Racism btfo. But so is social distancing...

9  2020-07-06 by rakrakaon


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I’m not denying it doesn’t happen, but to assume all people who wear mascot costumes, or are furries, smoke crack and fuck all day in costume is a massive fallacy.


  1. Racism btfo. But so is social dista... - archive.org, archive.today

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This is all part of the mayocide, everyone knows black people cant get coronavirus

When is someone gonna tell them kids haven't been getting the virus?

I can't imagine being that age right now. Fuck that.

The absolute state of pasty shut in friendless redditors. Imagine being this bitter.

Weirdly I have an answer for this. Historically in America (technically America were still English colonies at time point) there's a real moment when racism as an institution was created. Around 1663ish there were riots involving black slaves and white indentured servants, aka white slaves. To quell these riots the white slaves were freed but black where kept enslaved. It was a conscious decision by a governmental body to divide and conquer. The new racism rules were taught free whites people, newly freed indentured servants and black slaves all at the same time.

please don't tell me people are this stupid.

someone either told him to say this or he thought it up on his own. Either way it's pretty r-slured.

He got the dates wrong and there's a little exaggeration, but he's referring to Bacon's Rebellion.

Like I've said before, you can trace a disproportionate amount of the world's problems back to the English menace.

you can trace a disproportionate amount of the world's problems back to the English menace.

You're welcome bb xoxo

Don't forget the Opium Wars. I feel like Reagan took a lot of inspiration from us on that one.

Wait... Is that a BLACK person? On reddit? I'm gonna.... Upvooooooooooooooooooooot!

Parents using their children for upvote is sickening.