I haven't read the thread but I'm assuming there's drama in here

5  2020-07-03 by caliberoverreaching


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Holy crap just let the Karen meme die. Also I'm sick of these smug type posts, the dude is literally just showing off here. Redditors...

Also wearing masks does actually feel terrible, it's understandable but saying it's alright is cope

I have to wear a modified respirator (I added an N95 filter to the outgas port) like this for around 6-8 hours once a week, when I'm taking care of my elderly disabled friend. It fucking sucks. I hate it. I don't want to kill him though so it is what it is. It doesn't make me a hero or anything though.


More like SWEAT and ITCH. A little LIGHTHEADED too.

My favorite part of half-mask respirators is when you take them off and leave them filter-side down for a few days and dust accumulates so you get a nice lungful of dust and debris when you put it on

Would love to mushroom stamp this fool

Why would there be drama on a pic of a wage cuck wearing a mask? It’s /r/pics everyone’s just smugposting about KAREN and jerking each other off

check controversial idk

White woman bad 😡


Karen is the new antivaxx circlejerk

I don't like people in full ppe with clean hivis.

What do you work as Surveyor. Currently working at a large mine.

Basically a jannie

I thought it was Karens doing the mask shaming.

actually its both.

this dweeb isnt even wearing a restrictive mask. It has a one way valve that allows you to really easily exhale. Ive seen a man puke through similar valve no problem.

Plus, it's a mask made with effectiveness and comfort in mind.

Circlejerking about making people wear literal cloth strapped to their face while simultaneously circlejerking inevitable rising infection rates cause Y'ALL CANT BEHAVE is so fuckin ironic.