Redditor is looking for vacation tips, r/newyork screeches at the thought of someone stepping foot outside

1  2020-07-03 by Chessen113


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I like to think that everyone shitty on the Left is just a troll account created and maintained by Barron Trump, attempting to use his mammoth brain to make centrists vote Daddy 2020. Because if these people actually exist, and have these strange opinions that so many people supposedly might have, then I'll have to actually vote for Daddy, given he's the option most likely to put these fucking people in camps.

But I'm wise to you, Barron: you'll never actually make me vote.


  1. Redditor is looking for vacation ti... -,

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I was reading my inbox and 100% thought this was a human comment.

It was at one point

Lol fun thread. I like how the one doomer boomer can't figure out how to reply to a comment so he just starts a new chain.

My partner has been one of the most vocal folk I know encouraging people to stay locked in. My partner has been locked in for three solid months. My partner now wants one weekend away out of the city.

His partner is one of the screechers, she just reached her breaking point. She can get fucked. Live by the screech, die by the screech.

This is accurate. I agree with the "stay the fuck home asshole" retard, because this Karen has laid her bed and now should lie in it.

Anyone that says partner, I automatically assume they are gay

I always assume they're in a regular straight relationship but want to sound woke on reddit

I assume that they are too immature and afraid of commitment to get married, but still expect the social benefits of marriage.

God I fucking hate those people

Almost as bad as those smug fucks over at r/childfree

they're so in the same vein.

That’s pretty gay.


He did use the word folk...

I assume it's a straight relationship where the woman is fucking every other male in the ZIP code while the man plays his nintendo switch

Anyone that says folk, is immediately a threat to society.

I assume they're retarded.


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heres my lab partner


Time will smile kindly on all us non sheep

Just wait. 3 years time, all your doomer mates will be rewriting history claiming that they were always skeptical. Fuck them off for good.

Just like the invasion of iraq

Most my mates were pretty woke about that at the time to be fair to them.

I've been seriousposting about how times have changed and even lefty raver stoner types don't even question anything.


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Amen but wait, yesterday I thought this sub was full of Covid pussies?

People are waking up. Nice to see.

Anyone want to hear about a massive fight I started on the underground today and just waltzed off as I could hear shouting and more people getting involved? It was top drama.

Spill it

OK so it's very sp*rgy and completely my fault. IDK what is wrong with me lately. I don't really feel like I can tell this to anyone else but it CANNOT go to waste.

I haven't been wearing my mask on the tube for so many reasons that I'm done even bothering arguing with pussies anymore, we're here for drama right not sp*rgy covid posting?

I could swear this guy was taking pictures of me this morning. Glancing at me constantly and angling his phone weirdly towards me. I know that sounds like crazy person talk; IDGAF these motherfuckers are out there/I'm actually crazy. I should definitely not have said anything but I just say shit to people before I even know I'm saying it: "Are you taking pictures of me?"

It took him about 2 mins to pluck up courage to say something back which made me laugh, which made things worse. He started to go wild though, he didn't seem to get the link about the mask and people shame posting. He kept saying shit like "you think you a big celebrity or something mate? Why the fuck would I want a picture of you?" He was at a good ten seats away to start with and ended up standing over me showing me his photo reel threateningly pacing back and forth shouting. fucking lul.

The thing is I regretted saying anything immediately, not because I was scared - it was fucking hilarious - but because I completely believed him straight away and knew I was just being overly confrontational by even saying anything, I could see myself reacting the same way in his position. I didn't stand up because I felt really bad and didn't want to escalate. I just kept saying "Ok mate, I believe you, my bad." He wasn't really listening though, he had completely gone.

He eventually chilled and sat down. End of right? Fucking NOT AT ALL, after what felt like a whole minute of silence he decided to say: "You wouldn't have fucking said anything if I wasn't black" which triggered some builder dude to chime in and start telling him to shut the fuck up. I tried to tell that guy not to bother, I got this, you're just going to escalate things but it was already out of my hands. The girl who was sat opposite me immediately tried to stand in between them, some other woman started screaming for everyone to put their masks back on over and over again. She took her mask off to do this obviously.

