"police reform pls" "Nah here you go! Your own national anthem before NFL games!"

1  2020-07-02 by Upper_Finish


Is the black national anthem lil Wayne or trick daddy 🤔

Weirdly enough the black national anthem: "Songbird" by Kenny G. Who knew?


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Isn’t he that super mayo fgt?

May not understand the essence of a joke but I'll forgive you because clearly you suffer from FAS

No I don’t look like pizzashill lol

FAS manifests itself in lots of ways mothers can barely love

Sometimes the wise man is the one who doesn't get the joke because of how little you'd have to value your time to be familiar with the context.

I hope they use Kanye just to fuck with them.

Kanye recently said he was just pretending to be retarded iirc

Make it cowboy troy to really make them seethe

Birdman, cause he fly in any weather.

They will do everything but serious institutional change lol

Signallign is cheap

What kind of institutional change are they even supposed to make? Defunding the police would be insane and likely more negativity affect black people.

Weekly checks from daddy Trump would fix everything

They should at least start punishing police officer reanacting robocop lmao

That would require doing something about the union and unions are a sacred cow of the left

Oh apparently it's ok to dismantle the police union

Only that one though none of the others are corrupt

At least bring the training standards up to US Army standards.

Do it. I legit want leftist cities to all do their CHAZ shit.

What sort of serious institutional change do you expect the NFL to do?

I'm not talking about NFL tho

So, you're just bitching about the NFL.

What's not to bitch about lmao

This sub is what happens when minimally educated unintelligent people join together to find common ground and project their own self loathing to the rest of the world. There has never been anything clever that I have ever seen from this sub. I will continue to look for humor but I am just starting to think that loss and anger plus unemployment equals humor


  1. "police reform pls" "Nah here you g... - archive.org, archive.today*

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It’s not like attendance will matter because they won’t allow many fans anyway due to the “pandemic”.

Are we going to become like Lebanon where we divide into ethnic groups that demand our separate institutions

Let's shoot for Yugoslavia, where our inevitable race war gets filmed for the entertainment of more evolved states.

Who is the Bill Clinton that bombs the Serbs in this version?

Realistically? Winnie the Flu. In an ideal world it would be Kim.

Ok watermark

Don't put that evil on me motherfucker. I like to think I don't have a gimmick.

Your username is instantly recognizable. Whether that's from fire-roasted takes or a gimmick; I could not tell you.

remove casserole remove casserole

Mondo films about the Yugoslav war were cool as fuck tho.

Let’s shoot for Belgian pillarization or Ottoman poly centric law instead

Depends on how profitable a demographic black activists end up being.

We've already gotten to where certain government offices are reserved for a certain race. Like in a lot of cities the police chief has to be black. We haven't quite caught up to Lebanon where they have a whole elaborate system where half the cabinet seats are assigned to different sects, but we're getting there.

Russia > USA


that's what you burgers get for not race mixing, we don't have these rslurred discussions in south america

Dear god I can’t wait for them to play some bullshit like Joyner Lucas

they'll probably just use the one that already exists, that they named in the article

Play rap music instead

He’s called Joyner bc he brings peepl togeder!!

What else is the nfl supposed to do?

Well couldn't be worse than the existing burger anthem. What a piece of shit. I'm shocked Amerifats have even developed this bizarre habit of holding a self-humiliation ritual before every athletic event.

So when are we gonna re-segregate for some undoubtedly 2,000,000 iq reason?

Just see reddit and it army of private unpaid security personnel (aka jannies). Do you really want that IRL?