Twillight fan, with 900K Youtube followers, tweets a simple truth. Don't flex about your superior pandemic control and shame our failing nation, because it's punching down, and extremely problematic sweaty. War On Terror comes up too.

1  2020-07-02 by SandorClegane_AMA


You being condescending on twitter isn’t going to make anyone see the error of their ways.

Isn't that, like, a blue checkmark's whole career?

She gives me a "sucked off 25 guys at a party in high school " vibe.

She made a doc about her own yeah probably.

What the fuck really?

Yeah, it was thesis or some shit like that. She's used to pretty proud if it from what i remember, bitch is cray cray.

Many such cases 😬

infection and mortality rates are horrifying

is that true? is the mortality rate actually that bad?

It's insanely high. On the plus side, deaths from heart attacks and other illnesses have dropped to near zero! It's cause for celebration, honestly. Once we beat out COVID humanity might just be immortal.

Yeah it's high, but it's better than most of the big euro counties. Out of 100K people the US has 39 deaths, France has 44, Italy has 57, and the UK has 66. Also our case mortality rate is low compared to the major European countries.

Do these blue checks not know how to google things

No they just listen to what Twitter tells them.

This is unironically true. We live in a world of gossipers and clickbait headline only readers who are trying to change the world they have no clue about. It's literally the same people who in a conversation say ' well I heard that.." and when asked where they heard it from can only name an unreliable source like their friend. The media and political figures are well aware of it and play up to it .


100k is an insanely high number of miles to run. It's not that much in terms of people dying. Three times that many are born each day.

Better than most of the important parts of Europe. Our case fatality rate is lower than most of Europe too, which means that more people who get it survive, but a higher percent of the population get it.

Not but, because*


Just remind Euros that almost all the countries in Europe that anyone cares about have a higher case mortality rate than the US. The UK, Spain, France, and Italy all have case fatality rates more than 5% higher than the US. The only significant European country with a lower case fatality rate is Germany.

So it is likely just another episode of self-flagellating Americans jerking with smug Euro to dunk on the U.S. while not knowing better?

And what happened in UK with its number?

The UK has a shitty healthcare system.

40k dead while most of Europe hovers around 30K but that has more to do with Borris wanting to wipe out the weak. UK has the same hospital beds per person as America.

Not sure about respirators

It's because we have the world's best hospitals and physicians and the world's dumbest morons who refuse to wear a mask in public.

Oh yeah I agree. It's a great point to bring up when the lefties try to act like Europe has better healthcare results than the US.

Also, I'm curious what percentage of the anti-maskers will actually die from Corona. A lot of them are rural boomers I imagine, so they may not have as much exposure. Many ruralish states, like WV, have barely been touched by it.



Look at this guy, being all nationalistic.

Globalists won. Trump is one of us, is changing nothing. Deal with it.

I'm not nationalistic. I just think Euros smell bad.

... as if you've ever had a passport.

I had to get one to go to Canada.

go to Canada

literally why


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The Canada side of Ni*gara Falls is much nicer.

Bro don't take that bullying from a bot. You should message the moderators of this subreddit and tell them how you feel about it.

That sounds like way too much effort.


Just wait till all your hospitals are full, I hope your retarded politicians get their shit together well before that.

I wouldn't bet on it though.

Meh cases are slowing down in the real worry spots. I'm not all that concerned about our case mortality rate increasing.



i love lindsay ellis unironically tbh she makes videos incredibly good for dramacoin, see her 7 part series on sexuality in the transformers series

No thanks, that sounds like it requires a subhuman level of autism.

welcome to my mind....

same to the “we deserve this” crowd. no “we” don’t. That’s neither how systems nor accountability works. wtf is wrong with you? Does believing our suffering is deserved make you feel like you have some control over the situation?

And with that breadtuber Lindsay Ellis explained why white guilt is rètärded.

But she's also wrong we as a nation totally deserve this, and not for "imperialism" or "terror" but because we as a whole are fucking stupid.

The joke is that this November your vote counts exactly as much as a senile retiree whose political sources are nestled between a thread of gay furry porn and a thread of kids wearing swimsuits.


  1. Twillight fan, with 900K Youtube fo... -,

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Brand guru and thought leader

from what i know of her she ironyposts as much as a drama poster

I gotta remember that for the next time I have to explain what I'm doing with my life.

She unironically made a video about the sexuality of Transformers so her opinion doesn’t matter

its a multi part series ackshually

Remember when she got arrested for drunk driving

Public intoxication not dui

Damn I could of swore she had a police chase video

if europoors could read statistics burgers wouldn't be their corporate overlords

The United States has single-handedly damaged about half the world in the past century. All of this is pretty much payback for the generational

Lol. Cry more you little bitch.

What level of white guilt do I have to be on to feel responsible for the actions of a politician I didn’t vote for and don’t support?

It's a miracle. Nostalgia Chick laid off the sauce long enough to make a good twitter post.

Now if only she can make a good youtube video.