Rrrrrrrr Drizzama's Official Congressional Canidate has stepped forward.

35  2020-07-05 by ArlenBilldozer


every time I get summoned here, I have a quick look around and find that this place gets worse and worse, it's like a black hole which mangles everything that gets sucked into it. src


  1. Rrrrrrrr Drizzama's Official Congre... - archive.org, archive.today

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This is fucking amazing.

GreatAwakening #QAnon #WWG1GWA #Trump2020

Who is “Becky With The Good Hair” who she encourages people to call while apologizing?

Oh.... a Soros operative?

How can I donate?

Just sent 27 dollars. Match me?


He's perfect

Here's what the government REALLY doesn't want you to know: Beyonce is italian.

We wops really do pull the (fettuccine) strings.

It*lians are controlling the world with an iron fist through their diaspora

Dangerously based.

Mama mia! Shut it down!


+50 billions $ per year in revenue the US alone with shitty bread and toppings

54 billions $ in Europe

How do they do it

literal Quck

Dramas candidate

Plz no

Don't be ableist, sweaty

R-slur pride worldwide

cant wait for transvestigation to enter the fray as a qtard conspiracy. we got a glimpse of it with the michelle/michael, but r/transvestigation is a whole untapped gold mine

Based and #WOQ-pilled

We need Kanye to become president because he would definitely entertain some qanon shit

Especially if he put Ice Cube on the ticket.

Uhh we already have an enlightened president

Don't forget to check his website (very 1990esque) for his amazing platform of three items.


He made that himself, didn't he?

I'm surprised it even loads on mobile

Imagine caring about Beyonce.

I would actually vote for this man just to see what happens. Finally, a politician that represents my r-slurred interests.

Jeff Tiedrich looks like Adam Savage finished season 12 of Mythbusters and started a manifesto

Jeff Tiedrich @itsJeffTiedrich · 6h Replying to @KwCongressional do you have any idea just how ridiculous you sound

Now THIS is fentposting

Quckholdry is growing in numbers at both the state and federal levels... for candidates of a certain political party. How long until Q is mainstream belief for Republicans? Or are we already there?

It's at least semi-mainstream. Unironically can't wait to see a Qultist in congress

Pretty sure there already are some in the Philippines, I think I remember one of them forcing their Congress to sit though one of those youtube videos they always want you to watch.

Found the video and while looking bumped into a Q congressional candidate. this election's gonna the best ever.

Average person is rslured

Dramatrds are finally getting redpilled on the human question👳🏼.

...I mean, Ariana Grande is Italian and pretends to be black, kinda. Definitely schizo posting but based in reality lmao

Pasta posting will never get old.

She was getting the ladies in formation 4 years ago. Why?