Builder dude and black dude were forehead to forehead hilariously shouting about whether I'm a racist or not but unfortunately it was my stop. "How do you know he's not a racist?" More people were trying to pull them apart or join in. Others were banging on the window calling for help from staff or police. I quietly slinked off and could hear that the train did not move off immediately like normal, along with escalating shouting and noise.

My r*tardation can lead to beautiful things tbh. AITA?

My partner

Fire Island Rentals



Traveling to a protest and being near hundreds or thousands of strangers: totally doesn't spread the virus st all! It's outside!

Traveling to a lake sitting alone outside: You are literally killing people!!!!

If only it were that easy💅

Where have you been? Everyone knows the corona selectively kills people in order to cause the most drama.

I told some people I was going camping soon. Got yelled at because of coronavirus or some shit. I think they missed the part where I'm going to be alone in the woods 20 miles from any other human.

Maybe a symptom of coronavirus is loss of critical thinking skills.

Redditora are truly and undeniably r-slurred





You mock but there’s been zero cases linked to the anti-racism protests.

This is a good point. I think the entire world should protest police brutality for the next month to flatten the curve and end corona once and for all

Just put protests in the sidelines of the field and sports can reopen safely

protesting systemic racism grants you immunity to covid

If we all wear BLM shirts, the world can reopen immediately because we'll all be immune!

Every day I am reminded how much I dislike New York

NY is cool as shit. The “people” are the worst

I've been enjoying poor New YAWWWKERS hate on the rich ones who spent their vacation time on Florida beaches and then came back positive. lol

Imagine locking yourself in your room and being miserable for three months so you don’t get the Big Rona, then the other people in your apartment come back from months of living it up and give it to you anyways lol.

My partner has been one of the most vocal folk I know encouraging people to stay locked in. My partner has been locked in for three solid months. My partner now wants one weekend away out of the city. And is so concerned about it that my partner doesn’t even want to stay in a hotel.

My partner has been incredibly kind, compassionate and careful in the face of this pandemic. And I’ll be damned if I allow someone like you to demonize someone like that.

Jesus Christ, how hard is it to use a pronoun every once in a while. It's unironically painful to read "my partner" 5 times in 4 sentences.

its xer

I'd still prefer that over this train wreck of a comment

how can one person seethe so much

And another republican is born

My favorite exchange was the person mentioning fire island rentals and the prude gay with The Partner saying it’s mainly guys looking.

Eh, it’s like 2 ppl screeching in the thread, and one is just doing it multiple times

Your think that's bad? Look at the cess pool that is r/Brooklyn. It's like moretankiechapo, they think the main city subreddit is overrun with white supremacists right now.

This has been a theme in all of the hipstercel cities, it's revenge of the nerds and hypochondriacs

I suggest you enjoy a nice STAY-CATION.

I suggest this person go on stay-cation and never return. Hopefully that keeps them at least ... 600 miles away from me at all times.

The people showing up 2+ days later, yeah. It’s already over. At this point your replies are just annoying. Move on.

dramoids don't know how to act smh

NY's rapid quarantine adherents are why NY is slowly recovering while cases in Florida and Texas are getting rapidly worse every day 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️

Remind your partner that this is a fucking pandemic and that people are dying at untold numbers and a civil revolution is under way and that going on a holiday is tacky and ghoulish l


because some zoomers are virtue signaling on their Instagram stories and some millennials are commiting arson it's not ok to get some fresh air sweety

This has been every other /r/chicago post since March. It’s constant screeching about seeing people outside, at bars, standing on their fucking patios, standing next to someone.

God I hate redditors.

My partner now wants one weekend away out of the city. And is so concerned about it that my partner doesn’t even want to stay in a hotel.

Did cross his mind that the people they encouraged to stay home before were also thinking the same thing he's thinking now.

There's a new tourist attraction in town, it's called CHAZ NY

Best part is, he keeps looking for some BBW action

I don't understand why they didn't preface with "coming to New York to protest/get free gibs from looting" so the dopes in the subreddit would welcome them with open arms lmao

Think after the media was fine with the protest most people realized this whole thing was kinda a silly waste of time