Stupidpol user demands POZ LIVES MATTER and days they’d rawdog an HIV+ person to ‘destigmatize’ it

1  2020-07-04 by ShemaleSmasher


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Fuck you dude. You don't just get to believe what I'd been thinking the whole time now that it's convenient for you. First apologize to me for your original opinions, shithead.

And look: the fact that you just very recently had those problematic opinions does not just mean that you get to be woke within a matter of clicks; you still have a lot of rethinking to do. So shut up. Say you're sorry, SHUT THE FUCK UP, and start listening: the adults are talking, and what we have to say will impact generations to come.


  1. Stupidpol user demands POZ LIVES MA... -,

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This guy saw his wife die horribly, and so he's decided to advocate that other people intentionally expose themselves to the disease that killed her? Jesus fucking Christ, what the Hell happened to society?

I lived through the AIDS epidemic of the 1980s and early 90s. It was terrifying. I saw so many people, good people, die an agonizing death. And you could never be sure if you would be next.

For a while, we didn't even know that condoms could help. We all just crossed our fingers and prayed. And if you weren't suicidal, you sure as Hell didn't fuck someone you knew was Positive, not unless you were too.

I remember in the mid-90s, when proper medications finally started to be developed, a decade later than they should have been. It was incredible. Just the knowledge that you wouldn't die just because some fuckhead one-night-stand didn't bother getting himself tested and oh, wouldn't you know it, he stuck it in without a condom?

But even then, no one sane intentionally exposed themselves. Just because medication existed didn't mean any of us were looking to get a disease that had killed dozens of our friends. We'd all seen too much by then.

And this guy is out here telling people it's no big deal? Just get HIV, what's it matter? Fuck. FUCK! I am seething. I am absolutely fucking livid. This is the shit that should get banned off this Godforsaken website. This is the shit that gets people killed.

didnt read

2 many words confuse this brain tbh

dude HIV lmao

Hehe gey virus

Just be a volcel lmao

Or straight


Rip Eazy-E 🥺

It was Suge Knight cmv


So was he gay?

Dude seriousposters lmao

I only skimmed it, but your saying getting HIV cures the other STDs because the human body only has enough room for so much STD?

idk where he said that, tf u reading

Eating the pasta, but in the 80s and 90s only gays and blacks even had to worry about aids, so I don’t see how it relates

only gays and blacks

I'm both. And yes, it does make me better than str/ight, wh/te people, sweaty. 💅

Didn’t say it didn’t hun, just saying that most people didn’t have to worry. Regardless, You do you sweet prince ❤️

Why blacks? What is it about that community. No condom usage, or what happened.

They were much more promiscuous I guess 🤔. Not sure, but it’s a weird fact for sure

They wash their asses so they're less averse to anal.

ok boomer

the main thing i got from this is that you might be a gay drama boomer 😍 hit me up daddy 💦👴

I'm a gay, r/Drama Gen X'er, unfortunately. 😞 Not even good enough to be a Boomer. 😭

Gen X'e

my condolences

Kaposi’s Sarcoma is just natural camouflage.

Have you tried not being a bigot? HIV is good, like coronavirus, if you're woke you literally can't suffer from it


you could never be sure if you would be next

No, I could

>good people

you don goofed

I'd get HIV just to see what poor people have to deal with then get that fabled $17,000 vaccine.

Just get HIV, what's it matter?

I'm not trying to defend leftoids but isn't the whole point that you can have sex with someone with HIV without worrying about getting so long as you guys are medicated?

Sort of. If you're in a monogamous relationship with someone that's HIV positive and takes their medication, you take pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) daily, and you wear a condom every time, you'll probably be fine.

But that's not what this insane bastard is talking about. He's out here telling people to just raw dog some random fuck buddies if you like 'em a whole bunch, and this is after his late wife didn't bother taking her medication. It's like a how-to guide of exposing yourself to unnecessary risks while ignoring potential consequences.

My dead wife just had to took two pills every single fucking day for the rest her miserable life, what's the big deal, virgins.

By the sound of it she couldn't do that right either

I would be willing to have raw sex with an HIV+ person if they were a person I liked enough, and I knew they were following the meds program at least 90% of the time.

Yeah I'm going to trust someone who has something that is basically laser sighted to take out drug users and degenerates.

Nurgle cultist detected

Nurgle/Slaanesh tbqh famalam

one of my boyfriends

Stopped reading after that lol

Taking "volcel if you wouldn't" to new heights

I like the anti-serosorting wokeness. "HIV is untransmissable if it's undetectable!" Cool, how did you get it then?

Bug-chasing is now trending again, I see

Consume infection

Contract that HIV, bigot.

its literally nothing!

it gave my wife a stroke and cancer and she died lmao

what did he mean by this