Literal 4/10 decides to post on r/ToastMe for compliments, instead gets messages calling her a MILF, then goes on TwoX to cry about it

138  2020-07-03 by feedbackplz1


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every time I get summoned here, I have a quick look around and find that this place gets worse and worse, it's like a black hole which mangles everything that gets sucked into it. src


  1. Literal 4/10 decides to post on r/T... -,

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“Would you blackmail me for 1 year with bad pics of me and i have to pay you $200 each month or you will expose me?” (I don’t even know.)

Lmao why would anyone turn this down 🤭 $200 a month to just write some bitchy messages once in a while.

Also she went there to fish for compliments and that's what she got. Why do white women invent reasons to feel oppressed

They make me seethe. Wish I unironically liked bussy

Come suck my cock then


/u/ AnotherLibtardRekt seems to be a bit of a rightoid so he’s probably masc. he should def show bussy

Lmao. Im a horseshoe theory rightoid. Basically I'm aware I'm r-slurred. Also no bussy for you sweaty 💅

Online rightoids are never masc.

Steven Crowder flings his wrists around like he’s drying them off.

lol post-vetting cuck

Start out with futa, then fembois, and you can learn to love it

Sounds complicated. I'll stick to wanting to be pegged by a black kween.

The new Calvin Klein model is coming for yo ass.

Start with bailey jay and fall down the thai rabbit hole.

I think men and women talk past each other To her, a compliment would have been ‘your bangs look good’. To men, it’s a compliment to tell her she gives them a boner. Which, ok, but women aren’t always as interested in a dude’s peen updates as he is.

Yeah there were better ways to express that they thought she was attractive but moids lmao

Also she's going to have a hard time dating again if she can't even handle this:

Five wanted to see if we could “be friends and maybe more”

Oh yeah I missed that. That’s a totally appropriate thing for a dude to say. Guys need a break because dating conventions require them to make the first move. As long as he’s being nice I don’t think women should complain.

Exactly ☝️

Five wanted to see if we could “be friends and maybe more”

Wow what a bunch of horrible dehumanizing incels. Womyn's suffering knows no depths.


She comes off as a being a cry baby and bragging at the same time lol

Yeah. It think the second post was just another post for more attention rather than her being genuinely upset about any of the responses she got.

Some dude should set up a twitter account chronicling his every boner, where, and who induced them.

Should send out Amber Alerts so everyone is sure to know of each change.

Umm, maybe call it something else so avoid the ire of the Hagerman clan.

Either way it's just selfishness. She wanted free compliments, they wanted free sexual attention. Men and women want these different things and then get all surprised when it doesn't go as planned.

Lmao why would anyone turn this down 🤭 $200 a month to just write some bitchy messages once in a while.

Because she probably imagines him to be a fat smelly mouthbreather. And accepting this arrangement would mean she has some sort of formal relationship with him, which makes her recoil.

What was that old canard? Something about women preferring to be a hot guy's fucktoy rather than an ugly guy's princess.

Something about women preferring to be a hot guy's fucktoy rather than an ugly guy's princess.

This is the complete opposite of true. Every woman wants to he. Danny Devitos' Queen 👑

Have incel, sex

Based strokeposter

" Would you blackmail me for 1 year with bad pics of me and i have to pay you $200 each month or you will expose me? "

Which one of you was this?

and if youre still interested, dm me

Compliment me, just not that way.

Ugh, too many compliments. Dear twox, today I was assaulted

judging by the comments even gussies think that she is r-slured for not accepting free $200 a month for a year of doing basically nothing.

who would have guessed that gussies love free money.

Why do women earn less than men?

*$2400 flies across the room like a dead fish and slaps one in the face*

"uwu, what is this?"

Imagine your life being so easy that people pay you just for existing. Congrats, you just figured out the life of a w*man.

they can't keep getting away with it!

and one said, and I quote:

“Would you blackmail me for 1 year with bad pics of me and i have to pay you $200 each month or you will expose me?” (I don’t even know.)

Take 👏 the 👏 money 👏 girl.

