Mayo whiner gets stabbed by peaceful gentlefoid protester, whacks her, gets shamed

1  2020-07-06 by Nergaal


You're not even trying to be witty or anything, you're just circlejerking. How does it feel literally karma whoring, like, actually just being a human who cares enough to type multiple comments for no purpose except to draw a nearby majority's attention to the fact that you agree with them?


  1. Mayo whiner gets stabbed by peacefu... -,

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Its a sgit larp.

The duality of reddit is putting women on pedestals while simultaneously fantasizing about being struck by one so they can beat the absolute piss out of them.

People with an inferiority complex about something often feel that way. Incels are in awe of women, believe they can't talk or interact with them and also resent and hate them. Poor people love spending money but feel guilty about doing so. Shit workers love promotions because it validates them but still feel like an imposter doing the job. Love/hate isn't a new concept.

Stabbed is an overstatement but pretty based for hitting a foid anyway

This guy is a crazy mra who thinks women want to put men in concentration camps. I’d love to know what the real story is.

Wdym? People do not lie on the internet

Looks like he fell while rollerblading

A girl punched me in the face in fourth grade and made me cry.

In 6th grade she started with me again. This time I punched her and laid her out. And I said “that’s for 2 years ago”. That is actually a true story

incredible true story