Jebcels on suicide watch or maybe emboldened 🤔

3  2020-07-05 by cakejerry_B0T


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


  1. Jebcels on suicide watch or maybe e... -,

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For any of the low IQcels out there, this isn't actually jeb

And that's a shame

Someone needs a quac bowl upside yo head.

Now do it en español

Dude hits a girl in the face 3 times and she calmly says “you just assaulted me. 😒” showing the ineffectiveness of his punches. That has to be the most embarrassing shit that will ever happen in his life.

Lmao I know, like wtf even lead to this. So many questions, but the fact that he looks exactly like Jeb is the icing