Epstein lady friend preparing to ‘die of COVID-19’

29  2020-07-05 by ShemaleSmasher


The joke is that this November your vote counts exactly as much as a senile retiree whose political sources are nestled between a thread of gay furry porn and a thread of kids wearing swimsuits.


  1. Epstein lady friend preparing to ‘d... - archive.org, archive.today*

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Brown Valley Observer dot com

Top-tier source, right there

Tbf if this is real, at least they are getting creative. Suicides are



Please tell me you were only being ironically retarded.

>This is an entertainment website written to satirize news events, politics, and popular faces and ideas, and to provide commentary on social attitudes and trends.

Imagine thinking this possibility is shocking. Corona would be a super convenient way to suicide her. Not even just the people that want her ded, but witness protection. Also, imagine clicking fake news

Imagine evaluating the legitimacy of your news based solely on whether you like the headline. You swallowed that one faster than a crackwhore looking for her next fix.

imagine clicking fake news

Don't bring The New York Times into this, we're discussing a badly done satire site.

I myself enjoy observing brown valleys. Who needs lube when nature provides shit?

Thanks, I got to laugh today

A second person accused of proving Tr*mp child hookers about to die in Barr's custody? Better blame the Clintons!

Oh this is rich. She just happens to be the 0.5% right? What luck.

lol her ventilator will suddenly be non-functional and she will die as doctors just happened to not be on call or available that day.


Falling for a bad satire site is the sign of being an NPC. OUT OUT OUT