hell, and it's super awkward.

I once had a black Christian cab driver who I got into a discussion with this on and idk, I was like on a lot of Adderall or something so I let it slip that I was an atheist thinking it wouldn't be a big deal, and then we spent the rest of the trip with him almost panicked trying to proselytize to me asap, me not disagreeing with anything he said (bruh I heard all the arguments before) and being practically apologetic that I wasn't Christian, before I finally got out telling him a lie and pretending as if I'd totally look some of this stuff up, which of course I never did. Just made me feel like a shitty spineless person who only just doesn't want to disagree with people.

Which is ironic if you know me, I disagree with people all the time and harshly without a care in the world on most issues. It's pretty much just religion where I do this.



More tradcathcels

Catholic schools are really a special exception due to the Jesuit order which kinda maintains a core sfherrnce to dsnity within most catholic schools.

This is really about evangelical schools. And the human detritus they squeeze out.

weird ass Elementary/Middle schools that look like they are a front for MKULTRA shit and a month away from being shut down for fraud.

I swear when I was 14 I was pretty sure my little private highschool was a front for some money laundering or something. I had the same classes as the 14 freshman all together every period.

This one time I got sent to the principal for suggesting my friend was a stud and trying to embarrass him in-front of his crush in the middle of class. By the time I actually made my way into the dungeon I was bursting into tears in a room with just me and the principal because I was so humiliated while the principal was trying to figure out what the fuck was happening. The evidence I was to present to the principal was just a notebook with an arrow I'd drawn that said "You want this stud?" and it looked like I was implying the stud was myself and I still cringe almost 9 years later remembering myself stuttering along and unable to explain the scenario because of extreme stress. They just let me go because it was so humiliating.

Thank you for listening to my story.

Brutal, that was one of many events that resulted in you being here, I’m sure.

As for money laundering and such, I know there are some reports and a lot of talk about major fuckery with the new magnet/alternative schools in some states, I’m sure some enterprising minds pulled similar stunts in traditional private school format in the past.

Brutal, that was one of many events that resulted in you being here, I’m sure.

No doubt.

I don't support subsidies for private schools and think that the push last decade for vouchers was idiotic. And mostly driven by the tax dodging abilities it provided the elites who invested in the schemes.

But if private school subsidies are going to exist I think they should apply to religious schools, I see no reason to exclude them. I'm not sure I agree that the constitution requires them to be included, I think that's up to a states own opinion on secularism.

I don’t disagree. Funds given to private institutions should be a bigger point of contention than some separation of church and state argument in this instance I would think. I’m sure that would be a disappointing topic for me to read up on though.

I went to a Catholic school, 90% of the population were euphoric atheists and all the local Hindus and Chinese folx went there because public schools in the area sucked ass

They’re called atheist factories for a reason.

I bounced around a bit from public elementary, baptist middle and episcopal high

The Texas baptist school had us worshipping Bush and not reading Harry Potter

The episcopal school was pretty religious but in a very open tent kinda way. Basically if you had money they let you worship who ever

Aren't catholic schools in the USA compromised by a good amount of minorities? Or is that just a stereotype

Usually they are, yeah. Student body typically a mix of overachieving second gen immigrants, legacy families that are still in region, and scholarship diversity recruits.

You probably don't get bussy because you're the type of guy who fucking nails his dick to a board


  1. The US Supreme Court rules that if ... -,

  2. <em>Espinoza v. Montana</em> -,

  3. John Roberts Just Bulldozed the Wal... -,*

  4. /r/politics -,

  5. Also childfree people who claim the... -,

  6. John Roberts Did More Than Remove a... -,*

  7. The Distortion Surrounding Espinoza... -,

  8. /r/law -,

  9. this guy -,

  10. see page 21 of the ruling -,

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nooooo i thought the supreme court was on our side since last week 😭😭

John Roberts knew that by throwing the left a bone on abortion who could neuter any push for court packing and then just do whatever else he wanted. If he had knocked out Roe v Wade the pressure for court packing would be immense. Now it all evaporated.

It was kind of hilarious, he was in the minority in a similar ruling a few years earlier that dependended on Anthony Kennedy. Now all of the sudden he's like whelp you know stare decisis is a thing that suddenly matters. State decisis is basically just what justices say when they don't want to rock the boat.

It's literally been multiple times in history that the Supreme Court had a supposedly impenetrable conservative majority that was going to kill R v W and then suddenly some conservative justices decide, whelp, I'm not so much against it anymore, seems like a good idea. Literally I think a lot of the opposition is just performative, if Ginsburg dies I guess Kavanaugh is going to be the one to bite the bullet and like, nah this shit clearly says we need baby killin.

