Mount Rushmore is next on the list, some people don't seem to like that...

1  2020-07-02 by TheColdTurtle


They really want a civil war don't they?

No, they actually think erasing history is a good thing.

People love to, rightfully, point out how the south lost the war but never bring up the fact that the natives also got dunked on. Suspect.

If anyone deserves reparations it's the firewater drinkers.

It’s because the south started a war based on the oppression and enslavement of an entire race. They were rightfully dunked on.

Meanwhile the natives got genocided just because some Europeans wanted some more land.

Nah son, Abraham Lincoln didn’t care about freeing slaves, he couldn’t let the section of the country (the south) that fed the rest of the country keep using free labor to grow unchecked. The south was on its way to being its own country. LMAO.

Abraham Lincoln didn’t care about freeing slaves, he couldn’t let the section of the country (the south) that fed the rest of the country keep using free labor to grow unchecked

Tell me what part of my comment contradicted that? I know not everyone in the north was an abolitionist, that doesn’t change what I said at all. Nice try though, kid.

John brown started the war of northern aggression Yankee

Did I say fort Sumter ?????????? I said John brown. Go back to elementary school and improve your reading comprehension r-slur

Go back to school and find out how the states that illegally seceded from the country, shot first against the opposition, and fought to keep slavery were definitely the aggressive ones.

IDK man bleeding Kansas and Harper's ferry happened chronological before Dixieland fought back.

Idk man neither of those occurrences included the confederate states or the US military so it seems entirely irrelevant to the discussion 🤔

Also, in both of those instances, the freeing of slaves was the primary motive. Seems like a just cause to me.

lmao imagine thinking the south started the war simply because of slavery you retard

Imagine thinking the south didn’t start the war 😂

shut up yankee

“Hur dur I have no argument so I must resort to ineffective name calling”

That’s what you sound like rn

your cat is ugly as fuck

Lol I don’t have a cat you dumb weirdo. Stop trying to run away from the actual subject you crybaby

  1. it is beneficial for the economy because it increases tourism and if I understand - is a major tourist attraction
  2. Well Martin Luther King beat his wife, so I don't see why it matters if 2 of the US presidents were slaveholders nor if the sculptor had strong ties with KKK.
  3. All land as far as I am concerned was owned by Natives originally, so lets not talk about how this is so controversial when Natives have been fucked over constantly and never having their voices heard
  4. ... I'm too busy to think of more low-effort responses because I am jerking off

Reparations for the scalps when? Also don't give Mount Rushmore, if it's a sacred mountain or something they will build a casino on it.

he almost sounds coherent




  1. Mount Rushmore is next on the list,... -,

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ah fuck I should've visited when I had the chance.

just try it libtards

Sis We’ll replace it with Beyoncé, Noname, Angela Davis, and a black trans girl💅🏿💅🏿💅🏻

What actually grinds my gears is how white liberals characterize native Americans as some monolithic, Earth worshiping hunter gatherer children who got wronged by the white man's dirty tricks.

Native Americans got hit with 3000 years of epidemics from Europe at once in the 1500 and 1600s. It completely wiped out the population and took most of their stability and economic structures down with it. We didn't even understand basic microbiology, let alone epidemiology at the time.

Land that tribes "claimed" was often completely deserted. As it had been depopulated decades or centuries before. Not too mention the near constant endemic warfare between tribes already compounding the problem.

I don't think the US government handled the situation well, and it committed many atrocities (wounded knee) and diplomatic fuck yous (Laramie treaty), but the Lakota were not saints either. They took the black hills by force from other tribes. They also routinely attacked settlers on the Oregon trail.

They simply could not enforce the claims they made. It sucks but that is nation/empire building 101, especially in the late 1800s when territorial acquisition was at a fever pitch over the entire world.

Practically every single colonial power did shit that was wayyyyyyy fucking worse than how the US handled it. To compare it to the East Indian Company, European colonies in Africa, Russian expansioism, Japanese expansionism, or Ottoman's putting down rebellions is absurd.

Why can't we talk about this shit not only realistically, but also in context to the world at the time?

Sir this is a methadone clinic

Its easier to just say 'racist' and get woke points.

A lot of it stems from white guilt and the famous white man's burden. They think of natives as noble savages that were corrupted by the big bad Europeans. Little do they know of how bloodthirsty and warmongering many tribes were and how they treated their captured victims. Shit was downright brutal from burning entire villages with people still in them, scalping heads, mass rapes of women, butchering babies, decapitation and dismemberments, cannibalism etc.. If only these guilt tripping idiots had read the shit some of these tribes did like the Comanche or the Apache they'd be dumbfounded.

Nice pick with those tribes, also Sioux and Iroquois. When the settlers asked the natives their name they said We are the people. Ok, who are they? They are the enemy. Iroquois, Comanche, Sioux, and Apache all mean enemy in other tribes language. That is why the Sioux try so hard to be called Lakota, the word for friend.

They also routinely attacked settlers on the Oregon trail.

Feel like that doesn't really count against them tbh, if China just started settling the less populated parts of England like Northumbria I think they'd also get attacked. Regardless, who gives a shit, this is a protest about transforming America from an English-speaking latin American country to a European one, i.e. a country that doesn't have tanks and semi-automatic weapons in the hands of local cops that act as occupying paramilitaries.

How both the UK and the US managed to take their respective protests and transform them within weeks into a statue-based culture war is beyond me; the Anglo r@ce has once again shown itself to be incapable of doing anything productive or interesting.

Difference is the UK has the force to prevent China from building settlements in Northumbria.


It's that episode of It's Always Sunny where Mac and Charlie physically cannot take emotion out of an argument and, in fact, want to scream and yell at and insult whoever they're arguing with. That's how these people are. There is no arguing with them.

We really need people to start a petition for some Troid to be sculpted on there.

Imagine the seethe and drama we'd get through that.

Make it a White supremacist trans woman for even more seethe, also candace Owens or something

Blaire White + Candace Owens + Nikki Haley + Abigail Shapiro

I can already smell the seething!

Abi's nose and breasts will be a challenge however, they might have to mount a supporting structure underneath.

This would anger the MDEs too but the neocons will be extra hard

Abby would be a compromise for the MDEtards

Seconded for Abi

Oooooh, this is so sweet

Your newspaper is named after a man who held slaves, shipped 90,000 human beings to the States

The land on which your office sits was inhabited by indigenous people

Your newspaper aided Stalin in murdering millions of Jewish people and Ukranians

Live by the woke, die by the woke!

It's named after the city of York not the house.

Damn imagine if they actually destroy mount rushmore

I feel like we've been here before. Weren't Ghazi salivating at thought of knocking it down a few years ago?

What the actual fuck are the NYT doing in currentyear?

Getting clicks

Their subscriber count is 📉 so they gotta start publishing this trash to make up for it

how are you supposed to cancel a mountain

Why is twatter showing me this lmao

Mommy president

Corn pop 👏


Why is the slippery slope always true?

I am starting to think this is all a ploy so we can no longer criticize Muslims for blowing up pagan statues and ancient ruins.