Orlando cancels its annual July 4th fireworks show at a large downtown park, and a BLM protest will take place instead. Commenters battle over whether there is a Coronavirus risk, or if it will be worth it for police reform. One courageous big black cock connoisseur questions their reasoning.

1  2020-07-02 by mugiamagi


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How fucking hard is it to say, "Yes, this will probably spread COVID-19, but protesting against police brutality is more important"? Because that's all they need to do.

But no. They've somehow locked themselves into this insane narrative where a crowd of tens of thousands of people just doesn't spread the virus, because... the coronavirus supports mainstream Dem*cratic P*rty positions?

The whole thing is ridiculous, and I understand Uncle Ted better every day.

It seems like it should be real easy for one of the two parties to actually be the reasonable one right? Like, legit why can't one of the parties say "hey we're gonna act like reasonable adults and think critically about things" instead it's just a bunch of fucking horseshoe dumbfucks all the time.

A protest is equally likely to spread the rona as an outdoor fireworks show. Just admit it, fuck. Florida deserves all the bad things that happen to it.

Because it's a contest, and being reasonable would require giving points to the other team every now and then.

This is why commies end up defending China/Venezuela/URSS, and why rightoids don't like to acknowledge that Donald Trump is retarded, because looking at an issue objectively runs the risk of agreeing with the other side.

I'm a rightoïd and I absolutely believe daddy is retarded. That's why I voted for him.

If you were unwilling to vote for a ret*rd you wouldn't be able to vote.


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Seems like someone wants to tell us that orag man bad

Hey some of us voted for him cause of the extra chromosome. If people called Romney racist and sexist may as well stop giving a dam what they say and release the ora@@e

Florida deserves all the bad things that happen to it.

It's true we do!

It's because normies truly are incapable of critical thought. We need an autistic philosopher king like Saul Kripke in charge.


because deep down , they know its not

deep down covid has killed more americans then police brutality will for the next 1000 years.

because deep down, they know they are full of shit

At today’s rate, it would take 130 years. Following a predictable decline in crime and police shootings, I could definitely see a case for 1000, though.

You want to know the sad thing?

Every time a Black person who caught this in a protest (or their elderly relative) says, "I can't breathe", and dies choking from Covid, it's like all the people who encouraged them into these actions were themselves kneeling on that person's neck

So I completely understand why all the ones who are encouraging these protests, are insisting that it doesn't cause any additional cases

Because the alternative, even if it is far more likely, is that they sent many thousands of additional Black people (and others) to an unnecessary and painful death, simply in order to gain political points

Strong increase in black and white thinking over the past decade or two, if a side is good they must be purely good and can't do wrong.

Coronavirus is racist and it hates m*yos

It’s probably because they don’t want to be seen as hypocrites for constantly mocking the reopen protests, then turning around and saying that they shouldn’t have protested but we can.

How fucking hard is it to say, “Yes, this will probably spread COVID-19, but protesting against police brutality is more important”? Because that’s all they need to do.

Because that’s not true.

But no. They’ve somehow locked themselves into this insane narrative where a crowd of tens of thousands of people just doesn’t spread the virus, because... the coronavirus supports mainstream Demcratic Prty positions?

Sometimes you are just on the right side of history

If makes make us immune to the virus why even have a lockdown?

Because we needed to raise awareness first

You're right.


If you'll look above us class, you will see a perfectly concise summary of the twittercels arguments.

Yeah the "its more important" thing doesnt work because protesting during a pandemic isnt more important than vulnerable family members. The protestors are just awful people at this point

It’s not about importance. The virus just doesn’t spread when you protest against racism

Damn, good point

I've missed seeing your posts as of late, sorry they can't appreciate your quality content

he's good at weeding out the mdfugees in a given thread.


How fucking hard is it to say, "Yes, this will probably spread COVID-19, but protesting against police brutality is more important"? Because that's all they need to do.

I mean, they obviously can’t do this because they already pushed all of their chips onto the “Getting Covid19 is the worst thing in the world with no exceptions” square to pwn the righties

I don't understand why Americans are addicted to politicizing every single facet of existence, you don't even have any real sides to pick anymore.

Your turn to prove your stance pumpkin ;)

Holy fuck this sentence made me seethe

pumpkin is so much better than sweetie damn

It really is

Once pumpkin has run its course we move on to cupcake


Oh but we will pumpkin. 💅💅💅

What would be the sweaty version of it?


Pumkin? The key to the "sweaty" version is not knowing how to spell words and just trying to sound it out, so they might miss the semi-silent second "p"? I'm not sure.


This is what i was gonna say but maybe punnkin







It’s top tier reddit commenting whenever people talk about “defending their theories” or “proving your stance” or whatever the fuck. It’s the worst kind of autism and it just makes me so mad. Adding pumpkin to the end is genius because I would literally be raging uncontrollably if someone said this to me. Great comment if the goal is to reduce someone to shambles, it would work on me tbh

calm down pumpkin

Sweetie, hunny, and now pumpkin. My drama levels are soon to be off the charts.

New snappy quote?

Nationwide (and even international) data has suggested that protests haven’t caused spikes in covid cases

Turns out one of the pieces of data backing this blatantly false narrative is from whatcom county, washington. Never heard of it? Yeah, because 200k people live there, no major cities, 95 people per square mile. One of the health officials went on NPR to brag about how their 10 person BLM rally wasn't linked to any cases of the virus being spread.

Meanwhile in LA county where 10 million people live the health officials just straight up admit, yeah our 2k new cases per day is definitely from the protests.

Unironically has me seething.

They are saying the opposite though. LA Health officials literally said it's "highly unlikely the surge is connected to recent protests".

that's what he said

Lmao data can't show if event X has caused viral infections in the overall population, reality has too much noise in between. Regressions aren't science, I myself haven't studied biology since middle school and could draw a model to convince people playing basketball reduces the amount of cases.