Boss bitch shit

I really don't understand why you wouldn't.

Secure that bag 💰

Spends most of her time on HP and avatar subs too lmfao

Woooah! She's just like me!!1

Yay. An incel?

imagine sending messages asking THIS woman to findom you lmao. idgi she’s not hot

idgi she’s not hot

That's putting it generously lmao. she looks like a tired and beaten-down 40 year old housewife.

There was a girl I knew who was ugly as fuck and chunky and she would make so much money being a bitch to old men and fucking them in the ass with a strap-on.

There's someone out there for everyone 💖

God that's so fucking weird. I just get hot girls to do that to me for free smh 🙄

Although it wouldn't be the same as getting bussy blasted by Trappy 🥺🥺🥺 TRAPPY, PLEASE!!!! COME HOME 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

Simps have the lowest standards of all time.

Wtf was going on in the /r/roastme thread nobody roasted minne menopause everyone was complimenting her. Unless everyone was just being patronizing to make her feel like shit in which case bravo.

I was feeling really down and I also gave myself bangs in a moment of madness, and I went on r/toastme, which is a subreddit that’s the opposite of r/roastme. Basically, people post pictures of themselves, and others say nice, encouraging things to them.

A puzzle.

He should change his handle to MentalMcMidget

Fair enough was stoned and tired when I read it.

her original post is title gore fucking whining about her life.

Out of curiosity did this happen before or after the hate speech subreddit cull? I’ve noticed more creepy opportunists as well as abject misogyny in subs like this one that are usually pretty free of it since the cull.

There’s also been a few posts that were disturbingly demeaning but you can tell the op really thinks that telling women that if they are ever raped they should try to give their rapist a head job then try to bite their dick off is helpful!?! That was a post on here from yesterday. I’m waiting for the full brigading to start.

Though I’ve always suspected that there’s more than a few nice guy incel lurkers on r/toastme just looking to catch women in a low self worth moment in order to practice their pick up lines and take advantage of their vulnerability. Did you report each and every creeper? I know it seems petty but this is how we make these subs safer for those younger and/or more vulnerable than ourselves. And also ourselves cos who needs to take crap from creepers!

Edit: typing with a migraine make my spelling and grammar suck.

Together we can find a cure for schizophrenia

Typing with a migraine

I have a migraine, instead of taking some pills and resting I'm gonna write some words words about reddit

When I get a migraine headache the last thing I'm going to be doing is sitting in front of a computer screen. That just makes it worse.

who the goddamn fuck calls it a "head job", are you a goddamn serial killer.

Her original post:

Having a rough time. Out of work, chronic pain, and just learned my narcissist ex-fiancé got married and I can’t do anything to help his victim. Also, last night I went a bit mad and gave myself bangs. Please say they look okay. lol

Imagine trying to twist hating your ex's happy life into being worried about his wife. See I'm the good guy here!

Also $10 says her "chronic pain" is a functional disorder she has been shopping around to a dozen doctors trying to get a diagnosis.

This is her descent into wine aunt-dom. By November she'll have 4 cats and show up to Thanksgiving dinner at 11am already a box of Franzia deep.


Functional disorders still suck. It's frustrating having IBS and not having any doctor be able to help you with it. I was convinced that I had IBD or Celiac or something but im all good. IBS flare ups still suck.

"Camera" was the doctor's name. But seriously that sounds shitty

It is quite literally shitty my friend.

I had ‘ibs’ too.That was until I got diagnosed with hypothyroidism and started eating better,losing weight and taking my meds.Then it went away somewhat and I have better gut motility & can tolerate most foods without getting a flare up.Of course it’s not the case for most people but I had one of those functional disorders that doctors would shake their head at and say ‘we don’t actually know what’s wrong with you have you tried not stressing yourself out?’

Ibs, sibo, CFS and hypo (inc hashimotos) always seem to overlap when women talk about chronic pain and gut disorders.I wonder if they’re all the same illness but hard to diagnose correctly.

