I like turtles

0  2020-07-04 by Starship_Litterbox_C



Have you posted bussy yet?


  1. I like turtles - archive.org, archive.today

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What do you mean by "sexual affairs"? Do you mean the waving of claws in the other's face? That is not sex; it's an expression of dominance and may eventually be followed by fighting, especially when the tank is too small. If yours is smaller than a bathtub, it's too small for three mature turtles, at least sliders. Male mounting male is rare but not unknown in captivity, when the confined quarters make the smells confused.


Leave us alone! 🐒🐒🐒


They're harmless & cute. Who doesn't like turtles?

Dude have you never seen a snapping turtle? That's NOT harmless. They still cute tho

i wonder what that kid is up to now...

Where’s the dinosaur guy at when we need him

Have you confessed to your cats you like turtles?

Dumb animal.

I am normally for preserving nature, but hearing about all the endangered sea turtles makes me happy. Worthless plastic bag eating rtrds.