CHAZoids still think they can make demands. Farm BTFO

1  2020-07-01 by Lysis10


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Such a shame. They were on their way to producing 50 calories worth of food in a few months.

Would've been 50 trillion calories if it weren't for the fucking kulaks!


Can you repeat that last part?

Lol the garden wasn't even there long enough to kill the grass.

Iā€™m not so sure about that, if the yellow patches were where the lawn was it depends on how wet it was underneath.

Doubt the roots even got through the layer of cardboard they laid down for some stupid reason lmao

Also: Watch CHAZoids get y'all'd and watch one of their "leaders" in cope mode.

Wonder what the people who lived there have to say about it now that the gun LARPers are gone and the warlord went back into hiding.

Iā€™m sure they will continue to give commendations of the socialist state to be.

Was there any verified info on Raz being an armed warlord? All I've found so far is hearsay. ._.

It has been verified that he was an armed and SKILLED warrior....who fought his way into our minds and conquered our hearts ā¤ļøšŸ’œ šŸ’™šŸ’ššŸ’™

Ehhh, he strong armed a dude early on who just appeared to be putting up shitty graffiti. Other than that I didn't really see much that was verifiable but rightoid pundits (full disclosure I lean right which is how I see all this shit) latched onto the Raz incident very early as a "see libtards we told you" because CHOP hadn't quite gone full retard yet. For reference this was around the same time Durken was on some leftoid show saying "it may be a summer of love" lol, and leftoids were still saying "it's so peaceful without the police around". Basically conservative pundits were salivating for any negative news early on and Raz was really it so the meme was born and since they actually turned out to be right in the long run about how dumb and dangerous the whole thing was the meme survived. It probably didn't help that leftoids thinking a failed rapper with an IQ that's easily one standard deviation below the mean would make for better law enforcement than the actual cops is pretty hilarious. That's my perception on how the Raz meme came about but I could have missed something. TLDR words words words

Good words words words, ty c:

It looks like a pile of random shit lol. No way I would know this was or is a garden without the tittle.

If you find yourself comparing politics to sex you should neck yourself, because you're clearly doing both wrong.


  1. CHAZoids still think they can make ... -,

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