some kanye stans genuinely think he has a chance of winning “bro no one thought trümp would get the nomination” i— chileeee skskskkxbxbxbzv whew anyway 😌💅

7  2020-07-05 by ienjoystartingfights


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If I ever see you in real life I'll fucking make you eat cement. You got that, bitch? If it wasn't your mom coming downstairs to the basement each night to bring you a plate of chicken tenders, you would be dead with droll running into the cracks of your cheeto dust covered keyboard. I bet you weight about 400 pounds and have a string tied to your dick you use so you can piss. The fact you have to keep making new accounts suggest you need a new hobby. Stop being a piece of shit troll and find something creative to do. You only have so much time left before your arteries clog and Coonrod lowers your 2000 pounds casket into the ground with a fucking crane.


  1. some kanye stans genuinely think he... -,

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this is why video games and rap music must be banned

Based and Well-Tempered Clavier-pilled

Chile is cringe to say

how much money do you make a year?

The worst part about Trump is the millions of people that now think political reality no longer applies because reasons.

Kanye will win

Kanye West does want Bernie Sandon't.

Most overrated rapper there is.



still your future prez 😌

Clown country

This is good for drama so I approve. Can’t wait to see all the ‘our/politics’ denizens start up with “if you vote for Kanye you’re really voting for Trump” and then pages of screeching.

Kanye has a chance... so long as one believes in The Heart of The Cards

Yeah I agree

But imagine

Your duty burger drama apes is to vote Kanye

Wait, he was a Trump supporter now he's running against Trump? What was the falling out?

If Trump got him to run in order to wreck Biden that is some sick maneuvering. Would be very funny if it worked.

Who the fuck was going to vote Biden but will switch to Kanye? He's been a vocal Trump supporter for years and only Trump supporters like his politics.

the way u unironically think this will have any impact on the election

oh to be a tard

People on Twitter are saying the deadline already passed for him to get on ballots in several states and it will pass in the next few weeks for the rest. He literally has no chance.

I think his best bet would have been to primary an establishment Republican in the House/Senate and run as a MAGA candidate. Several QANON candidates just won their primaries that way.

Sweet reading comprehension
