every time I get summoned here, I have a quick look around and find that this place gets worse and worse, it's like a black hole which mangles everything that gets sucked into it. src
cant wait for transvestigation to enter the fray as a qtard conspiracy. we got a glimpse of it with the michelle/michael, but r/transvestigation is a whole untapped gold mine
Quckholdry is growing in numbers at both the state and federal levels... for candidates of a certain political party. How long until Q is mainstream belief for Republicans? Or are we already there?
Pretty sure there already are some in the Philippines, I think I remember one of them forcing their Congress to sit though one of those youtube videos they always want you to watch.
1 SnapshillBot 2020-07-05
every time I get summoned here, I have a quick look around and find that this place gets worse and worse, it's like a black hole which mangles everything that gets sucked into it. src
I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers
1 SJCards 2020-07-05
This is fucking amazing.
GreatAwakening #QAnon #WWG1GWA #Trump2020
1 Iowa_Hawkeye 2020-07-05
How can I donate?
1 ClementineChime 2020-07-05
Just sent 27 dollars. Match me?
1 SJCards 2020-07-05
1 EdgeRaker 2020-07-05
He's perfect
1 CitrusDelicious 2020-07-05
Here's what the government REALLY doesn't want you to know: Beyonce is italian.
1 ArlenBilldozer 2020-07-05
We wops really do pull the (fettuccine) strings.
1 GeminiRocket 2020-07-05
Dangerously based.
1 Zero5urvivers 2020-07-05
1 GeminiRocket 2020-07-05
+50 billions $ per year in revenue the US alone with shitty bread and toppings
54 billions $ in Europe
How do they do it
2 Caladan_Mood 2020-07-05
they can't keep getting away with this
1 PM_ME_UR_RARE_PUPPER 2020-07-05
Yes, my fellow Europeans, the Italians, English and French need to overcome their tribalism and embrace the EU.
1 cakejerry_B0T 2020-07-05
Plz no
1 hobocactus2 2020-07-05
Don't be ableist, sweaty
R-slur pride worldwide
1 ienjoystartingfights 2020-07-05
cant wait for transvestigation to enter the fray as a qtard conspiracy. we got a glimpse of it with the michelle/michael, but r/transvestigation is a whole untapped gold mine
1 AlohaWarrior35 2020-07-05
Based and #WOQ-pilled
1 mcbrd 2020-07-05
We need Kanye to become president because he would definitely entertain some qanon shit
1 preserved_fish 2020-07-05
Especially if he put Ice Cube on the ticket.
1 InconspicuousWolf 2020-07-05
Uhh we already have an enlightened president
1 Eternal_Mr_Bones 2020-07-05
Don't forget to check his website (very 1990esque) for his amazing platform of three items.
1 VanillaReign 2020-07-05
He made that himself, didn't he?
1 imwalkinhyah 2020-07-05
I'm surprised it even loads on mobile
1 Pepperglue 2020-07-05
Imagine caring about Beyonce.
1 Crook_and_Crank 2020-07-05
I would actually vote for this man just to see what happens. Finally, a politician that represents my r-slurred interests.
1 OptimusGrime707 2020-07-05
Jeff Tiedrich looks like Adam Savage finished season 12 of Mythbusters and started a manifesto
1 AwanBros 2020-07-05
Jeff Tiedrich @itsJeffTiedrich · 6h Replying to @KwCongressional do you have any idea just how ridiculous you sound
1 ImHereForTheBussy 2020-07-05
Now THIS is fentposting
1 Meowing_Cows 2020-07-05
Quckholdry is growing in numbers at both the state and federal levels... for candidates of a certain political party. How long until Q is mainstream belief for Republicans? Or are we already there?
1 snallygaster 2020-07-05
It's at least semi-mainstream. Unironically can't wait to see a Qultist in congress
1 TotesAgotes 2020-07-05
Pretty sure there already are some in the Philippines, I think I remember one of them forcing their Congress to sit though one of those youtube videos they always want you to watch.
1 TotesAgotes 2020-07-05
Found the video and while looking bumped into a Q congressional candidate. this election's gonna the best ever.
1 devotedrat17 2020-07-05
Dramatrds are finally getting redpilled on the human question👳🏼.
1 waffen_waffle 2020-07-05
...I mean, Ariana Grande is Italian and pretends to be black, kinda. Definitely schizo posting but based in reality lmao
1 D_Legare 2020-07-05
Pasta posting will never get old.
1 Osterion 2020-07-05