Argentinian Chad DESTROYS feminist with facts and logic. Nuclear c*pe in the comments.

1  2020-07-03 by Loli-Connoisseur


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I’m always amazed how few people know about Gamergate. It’s not only the key to understanding so many violent harassment campaigns going on today, it’s lots of the same people angry about the same stuff using the same playbook.


  1. Argentinian Chad DESTROYS feminist ... -,

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Wahman concerned about femicide destroyed

Assuredly fake but a man can dream


Being smug and condescending doesn’t mean you “destroyed” someone in a debate. It just makes you an asshole.

Tell that to literally all redditors, they would argue otherwise

Posted by the exact same person who went on this smug parade not too long ago.

Not that I have a horse in that race, but he is doing precisely what they whinged about.

Presumably they fall under the umbrella of "all Redditors" given you know, how they're posting on Reddit?

They put in an edit saying you were harassing them just by linking their hypocrisy. It's clear that they were trying to prompt action from an authority figure just because you made them look dumb. "If you call me out on my bullshit, ill sick the admins on you."

Based black man.

So Argentine is still in the "feminism debate" arc. They have like 5 seasons left until the "TERF wars" arc, which is where the storyline kind of jumps the shark imo.

Give women power, then become women. It's the perfect scheme.

We actually have a very progressive gender identity law already. There was a case of a 60 year old dude who changed his gender to retire 5 years earlier.

Any chance of an english link? That sounds hilarious.

Sergia has also never expressed an interest in living as a woman before and even made disparaging comments about gays and transsexuals, the relative claimed.

Another funny quote (it gets lost in translation though) involves him stating it's a matter of conviction, yet using male ending for adjectives when referring to himself.

In Turkey we imported both at the same time, unfortunately. Not a day goes by without a TERF war on Twitter smh

Figured turks would be too busy fighting other people who criticize turkey tho

Are you legally allowed to have people of gender in Turkey? I figured that would be a huge no no.

Are you Turkish? I’d like to know more about the “Terf Wars” in your country.

The TERF wars are the best part I can't wait to see how it turns out?

Dudes always win

Last time my sister in law was in Korea, she said her uncle literally kicked his wife and said "Coffee" and expected her to go get him coffee.

I'd give anything to live the Korean ajussi lifestyle.

NTR nerds
Treat w*men like horses

Now I'm really confused on which one is the best Korea. The Japanese should annex them both so we can observe them independent of other variables.


Argentinean women have a really hot accent, shame the sjw stuff is there now. This is why we need ai waifus. Feminist will be happy, neets will be happy. World peace all around.

Feminist will be happy

Yeah about that..

Metaphysical evil. Corrupted to the core.

That sounds like a great idea. Special if you can choose their age.

Feminist will be happy

The laws of nature will not allow it.

Marla (aka 'Karen') is not a real woman. She's the journalist's wife.


I'm from Buenos Aires and I say Argentina is white!

Woman brain? Frankly, I find the idea of a feminist that thinks offensive!

"No really, we typed up the word DESTROYS which means that's what happened. Just believe us."

Look up his channel in youtube sadly only in spanish

Goddamn, redditors are such fucking losers. I just know the comments in that thread are being made by fat losers who do the consumer face.

Interesting to see the argument come up again that women are the primary victims of violence, and the fact that most violence is against men doesn't count because it's by men. What are we looking for here? For women to perpetrate violence as often as men in the name of equality?