The author of the only book series to ever be written starts t*rf posting again, and the replies get quite upset as usual.

59  2020-07-05 by TheColdTurtle


You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


  1. The author of the only book series ... -,

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Here is a gimmick account being VERY upset. I am sure there is more somewhere but the best part is the journey of finding it

Considering Iran forcefully transmissions bussy seekers, maybe she isn't wrong.

maybe she isn't wrong.

as much as it pains me to say it, the bong is right

forcefully transmissions

automatic to manual swap?

Gimmick account seethe is just pure dopamine

It really is, which is unfortunate for us as a species. It's so god damn much fun watching people fail and be angry that it distracts us from the greater longer-term satisfaction of personal and group success. Basically the difference between the effort and reward of jerking off versus a long-term healthy relationship. This sort of easily accessible hate-masturbation wasn't possible before social media which is why people weren't so focused on tearing each other down a decade ago.

Frankly this is a return to normal. Americans used to duel and trash each other with canes over political questions

Reject modernity

Sad but true. People who grew up during the 70s-90s will think it's g slurred and r slurred, and it is, but this is how it's been

g slurred AND r slurred

Only 1790s kids will get it.

people who grew up in that era make the bulk of woke-r-dism now, its the zoomies who think otherwise because teens being r-slurred just like going against the current

embrace matchlock duels

you absolutely can not maintain a gimmick account without steady supply of NaCI, HRT and lack of real social life

Gimmick accounts in gargantuan 2020 lol

Pissed off gimmick accounts are fucking based. There was One I checked on every Thursday (he posted some anime chicks dancing to a song every Thursday, that was his gimmick) and he was literally seething about cops the whole time while people in the comments were seething about him inserting politics into the gimmick post. Shit was hella fun.


Every time someone calls her out for being transphobic in the replies some wine mom says “ah yes the man telling her what to do” or “the man’s talking now🙄”. Like no, she is being a bigot and it doesn’t matter the gender of who points it out..

Nice mansplaining, bigot.

wow, somebody talking about conversion therapy in 2020

“TE*F” posting. 🍸🍸🍸

Where’s the lie 🤔

"Writer sometimes known as Robert Galbraith".

Odd way to say "Made a huge pile out of the only idea I ever had, like to pretend I have others but am kidding no-one, not even myself".

Robert Galbraith probably needs to write a mystery novel about a multimillionaire who is found repeatedly stabbed in the back by other people she helped to make multimillionaires.

That one idea has gave her more money and power than your entire ancestral tree put together, seethe more sweety 💅


I don't deny it. I fancy myself at least 1% of the writer JK is, but I'll never see 1% of her money, or even 1% of that. God only knows how much she'd have made if she'd been as prolific as Kipling, Agatha Christie or even Enid fucking Blyton, though.

Rowling is actually kind of a milf.

I'd let JK peg me any day.

One of the best things about pegging is that you don't have to look at the person doing it to you.

I like my pegging like I like my gay sex. Missionary. So I can make eye contact

Pegging needs to be done in the missionary-position, or it is an afront to God.

what are you? a gussy?

if no eye contact, it does not count.

Dem cheekbones

Before we rehabilitate her completely, worth remembering that she is a total cunt in other spheres. Now that’s out of the way, would.

Like in her philantrophy?

More like philately lol am I fucking right, guys hahahha

The only person in history to come off the billionaire list because they gave so much away...

I've read all of HP and it was a waste of a few days of my life, but this is one thing I've always been willing to give JKR and always will.


Not gonna read all of that. Try again sweetie

If this is what it takes for people to read another book, I'm all for it.

J.K, sure does seem based though.💅

She's got her wine and her keyboard and she's just cruisin.

Quick, guess the wine.



What is it with famous bongs are destroying their legacy by getting upset about a tiny demographic that's unlikely to ever cause anything but a minor inconvenience in their lives. At least americans are more entertaining with their hatred and cospiracies, and pick either 🏀 or ✡

Though I guess T-slurs are indeed just Jews of the milquetoast lib.

