Landlord drama in r/NYC when someone asks "Whats the point of being a landlord anymore?"

3  2020-07-04 by Augustus-Romulus


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Good. Property is an investment and investments carry risk. It’s ridiculous how landlords are now whining that there’s a possibility they may not make money for once.


This is landphobia. Go home, educate yourself, and when you call back we can talk like educated adults who own property.

To be fair this sort of risk is probably not expected. Normal risk would be tenets trashing the place and not being able to recover enough money from them.

Not being able to execute evictions because of state regulation is probably not expected.

None of this is expected. It's a goddamn pandemic. Which is exactly why the government is supposed to be stepping in - there should be rent and mortgage relief, business grants to cover lost revenue, better supported unemployment situation, etc. Some of that has been done, but clearly this business sector was not represented or supported enough.


Money printer go brrrrrrrr

Maybe you should have a savings, or find a job to work during the pandemic if you don't have said savings...

I both still have a job and keep about a years worth of expenses in my checking account. But 80% of the country lives paycheck to paycheck and that is the reality we have to work with.

80% of the country shouldn't be sucking off Funko pops and upgrading to a new iPhone yearly.

I was over 20k in credit card debt from being a dumb teen/young adult years ago. I got myself in about 2 years by being diligent and giving every dollar a purpose.

I don’t give a fuck about your life story or how you are slightly less retarded than you were a few years ago. This is a time for pragmatism, not wishful ideology-driven austerity measures that end up fucking all of us in the ass.

This is totally true but it also cuts the other way since no individual could have ever expected they might be facing homelessness and an inability to pay their bills because someone in China didn’t wash their hands good enough after leaving the bioweapons lab.

Yeah I agree and I think not allowing evictions until the situation is stabilized is reasonable.

I just disagree with the brainlet above saying "Lol fuck landlords buying houses is risky."

if you cant pay the rent you shouldnt have signed the lease, its not the landlords fault you can just stop paying rent and get away with it now

When did I say otherwise?

so you agree that this is unfair to landlords?

Sure, but that’s the risk of owning rental property as an investment. Sometimes unexpected things happen and/or the government steps in for better or worse.

It happens to commodity markets and stock markets too.

but then by your logic the same goes for renters that signed a lease and then cant pay rent, they knew the risk that they might not be able to pay rent and accepted the consequences for it when they signed that contract, so they deserve to be evicted. youre such a hypocrite

next time you break a contract and are facing consequences, try arguing "sometimes unexpected things happen" as an excuse lol

That's what evictions are for. The government is messing with perfectly legal contracts that two groups explicitly agreed.

This. People should also demand a bailout every time their speculative shitcoin holdings go tits up.

I demand the federal reserve buy my expired 6/19 SPY puts

Serious posting on drama🤢

If you’re narrowly paying your mortgage with your rental income as your only income stream, you’re just openly playing with fire.

Living paycheck-to-paycheck except u own things so we no feel bad for u

This is one of those "both sides" things that just keeps on giving.

Reality is, anyone living paycheck to paycheck is on thin ice - whether individual, sole proprietor, or a corporation.

Why can't we just make being poor illegal?

We need them to do the shit jobs for low pay.

Prison labour dude.

Too expensive.

Based slavery

How bout people just stop living beyond their means. I feel bad if someone is living paycheck-to-paycheck and is below the poverty tbh, otherwise they just bad with money imo.

I'm eagerly awaiting the shocked Pikachu faces when more rentals get converted to condos and rents go up even more.

I'm not gonna pretend landlords can't get scummy but if you built your business around "okay I'll receive money from these people at this rate and if they become too much of a liability I can charge them more or remove them to secure my month-to-month" then suddenly the government tells you that this precariously placed safety net no longer applies, I imagine you'd be pretty pissed.


I’m not gonna pretend landlords can’t get scummy

All landchads are hecking valid

if six months of no rent puts them under buying property was probably a pretty awful financial decision for them to begin with.

> Six months of no income would put almost any business under water...

> Clearly the business should have had diversified stocks, several pieces of real estate and over a million in the bank in order to survive the global pandemic!

You should typically have some sort of cushion or be diversified in other assets before deciding to sink any significant amount of your net worth into a non primary residential property, yes.

but totally fine to sign a rent contract though even if you cant pay the rent lmao, the double standard is hilarious.

They’re just chapos. People who drink cases of New England IPAs.

what? Supply isn't even an issue lol? Costs are high despite good supply, rent control is often the only thing keeping them low.

Serious post, it’s remarkable how r-slurred people are.

NIMBYism and zoning laws are the obvious problem for any economically literate individual, but that is too much to expect from a person who rejects basic supply and demand

Also conventional knowledge says one should have a year’s living expenses in cash. I would think your typical landlord is in a better position (even if they’re small) to have this in place than your typical tenant.

So the landlord is supposed to be able to cover a years worth of rent for each unit, but the tenant isn’t?

smdh he should have had an emergency fund that covers 6 years of expenses

there are too many irresponsible landlords not pulling themselves up by their bootstraps