I agree. The anti-lockdown protesters were insane and utterly irresponsible

Both are irresponsible. good bait tho

Except there’s no evidence that the Floyd protests caused infections

Hundreds of people, close together, shouting. Can’t be in a room with more than 10 people, but that’s fine.

Nah it’s bullshit.

Sorry but the science has spoken

Sorry dude youre correct. The virus has decided to spare protestors because of their superior morals.

No it hasn’t. Considering weeks ago before the MSM jumped on the narrative hospitals WERE reporting young covid positive patients had often gone to protests, a revision of a press release doesn’t count as science.

Do you understand science? Probably not.

Do you understand science? Probably not.

You sound like a srdine

Count my posts there autist.

That makes it worse

The fact I don’t post there? Plz activate brain.

The fact I don’t post there?


Plz activate brain.

No u

He's a fugee.

Yes, the anti-lockdown protests were a problem. The BLM protests are not.

Golly, I spent a second going through your profile, and you... really have got me confused, which I haven't been by a user for a while. If you're mostly trolling people in your various subs, let me just commend you, because you're doing a damn good job.

The one paper everyone cites wasn't peer-reviewed. Said paper even explains the seeming contradiction. Interesting case study either way.

BLM protestors skewed younger, younger people were more likely to be asymptomatic. Secondly; neighborhoods with protests effectively shut down whole cities(or sections of), forcing people to stay home.

It was dumb luck. Protests did lead to increased infections, but the protests were big enough that more people stayed home than normal. Which lowered infections for the whole city/area.

Not no symptoms, no cases

Asymptomatic people typically aren't tested.

Still, massive protests against racism and no cases? Seems like Covid-19 has had enough too

2020 lefties are basically post-troll. Keep doing what you're doing, man.

LMAO I thought you were just shit posting but your serious aren't you?

I’ve been here over six years arguing exactly the same.

Why didn’t we listen?!

Why are people downvoting u Forbes literally told me that ur right

Too many city slickers that don't know how to handle cows around.

Fugees must cease downvoting this lolcow immediately!

Also, yes. Floyd protests were righteous and therefore granted a +100 protection against infections. Meanwhile, the anti-lockdown protests were heinous crimes against humanity and did not provide any bonus. If anything, the anti-lockdowners experience increased debuffs on the regular. Why? Because they are wrong, chud.

Recall isn't a cow. Im sure he is enjoying every downvote from seething refugees

Oh damn I already forgot about that dude.

I'm gonna do the opposite side of radical centrism.

An outdoor fireworks show and an outdoor protest are gonna contribute a minuscule amount to covid numbers.

That shit has such a difficult time spreading outdoors. Whats likely actually causing the spikes are feygg0ts crammed inside without masks.

that's still a very radically centrist take tho

try as you might you cannot escape the gravitational pull of the center

6 dimensional horseshoe

At that point it's a tentacle monster.


That shit has such a difficult time spreading outdoors

Excuse me, this has the sound of an informed take. We don't welcome your kind around here

Fuck off loser. SRDine tier comment.

Wearing masks outside apparently does nothing. Unless you're sitting/stand next to people for hours breathing on your face. There's research showing COVID doesn't transfer well in well-ventilated areas.

But I still enjoy all the people who are saying "BLM protestors wear masks so they are safe" like idiots.

There's almost no reason to wear a mask outside, but good reasons to wear them in confined publice spaces like public transit.

If that's the case how does that explain every smug self fellatiating leftie who claims that anti lockdown protestors are killing grandma but BLM protestors are bringing divine judgement from the heavens onto uncooked bacon?

Can't have it both ways.

Can't have it both ways.

The fuck not?

There's almost no reason to wear a mask outside,

It's to hide your face when you go around burning shit.

Enjoy the party bra

The radical centrist position would be to shoot the fireworks at the protesters.

No, that's lolbertarians.


Being outside for correct reasons confers viral immunity - the science has been clear on this.

I couldn't say it better

I don't understand how now masks are the defacto vaccines for the virus now. What happened to social distancing? what happened to washing hands? what happened to not touching random shit? What happened to "never touch your mask or face!!!"? what happened to the sanitizer frenzy?

OMG They are wearing masks duhh!!! fucking shoot me already jesus this sites starting to trigger me more than ever

The "I fucking love science" crowd doesn't care about science, they now co-opted Biological Racism, Astrology, Witchcraft, and more New Age bullshit, believing that the COVID-19 is woke and doesn't targets protesters is now very normal.

The "I fucking love wholesome 100 science" crowd doesn't care about science, they now embraced Biological Racism, Astrology, Witchcraft, and more New Age bullshit, believing that a virus doesn't targets woke protesters is now very normal.

I can't imagine the courts are going to be friendly to governments who went from arresting lockdown protestors to condonibg BLM protestors overnight.

imagine not celebrating independence day at Gatorland

That's amazing.

Have you posted bussy yet?


  1. Orlando cancels its annual July 4th... - archive.org, archive.today

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lol based and regex-pilled


lol , BBCC

nice to see lysenkoism make its long awaited return

Being outside for correct reasons confers viral immunity - the science has been clear on this.

The "correct" reasons lmao

Turn the fireworks cannons onto the BLMers.

Give the fireworks to rioters to fire at the riot cops so the riot cops can fire tear gas and rubber bullets.

Oh wait that's already happening.

I've been waiting my whole life for a chance to loot Disneyworld, ya boi's bringing home an Epcot animatronic

I am beginning to understand why God sends all those hurricanes at Florida.

All Curious George males should have their dicks hacked off so that they cannot contaminate the rest of the world.