I’ve ignored porn tweeted at children

but I won’t ignore people doing whatever they want >with their own dicks

Glad she’s got her priorities straight



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this like who gives a fuck what she thinks no matter your beliefs?? what does she gain from this? dopamine? like n-word (soft a) just be a billionaire and shut the fuck up

People who make tweet threads are r-slurs. Literally the only good thing about Twatter's design in the first place was that the character limit prevented people from seriousposting too much.


Wtf hhahahaha

I just read through over 100 tumblr gif seethe responses and only saw one person actually try to argue her point -- badly, by claiming hormones are never given too freely, but at least a coherent attempt was made. Otherwise, it's all foaming mad, all the way down.

Jk's obsessive war against the tran is her greatest contribution to the world of entertainment and is superior to Harry Potter in every way.

I just read through over 100 tumblr gif seethe responses and only saw one person actually try to argue her point

Engaging in Twitter argument automatically makes you the loser. You only win if you don't play, and if you do play, everyone else who can point and laugh at you wins.

You only win if you don't play

I don't use Twitter so maybe I'm just being naive but most of them seem upset that the cis-normies are siding with Rowling, but they don't put any effort into trying to convince them otherwise. Not participating only works if you aren't invested in the outcome.

If their goal is to discredit Magic Mommy, shouldn't they...I don't know, try?

I don't use Twitter so maybe I'm just being naive but most of them seem upset that the cis-normies are siding with Rowling, but they don't put any effort into trying to convince them otherwise.

You act like arguments are a good way to change people's opinion, and that Twitter users hold political beliefs because they have deeply held values and not because it's trendy.

Best way to change someone's political opinion is through social pressure and general mockery, that's why memes are so popular in politics nowadays. Also reaction gifs and memes and catchphrases will give you 5 times the likes for 1/10 of the effort, and most ppl are on Twitter for clout and dopamine hits.

Considering all this, do you see any reason to have constructive arguments? They still exist, even on Twitter, but only in specific circles, not on general viral tweets.

Best way to change someone's political opinion is through social pressure and general mockery, that's why memes are so popular in politics nowadays.

This seems demonstrably untrue though, both with Daddy Drumpf and Brexit. If anything, social pressure and mockery push voters the opposite direction. People hate feeling like they're being told what to think and vote for, especially when it feels like a coordinated attack from social media and journos.

You're absolutely right that in public they become quieter, so I guess if you're just invested in Twitter rather than politics it makes sense, but when they're alone in the voting booth, that doesn't matter, so I think that in the long run it's a terrible idea. Social media likes don't in any way translate to vote count -- shit, it seems like they don't even indicate if people will even show up to vote in the first place.

I don't think shrieking arguments are a good way to change people's minds, but I don't think refusing to engage with people works either.

Best way to change someone's political opinion is through social pressure and general mockery

we really have gone backwards

Jk's obsessive war against the tran i

Is it obsessive though when they're literally brainwashing children to abandon their families and identities for nihilism and cooomerism?

It's obsessive in that she's a children's book author who seems to spend a great deal of time willingly throwing herself into public lynch mobs. To give her credit, that at least shows she genuinely cares, and it takes balls to keep doing it, but she's slowly committing career suicide for no clear gain.

It would make more sense if she was trying to transition into politics as a career. Which, actually, wouldn't be that shocking, come to think of it.

It's obsessive in that she's a children's book author who seems to spend a great deal of time willingly throwing herself into public lynch mobs.

I am pretty sure its the opposite, a lot of these troodles LOVE harry potter and wont shut the fuck up about it even in their 30s. It's a big common denominator and I'm sure she noticed when she gets a bunch of tweets from pronouns-in-bio turds and pastel flags over the years. Hence she became more pro LGBT in the last couple of years and says stupid shit like gay double doors and stuff. Then she had the audacity to say, "Hey, maybe biological women should have their own space too for their own safety, you know? Cuz I understand how that was cuz I was in a domestic abuse relationship with a man.." And thats when she got shit on hard.

committing career suicide

She's worth a billion dollars. She's uncancellable.

was right? didnt she donate her way off that list?

