Imagine if reddit implemented something where reddit gold gave the commenter like $1 of the 5$ and then it got used for money laundering and jeffrey epstein types were laundering $$$ by commenting about how drumpf wants to stack the supreme court with 9 conservatives

2  2020-07-04 by InnocuousBystander



This is not the time or place for another black-dick joke


  1. Imagine if reddit implemented somet... -,

I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers

That's rarted.

You're rarted.

Are you implying that this money laundering operation would only save 20% of the money they spend on it? Because if so, it’d be the world’s shittiest money laundering operation.

They would all have stock in conde nast retard

Condé Nast isn’t publicly traded

they're multi-million dollar elites who rape children and you think they can't get hold of some conde nast stock?

Yeah fair enough

I wonder if spez ever took acid and flew on the lolita express

If the main heroes are uber woke jannies, you easily could get published by a major publisher (unironically not even YA).

*It was just another day as fabulous chief anti evil operator at reddit dot com when my personal assistant, Roland From Poland burst into my cubicle.

"Olivia From Bolivia, the stickies by masterlawlz were just a distraction! The soviet anime bots are spamming pizzagate with full force!" *