👌🏻 "No... no..... Nooooooooooo!!! REEEEEEE"

86  2020-07-05 by Neon_needles


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Gay porn is a genre that cuts across all demographics and the stigma that you have to be gay to enjoy it needs to come to an end right now.


  1. 👌🏻 "No... no..... Nooooooooooo!!! R... - archive.org, archive.today

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I didn't realise subreddit drama posters were this bad...


The reason why white supremacy signs seem to be changing and updating at a quick pace is because of the coorelation with 4Chan and other online smaller websites. Groups on these sites "Troll" others using potentially innocuous phrases, cartoon, and signs. Anyone criticizing it is labeled as falling for the "prank" until enough people are in on it that it's clearly not a joke. They put up signs around colleges saying "Its OK to be White" claiming to troll people. The signs are pointed out as coming from awful people. But to anyone not familiar with deep internet culture, they see it as innocuous. The outrage at the people putting up signs causes a backlash where uniformed people think the problem people have is suggesting being white is OK.

They do the same with Pepe comics. They determine theyll use it as a joke. And then a few months later you are inundated with obviously racist as shit comics and the only people who like them are unironic racists. Now it happens with the OK sign. You flash it to someone and to the uninformed it looks like an innocuous OK sign. But to anyone in on it, it's a way to openly say "I'm a white supremacist" in public without everyone immediately knowing it. Of course those in the know point out the white supremacy aspects of it and are told they're being oversensitive or trolled.

the absolute lack of awareness, jesus fucking christ. Day of the Can when??

Using that logic wouldnt more people using the ok sign be good? Since then the white supremacists would not have a monopoly on it.

> Logic

> SRDine

pick one

I love when some edgelord tries to counter someone with "it's ok to be white" and the person just says, "of course it is, nobody disagrees, but as I was saying..."

It's literally the easiest tactic to parry.

Seems pretty difficult when you say “of course black lives matter, all lives matter” then people sperg out

"All lives matter equally little to our corrupt police force, yes, so as I was saying..."

How can you say "black lives matter" when we are specifically talking about "black trans lives matter"? Do you not care about hecking cute and valid chocolate bussy?

"you only say blm instead of btlm because you're a cishet transphobe, dont you know black men are the white males of black people?"

It's not okay to be wyite tho

It would be easy if you think it's okay to be white. It's clearly not. I mean, just look at the West right now and tell me it's okay.

That's true tho, and when they start the campaign to show people the plan /pol/tards are stringing they are actually playing along with it

You actually read all those words? You're not too far off from being an SRDine yourself buddy.

witness the mind of an srdine:

In the past couple months, the Internet has degenerated. Multiple times I've closed social media in frustration, thinking, "Dumb people! Why are people so dumb?!"

snappy pls


It's always pretty clear when someone uses it to troll

Then why are people getting cancelled for a decade old picture of them doing it?

Because we determined that the retroactive use of the symbol is a sign of support for white supremacists. Didn’t you take an English class and learn what the author really meant by a word choice regardless of what the author claims they meant?





Racist-ass zozbot.

I love you

> still caring about intent

lmao, you entry level leftoid. leave behind such trivialities and ascend to the realm of pure judgement.

Wait did this actually happen?

Did 1914, 1987, 2000, 2016, and 2020 all also happen?

The answer is yes. This is the stupidest viable timeline, and you’re stuck here.

Then why are people getting cancelled for a decade old picture of them doing it?

Link or shut up.

It's still not someone getting fired because their father said the gamer word tho

Didn't people stop using this meme sometime around 3 years ago?

I think someone got kicked out of a Cubs game a year or two ago for it.

Well there are some small victories here and there

If I recall, when the news reported on it, they pixellated the OK sign.

The racist fascist Oregon State Police were caught using it this very day!!! 😲

Do SRDines just make it a point to be wrong about literally any given issue?

Right? It's like they are actively trying.

That ACAB guy is just peak lefty reddit

In other times the biggest display of leftist bravery was fighting off the Nazi troops in the cold Russian winter. Today? I'd have to say posting "ACAB" on social media, for sure.

Today? I’d have to say posting ”ACAB” on social media, for sure. *memes at /r/antifascists *

Such a stunning display of bravery.

I think you mean the Nazis saw in on 4chan as that's where they posted it.

I can almost hear the stretching of his chapped lips as he forms a smug grin

User named E*syasACAB: Context is key

The irony

See also, "it's okay to be white."

What started as a joke to trick "SJWs" into looking like they're saying "it's not okay to be white"

And it worked you absolute drongo lol. They would rather virtue signal everything instead of actually helping anyone.

It had nothing to do with Nazis originally.

4chan started it as a hoax to bait newsites and places like reddit.

Neo Nazis saw it on the news and reddit etc and thought it was an actual thing and started doing it to each other to signal each other.

And so it actually became a thing.

They're just so retarded

"Nazis" started doing it because they knew it would get SRDines to declare this innocuous gesture the new Roman salute

doing it to signal each other

Tfw i as a 4chan fascist go out of my house and see a fellow nazi and signal him to do nazi stuff together

haha we were only pretending to make it racist haha

/pol/ has prevailed once again

You thinking of a sign that shows virginity amongst gamers