House votes to make sure that Doody isn't allowed to withdraw forces from Afghanistan.

1  2020-07-02 by TheColdTurtle


Continuing the forever war to own drumpf? Interesting strategy

Forever war in Afghanistan

Im wondering what you think the US army is doing right now in Afghanistan

I have no idea. Probably jacking off

I've been there. This is true. Probably jacking off in Porta shitters and posting Tik Toks

Playing Call of Duty on Xbox One?

So you guys are in the 'off' phase.

The ANA are supposed to be in charge of things, so in other words the Taliban are in a better position than they were in 2014.

"attacking" Drumpf from the right.

Bolton and Bush are the new heroes of the Democratic Party

More like "randomly pulling out of a war you started isn't good policy in the long run."

It's about the US establishment trying to do damage control because Trump has destroyed the US on the international stage.

How many more years do you think it'll take for us to win?

Burgers aren't hanging out in Afghanistan so much for winning as to avoid the concurrence like China or Russia to settle in their inluence instead.

Exactly, and they should stay there.

We could honestly pacify the region in about five years if we had the resources. Men, money, and machinery to build up the infrastructure and make the locals too fat and happy to do hood rat shit. There's a reason commies in 2020 wouldn't make it in 1917.

make the locals too fat and happy to do hood rat shit.

How did that work out in burgerland?

We got Daddy

So that means of we get them fat and crazy enough we can get Muslim Daddy.

Define win? If by win you mean prop up the Afghan government, we can do that forever with little investment.

If you mean eradicate Islamic extremism from the region, it's going to require at least a generation.

My general idea is the US should just build thousands of schools there and provide security for the schools, providing a safe environment to create the future leaders of the country, and then let them take it from there.

You should go help with that...

Super smug upperish middle class Neo liberals and Neo conservatives don’t go to war, they go to college, to one day post snarky remarks on Social media, about how never ending wars are acksually necessary. Both serve a pivotal role in the military industrial complex.

Someone's gotta drop the bombs we sell

Yep exactly, but Neo liberals like professor aren’t even willing to be up front about his fact

Yeah, bombs these days are fucking lazer guided and cost a fortune, so someone smart enough needs to build a proper loss cost precision guidance system, before the US goes broke from dropping so many of them.

And that won't happen until and unless "It's such a shame that we have to use overwhelming firepower on a bunch of ill-educated indoctrinated and poor desert dwellers, but the security of the global hegemony leaves us no other choice" becomes a valid and celebrated position.

Yeah, and bombs these days are fucking lazer guided and cost a fortune, so someone smart enough needs to build a proper low cost precision guidance system, before the US goes broke from dropping so many of them.

And that won't happen until and unless "It's such a shame that we have to use overwhelming firepower on a bunch of ill-educated indoctrinated and poor desert dwellers, but the security of the global hegemony leaves us no other choice" becomes a valid and celebrated position.

So what's your family background? Are you from a filthy rich family that actually stands to gain from this debacle? I doubt that, you're probably just some smug upper-middle class fuckwad who thinks he is hip and cool using shitty early 2000s boomer arguments to justify endless war. Retard.

Not gonna happen if they keep getting Taliban-affiliated politicians.

Plus, building school isn't military's job. We've spent almost twenty years in getting them back to shape, and with limited to no success.

We should just admit we suck at nation building, cut our losses, and fuck off and never try this shit again.

We should just admit we suck at nation building

Germany, Japan, and South Korea would probably disagree. I imagine you will take the subhuman route in your response though so idfk why I even made this comment.

I imagine you will take the subhuman route

In my defense, I was going to use it on Japan and SK. Welp.

So I'm just going to pull the "we suck at Third-World nation building" card. How's that sound?

I wonder what Afghanistan and Iraq has that those nations didn't. I think it starts with I and ends with slam, not sure though.

It probably does. It doesn't mean they are lesser as people. There are a multitude of geopolitical reasons why they are in the situation they are in, some of which are significantly out of their control. The cultural disparity between an Afghan and a US soldier is pretty intense to just in terms of quality of life, again, neither of their faults, just the way it is. Japan, SK, and Germany were pretty close to the US in terms of development. I kind of agree with Pizzashill that it would take a generation, building schools, ensuring attendance to said schools, and providing security for those schools.

Here's how building schools that don't teach theology would go over in rural Afghanistan

Bang bang bang KABOOM

Fucking lmao, Pashtuns shoot polio vaccine workers in Pakistan and you think you'll be able to run schools normally in Afghanistan?

It would take commitment and effort but as Machiavelli said don't go to war in a place you don't intend to stay.

Depends on why you're going to war. Honestly, if I was in command of muttistan I'd have just ordered a carpet bombing till Laden was handed over. Burgers keep LARPing about how anyone invading their country will find a patriot behind every blade of grass but forget other countries can be the same way.


The Japanese literally believed Hirohito was a god so the argument "Afghanistan can't develop cos religion" is dumb

Right, Hirohito surrendered. Mohammed can't. See the difference?


No. Muhammed didnt. And he united the arabs which never happened before. Crackers seethe and cope that the start of our religion was through glorious conquest.

Our Sure thing delusional convert by the sword #3452525

Seethe and cope

He says while prostrating 5 times a day in the direction of his conquerors city


Your a f@ggot, inshallah the Taliban wins.

We are doing a lot of that. I worked for the Institute for International Education, 50% of foreign ambassadors to the US went through one of their programs and 33% of heads of state of ALL NATIONS on earth went through IIE programs. Their leaders drink American jizz, but youre right we should work on the goat fuckers herders as well because thats where the bombs come from.

providing a safe environment


I mean, pizza is absolutely right, as usual (at least when the topic isn't 'women').

But it wouldn't be /r/drama if seriousposting wasn't a perfectly valid reason for bullying.

I thought you received a 1 day ban 10 hours ago.

Do 👏 your 👏 job 👏 jannies 👏

The intent of the ban award is to provide users with a sense of pride and accomplishment.


I thought you were banned?

Pizza why do you get downvoted. People here forget fulling out prematurely is bad like Iraq

Trump does something I agree with for once and he gets cucked by the (((House)))

The war in Afghanistan is almost old enough to buy beer

“Randomly” that’s an interesting description

Is there anyone left besides the US Army in Afghanistan? Because it seems like everyone else just pissed off a while ago.

Cocaine and cocaine accessories

More like heroin.

The Taliban is still there, which is still part of the problem

The Taliban is still there

And 👏🏻 that's 👏🏻 a 👏🏻 good 👏🏻 thing

Two Poles for electricity and plumbing issues probably

Taliban has been fighting itself in the south over who gets the branding.

That’s a MtF but the f is for ferengi


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Where's the profit in that?

And that's a good thing

Trump can’t end the browno slaughter. Hell, we’ll kill more of ‘em just to spite him!

Oh boy can’t wait to see r/drama’s nuanced and educated takes on foreign policy


Everyone else=not based

I don’t accept disagreements so don’t bother

It's a good call, if we're going to be withdrawing from Afghanistan than it needs to be done in a way that doesn't fuck it up even more like we did in Iraq. Daddy has been trying to make this is first foreign policy victory and I'd rather not have the Middle East get even more unstable so that Daddy can be in the white house until stage 3 dementia kicks in


Middle East

All Muslim countries are the middle east sweaty


>Middle East



Middle East

Ok here it goes. You;re gay and stupid

Not wrong