Accusations of racism, an open letter and threats of legal action within... the Democratic Party's youth wing?

1  2020-07-01 by tejanx


Any teenager that joins an ideological group is a big time loser

There are literally no exceptions to this rule.

I would disagree, if and only if that idology is working in lead mines, textile mills and factories. The youth should play a major role in these types of operations IMHO

Fucking based ngl


The Black board member, Matthew Nowling, who had been the group’s communications director, will serve as interim president until a new election is held.

So he accused the wh*te president of racism, and now he's president? Holy fucking based. What a 🤴🏿. This kid might be my new idol.

Every black person should use this tactic everywhere. Just say, "That wh*te w*man is racist", and BAM! You get her job. We'd be running the country by the end of the week.

i'd do a write-up but i can't be assed so enjoy the twitter link

also all political drama is inherently cope so no srsposting pls

Several members and leaders said the town hall meeting arranged after Mr. Nowling’s resignation, far from soothing tensions, had underscored some of the very problems Mr. Nowling, Ms. Kelly and others described: The call was held using software that charged at least some participants a fee per minute.

Chloe Mieras, the membership director of the College Democrats of Ohio, said that it took her five or six tries to join because the system kept rejecting the code she had been given, and that she was charged a base fee for every attempted call in addition to the per-minute charge once she finally connected.

Is she complaining about having to use minutes to connect to a call?

I'd say in situations like this, the system is working as it should

And what's Spicer going to say, "Oh yeah, it's all legit!" First of all, he's not even one of the 10, and you can tell Trump wouldn't let him in on it. And second of all, if he did say that, it would just make tons of people bombard him with more questions about it, which he really knows nothing about. This is top level Military Intel at the highest level of Classified Clearance.


  1. Accusations of racism, an open lett... -,

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It’s not racism it’s just a critique of character based on ethnicity you crypto-fash chuds

The countries party of old moderates are racist assholes to young people? Wow what a shock!