Same boat. Though yours sounds worse. If I eat anything short of the best shit I get slagged pretty bad.

It's the fear based diet.

Do you drink alcohol?

No i am healthy now. It's basically the remnants of when I was a heroin addict in my early 20's. Im in my early 30's now and I knew I wasn't going to make it out of that without some long term damage. I had a gastro doctor say it could be post-infectious IBS.

"He doesn't like me. He must be a narcissist."


He didn't want to marry me, therefore he must have been a predator!

She called him a narcissist. I guarantee you that because he didn't hate himself the way she hates herself, she thinks that's narcissistic. Crazy cuts her own hair ffs. I bet she cuts other parts of herself too.

I've had some shitty fucking exes, but a year later I didn't have a clue what they were up to.


my narcissist ex-fiancé got married and I can’t do anything to help his victim

Yeah, I'm sure she's not been harassing that couple out of pure envy and bitterness.

Chronic pain is a meme and stems from depression.

Someone needs to tell these foids that everyone deals with aches and pains.

I can't do anything to help his ex wife

there's two possibilities here:

  1. he got a restraining order

  2. she's done this multiple times and the wife realizes she's a crazy bîtch

either way this fôid is 🤪🤪🤪

At this point we all have "chronic pain' it's called living.

So anyway that's how I'm making 250 a month now.

I'll africanAmericanmail you for less

Smdh outsourcing is gonna ruin the gigging economy now.

It's inevitable

OP is a 1/10 for making me go search for the pic myself instead of linking it

She's not even that bad looking. Just old

yea, i could easily see her scoring a nice retriever or labrador

Haha. White women only have sex with small rat like white dogs

Foid is in a bad mood, resorts to attention whoring on Reddit

I'm guessing without looking at the post that she is white as well?


The other thread she’s referring to has some juicy bonus drama

Thank you for linking this. I tried to find it in her profile but there’s only so many pages of The Last Airbender posts I can scroll through - all in the last few days - without wanting to kill myself. Also she posts in some schizo Harry Potter sub, could not be more foid if she tried.

very low iq

The best part about this story, is she actually posted once before, over a year ago, and at the time of that post, she had already been broken up with said:ex - fiance" for a year.

So she's now over 2 years broken up with this guy, but still keeping tabs on who he dates, and when she finds out he just got engaged, she goes ape shit to feel validated on r/toastme.


Thank you! #HulkStrong

The absolute state of capeshitting foids

the fable of pandoras box

Gets bangs. Doesn't like them. Goes to reddit for affirmations. lmao Dumbass broad.

Come on she's at least a 6 for a white american

She's a weeb that plays that shitty Harry Potter game that's been advertised on Reddit for the last few months.

Does anything else really need to be said about this foid?

What's fascinsting is that 4/10 women would be 1/10 if we weren't living in an obesity epidemic.

4/10s would be 4/10s if men could just control themselves



Holy shit. 1 year old account with almost 300,000 combined karma

If I had a few beers and there was nothing else for me to do, I mean...sure. Ok.


The best part about this story, is she actually posted once before, over a year ago, and at the time of that post, she had already been broken up with said:ex - fiance" for a year.

So she's now over 2 years broken up with this guy, but still keeping tabs on who he dates, and when she finds out he just got engaged, she goes ape shit to feel validated on r/toastme.


It's amazing to me that after the cull, we are finally allowed a lot more leeway into giving these mentally ill witches their equality.

All they've been doing is gassing up literal 0/10 looking women to believe they're 10/10 stunners and any man would be happy to have her jealous destructive fat ugly ass.

So good to see more men finally being about to post truthfully while these foids and femcels have spent the last 60 years screaming that all men are trash. These ugly losers feed on the government which is created by men to protect women and they still have the audacity to come online and hate on men while censoring men's reactions to their disgusting behaviour.

Imagine getting praised for simply existing. As much as I despise women, If woke up with 10 women dming me good morning beautiful :) I'd end up being a delusional twat as well.

I'm glad men aren't given this constant validation. Keeps us humble. This post was made by the incel gang.