Black Man in NYC walking out of an Applebees lays out NYC's problems for the white folk. R/NYC not so sure tho.

55  2020-07-03 by Augustus-Romulus


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The people involved here probably don't even respect bussy all that much.


  1. Black Man in NYC walking out of an ... -,

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Based Tracey Morgan

You can't lose a source of authoritative power in a society and not expect someone to exploit that source for their own benefit.

urbancels confused by the fact that a GenX black man doesn't have the same opinions and experience as a movement led by millennials

I think a white supremacist made him say that. Probably slightly off camera, revving a car at him

yes he did - I was there.

he was wearing MAGA hat.

and he had a lot of guns, like 28 or so.

The message is conjecture and the messenger is a random person on the internet. No, let’s keep reforming police departments. Thanks though.

black voices are important and vital, until they say something you disagree with.

Don't you see that he's black? That makes him the new poster boy for all anti-BLM people on this sub. Even if he has no actual background or knowledge of how criminal justice works. This is like how Trump's people will grab the nearest minority Trump supporter and throw them behind Trump during one of his speeches as a "See! Minorities like him too! This single person of color represents all of them!"

LISTEN TO BLACK VOICE, (not this guy tho)

You don't understand he's a dirty uneducated NI-non marxist trained community voice

Didn't you listen to Ayanna Pressley? When they don't say the right things, they're just a black face.

She said that? lol

Don’t listen to the 57% of black people who want more police in their neighborhoods either. We know what’s best for people living in places we wouldn’t be caught dead in even with armed SWAT teams on every corner.

AKA The Jason Whitlok special.

or Terry Crews

This is what happens when you defund schools burgers did this to themselves

Based black man says disbanding the plains clothes unit is a mistake as they are the ones catching the illegal gun and now "every ngg gonna be strapped"

We don’t really need to defund the police if we just ensure that it is such an undesirable job that no one wants to do it. Can’t wait to live in the sort of community he’s talking about.

Most of the drug dealers I speak to don’t make that much money. If you could get them 30-40k/yearly and a place to live that isn’t a slum then they will take it.

Bullshit sweaty

Why work 8 hours a day busting your ass when you can work 2-3 hours standing on the corner.

They honestly think if you gave a drug dealer on the streets a fast food job or an office job and paid them 50k a year they would stop dealing.

I would rather sell crack than get treated like shit in a fast food restaurant. Office jobs suck but if i got 50k a year for an office job it wouldnt be soo bad. These low end jobs these people want drug dealers to get are paying like 25k a year max with no benefits. Fuck all that.

Redditors don’t work so they don’t know this

Links literal fiction.

This is light-speed retahdation. The lion's share of drug dealers make less than minimum wage.

Cope harder mayofugee.

Maybe if regurgitating drama catch phrases was humor then you wouldn't be such a hack.

Oof it's over for me.

"never even started for ClemetineChime-cels" Now i'm just like you.


Based is to r/drama what "goodbye" is to ask ouija

This brat knows shit ass lowest of the low dealers, if he isn't lying, which for mayos on reddit is near impossible. Some thug that suppliers know is gonna use half the product and sell the other half.

Jesus christ how does a cop even manage in NYC? Thats 10 million people on an area maybe half as big as Berlin. Literally more populous than some smaller European countries with 100 times the mass, how does a single police force operate that?

that's why defund the police is such a bad slogan.

When are these retards going to realize every lefty slogan is intentionally misleading so that the media that is coopting the media can ensure the movements never go anywhere but produce clickbait outrage constantly?


I mean schools get defunded all the time and they somehow still exist


All US leftism is actually an NSA-funded psyop to make leftism look bad and keep Americans from becoming actual communists.

The NSA is a Jewish psyop but the jews are actually undercover agents of Pharoah.

Perhaps but the Pharaoh hasn't actually run Egypt since like 350 BCE when Alexander installed an olive picker puppet government.

Alex was actually the Pharoah at that point he had discovered what was buried under the pyramids.

When we as a people are treated like criminals, people will act like criminals.

That old hat.

Given all the options, giving up and just accepting the stereotypes is about the worst strategy you can take. It just makes them seem true to everyone else.

I know from growing up poor (and wha-ite) all my dumb friends had excuses like this for being a 2-bit criminals.

The guy who made this video even says he used to get stopped all the time as a kid and checked for guns, but they did it cause his demographic is the one who was shooting people. He said he didnt like it but saw the necessity.

Yeah, I was quoting on the /r/nyc comment replies.

funniest part is centrist cels ITT acting like he is saying anything enlightening or useful

Making reddit mad is useful

Put more money into schooling, desegregate schools, provide STEM and arts programs, after school programs, update public housing, mental health programs, additional schooling for adults,provide jobs, it’s not fucking hard.

Total social and economic reform isn't hard guys, this redditor said so

A man spitting facts like this for sure got the wonton tacos as an apetizer.

I fucking hate these woke mayos. All NYC needed out of these people these past few decades was to move in spend money and get the economy going, which they did. Now they're gonna fuck everything up, be the first to leave, spread their bullshit just like Californians, and leave the common man who they were "helping" to pick up the pieces.

We don't really understand why crime has fallen as much as it has since the 80s and 90s

Hmm, it's a real mystery.

What could be the reason?

Man I wish we could ping people.

They don't want to be racist and so say that killing black babies is what does it.

Based joe

Ghetto zoomer: Mac 10 go brrrrrrrr!

Why does everyone keep claiming abortion is what drove down the crime rate? "Policing doesn't work; only killing minorities works." I always knew the new Nazis would come from the most unlikely place.