Detroit residents opposed to the planting of trees in their community, you'll never guess why!

1  2020-07-02 by ReddneckwithaD


TLDR: Raking leaves "aint their job"

Here is the corresponding Reddit thread (old drama, i know, but the cancer that is Pocket only recommended me the article today) The highlight is r*dditors acting like urban-americans cant be trusted to clean up after trees, and therefore shouldnt have to have trees in their community

Urban hellscapes are my favourite way of fighting the racism, what about yall? :))

I mean the biggest reason they were against it is that the reporter was the first person to ask them about it lol.

If rightoids weren't so racist I feel like most blacks would vote (R) because they really do have a deep-seated distrust of government.

Yeah if they could get over the whole they're the biggest reason blacks don't trust government issue they'd get at least 15% of the black vote.


If they were more like the Democratic leadership of Detroit, then they’d earn the black vote.

I mean the Dems do in fact get the black vote from Detroit so yeah if they acted like the dems across the board they probably would.

The ultimate catch-22

They’d have the Hispanic vote locked down too, since Hispanics align with rightoids on religion, abortion, gay rights, etc.

But since Rs are adamantly anti-immigration their only choice is to vote Democrat.

They also like committing crimes though.

They also like aborting fetuses, which honestly should be supported by rightoids but isn’t bc jesus

How are these type of articles so common now

We use Firefox at work, and this is tame as fuck compared to some of the other drivel it pushes in the "Pocket" listing. A reparations article a day keeps the bad hwyte men away

My god I just checked your post history. There is no shaming you. This is literally your life. Just imagine how much you could accomplish if you weren’t addicted to Reddit. You’re making a difference, though!


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Mayos for tree🌲 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

Hey Tyrone, I know your street is filled with potholes so big you can't drive a car down it and that 2/3 of the houses surrounding you are dilapidated, but instead of trying to fix those issues, here is some shrubbery for your tree lawn

Detroit gonna detroit.