I have no idea. She's still worth enough to not never do anything ever again and be rich as fuck. The little google factoid said $670M-1B so I just used the bigger one.

Oh no, she only has hundreds of millions of dollars instead of billions. She's practically destitute.

Hundreds of millions of pounds. Don't drag your pissant Monopoly money into this convo.

with 50 million you're already uncancellable, the only way to cancel you is if you are "working rich" meaning the second your career tanks you go broke, but if you're already rich and dont burn money like a r-slurred rapper then you'll be okay, you can even afford to do libel lawsuits against online idiots for fun (and maybe profit)

I'm more thinking of an Orson Scott Card situation, where the books themselves are 'tainted' -- okay, career suicide is hyperbolic, but even the film adaptation of Ender's Game came with a lot of baggage.

She can retire whenever she wants, even with all the wealth she's given to charity, but she'll never be able to release anything as a writer without that in itself being a controversy, not to mention how good leftoids are at ruining someone's public reputation.

As an estate, she can't be cancelled, but as a person and an artist -- yes, I know, but that matters to creative types -- she's definitely made things very difficult for herself.

Try mentioning that you've read Lovecraft without someone absolutely needing to start the conversation and that guy's fucking dead. People now want to pretend Daniel Radcliffe wrote Harry Potter, and it's only going to get more bizarre from there.

She can retire whenever she wants, even with all the wealth she's given to charity, but she'll never be able to release anything as a writer without that in itself being a controversy

Realistically she was never going to release anything else as a writer except more Potterverse odds and ends. She took on the Galbraith pen-name for shits and giggles, but the books basically went nowhere until it mysteriously became known that RG and JKR were one and the same.

enders game was always shit but I think its ridiculous how the author not sucking girldick was a problem and not that the story had literal child soldiers

then again wokes still consoom sweatshop shit made by child slaves, they are okay with that

child sweatshops are good tho

why do you hate the global poor

It's obsessive in that she's a children's book author who seems to spend a great deal of time willingly throwing herself into public lynch mobs.

Living the dream tbh

That would be based. Unfortunately more often than not it's brainwashing them into a new, significantly lamer family and identity.

> abandon their families and identities for nihilism and cooomerism?

I see this as an overly complex form of birth control

sees a response to the OP’s tweet


lmao I ain’t reading your memoirs fam

I'm actually kinda impressed she keeps doubling down instead of begging for forgiveness like most spineless celebs. Only kinda tho. She has Fuck You money x100

JK Rowling has recently skyrocketed to the head of the based department

Based on cis hetereo normative gender roles. Absolute monster.


For fuck sake, why the fuck is the author of one of the most leftist-loved book series is becoming based ?

Damn, Hit them with sources and shit.

I will say it again and again, greatest redemption arc in a long time.

“1/11” lol jfc

Wtf I love JK Rowling now😳😳😳

Hi Jo, my son, 13, has written you a 12 page letter about trans identification and Harry Potter. I realise you must be very busy given the amazing work you are currently doing, but I would highly appreciate it if you could dm me so I could send you the unblurred letter. Thanks x

Good morning.


I mean she wrote a series of books where wizards keep normal people out if their world to keep it safe

Wasn't Rowling the most successful female writer in history? Are they trying to cancel Rowling so a transwoman can take that title?

This is what it looks like when you have a pile of fuck you money.

It’s a thing of utter beauty. She’s a billionaire. She’s made it. She doesn’t need to lift a finger for the rest of her life. But it’s not enough. She won’t stop. She still gets the final say on anything HP. It’s her name on all the cheque’s. Games, theme parks, the musical, toys. She gets a piece of all of it. And absolutely zero corporate entities will call her out because they want that money. She’s bulletproof. Absolute queen.

I dig that woman.

Does everybody on twitter have depression, OCD and anxiety in that exact order? the fuck

tumblr weakness worshippers metastasized after getting driven out so yes

we can only pray for a resurgence of Ragnar Redbeard

Lmao, where are your gay wizards now