reddit deepthroats 😋 the boot 🥾

2  2020-07-05 by ienjoystartingfights


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It's the same teenager racism hate cult that MDE was all about. It's just another boring /pol/ offshoot for lonely edgelord losers.


  1. reddit deepthroats 😋 the boot 🥾 -,

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Ok simp.

shut the fuсk up rеtаrd go be сringe somewhere else

C O P E.


40% of police abuse their spouses zoomer

sounda like 60% of police arent fulfilling their duties as spouse

edgy😃😂🤣nice one ☝️vro😏

RIP r/LoveForLawEnforcement

60% of cops are simps

You want people to like you, stop doing bad things.

Sounds familiar

If you have 10 good cops and 1 bad cop, and the good cops do not purge the bad cop, you have 11 bad cops.


Smh sweaty I shouldn't have to explain this to you, but if a "good cop" doesn't personally execute and cop that does something I don't like, then he's just as bad.

tbh i unironically dont find anything incorrect abt the first statement but yeah lots of cope here

Cops are not a hivemind, they don't know what everyone does

Why do they get so much protection when they get found out tho

Why are you so dumb?

is he wrong?

lol yes why don’t you go start another chaz

seems like there might be a spectrum between wanting corrupt officers to be prosecuted and larping as an anarchist

but i forgot that ur conservative so again, some of the nuance may be lost on ur feeble brain

I don’t negotiate with terrorists

i personally enjoy negotiating with tards so ill continue the convo

I’m sorry cops told you to stop skateboarding in your high school parking lot

i dont know how to skateboard tho

Damn you never even got the chance to learn

my disdain for the police actually stems from the time i was locked in a holding cell in azkaban and the dementors raped me violently. it was kinda fucked up but also kind of hot, too. i definitey learned a lot about the male prostate. their jizz was kinda ghostly and like ectoplasmic? idk how to describe it. but yeah after harry and hermione busted me out i became anti cop and also became an animagus! im a griffinclaw btw 🤗

Never read that dumb shit. Probably why I’m not an ACABer.

never read

you couldve stopped there sweaty

All wizards are losers

all conservatives are mentally handicapped

Not a conservative

well then whats ur excuse for tardism

I think most police are good people and good at their jobs. Most people are dipshits in large crowds. Almost every shooting where a police officer killed a suspect was justified. Defunding the police will lead to more innocent people being hurt by criminals.

almost every shooting...


The facts are out there. Not hard to find.

again lol

Keep believing what crunchy hippies and felons want to believe. That’s the crowd you want to associate with then feel free to do so.

stay mad

no u and stop resisting



I’m riding with biding

Unions which are a left wing thing lol

arguing with conservatives is difficult at times because i forget theyre literally mentally deficient and usually arent operating at the same brain power as the rest of us

when a wikipedia article can refute ur statement then yikes sweaty might b time to crack open a book once every couple years!

arguing with conservatives is difficult at times because i forget theyre literally mentally deficient and usually arent operating at the same brain power as the rest of us

when a wikipedia article can refute ur statement then yikes sweaty might b time to crack open a book once every couple years!

The first comment is the same logic that rightoids use to say that Muslims should police their own communities

There is honestly nothing cringier than calling people bootlickers.

yes there is

Why is this post downvoted to hell

bc ppl unironically support the police lmao