Roe vs Wade is terrible jurisprudence but the Supremes don't like minority babies so here we are.

I think they're is something constitutionally creepy about forcing a woman to give birth, there are due process and privacy issues. But literally every court that's ever ruled in the subject has used entirely different reasoning. Actually the original decision did not even have an actual majority I think despite being 7-2, there were several different factions that came to the same conclusion using different reasoning. Like maybe that's great, wow there are all these different routes the constitution can give you to protect abortion. But also it rings of some sort of white elephant decision that people can't touch, they just pull whatever they need to out of their ass to let it fly.

The constitution is a "living document" in a literal descriptive sense simply because of the inevitable effect of political conditions and tradition in its interpretation. Interpretations that are politically untenable will inevitably be abandoned as justices seek to shore up their position and legitimacy, or get replaced. While interpretations not really justified by the text, but politically critical, will tend to protected anyway for the same reasons. The Supreme Court has political capital itself and it knows it, it cannot do all things, if it makes too many demands it will lose its legitimacy. So the judges tend to nature whatever reasonable sounding arguments they need to make to reach necessary conclusions, once you've done that bam, it's stare decisis, it's the real deal.

"Living document" at an active interpretative doctrine I don't feel should exist, like your being overly permissive there and people are going to call you on your bs. Do your work, figure out how the text means what it has to mean.

don't like minority babies so here we are.

Yeah you oppose abortion because of your deep and abiding love of minority children, thanks. If my mom had aborted me I wouldn't give a shit, none of my business.

Yeah you oppose abortion because of your deep and abiding love of minority children, thanks. If my mom had aborted me I wouldn't give a shit, none of my business.

True, but the same thing could be said of a baby. People frown upon killing babies.

Start with two reasonable statements:

A fertilized egg is not a human life.

Killing a child that could survive outside the womb w/o life support is murder.

Then start inching them toward one another. Good luck finding a middle ground most people can agree on. This issue will never be solved.


I don't oppose abortion. I want more abortion.

It being based on the 1st amendment was dumb. It was more or a 9th amendment thing

It should be a 10th amendment thing. The decision should be reserved to the states.


Lmao ur mad

Good morning I hate Americans


You have to be a special type of inept retard to argue about the law on Reddit. No lawyer worth a shit could possibly have pizza-tier time to waste on these screeds. When you're working 50 billable hours each week, there's no downtime to screech on this godforsaken site.

Low T Greg on Twitter confirmed to me that if you're an "attorney" who does this wall of text shit all day every day you suck. And if you argue about the law without any experience in it you're worth less than dogshit smeared on the sidewalk.

If we had just passed the Blaine Amendment then this wouldn't be an issue now. But the goddamn hyphenated-Americans had to ruin everything.

Papists are heretics to the true Orthodox Sister Churches of Equals and shall be met as such

We never should've allowed in the Irish apes

I'm a Hiberian and fully have taken the greenpill

Ugh, you keep missing the point by miles and miles. A) nobody was discriminated against, B) the state can not discriminate, and the no-aid clause was never discriminatory to begin with.

I have a feeling this guy wouldn't hold the "state can not discriminate" in regards to other matters.

It’s only valid if bae RBG says so

"lmao all those people in draumphgs personality cult are so stupid"

Gates open for Shira law. Inshallah.

Is the US Allah's punishment for the sins of the rest of the world? How can a nation be this retarded?


The Supreme Court may have been the last Radical Centrist institution now.

Wait, shit, we have to give those guys money? Shut it down. Shut it all down.

Yeah, nah, that's textbook discrimination. It makes redditors seethe but religion is a protected class. Like the analogy OP linked to, you can't just say "pool's closed" specifically because black people start turning up. Doesn't matter what any local law says when it directly violates the US constitution. How do I understand that as a bong but redditors don't? Shall not be infringed am I right burger bois?

I don't like smug-posting reddit npcs at the best of times but jesus christ they just cannot understand the rule of law. They act like fucking sociopaths whenever the law protects someone other than themselves -- which in itself tends to justify why that inalienable protection is necessary. Their idea of justice is whether or not they personally benefit from a law.

In short, we need to resurrect zombie Scalia so he can own the reddit neolibs with facts, logic, and undead textualism. Then he'll eat them.

Don't subsidize private schools.

Idk makes sense to me. Isn't it discrimination to exclude an institution on religious grounds? The Americans probably have some dumb amendment about that

How hard is it for these cucks to understand the 14th amendment

They had already ruled that it is impossible to have standing to sue for violation of the 1st Amendment when a religious institution is given a tax break because you can only have standing against an expenditure and a tax cut is not an expenditure. So they could already take them to no taxes, now they can push directly into profittown.