2020 super power has better medical care for poors than USA USA USA

1  2020-07-06 by throwaway_at_


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My god I just checked your post history. There is no shaming you. This is literally your life. Just imagine how much you could accomplish if you weren’t addicted to Reddit. You’re making a difference, though!


  1. 2020 super power has better medical... - archive.org, archive.today

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Don’t comment or upvote anything, this is some old stinky street shit.

In our proud india u also get free diseases 🇮🇳🇮🇳

The US covers it’s poorest populations with Medicare, which cuts off at around an individual income of $16,500usd/year.

In India that would cover the 96% of poorest people in the country, everyone except the top 4%, so in some ways, yes you could say that, but with public insurance instead of public hospitals.

Average wage in the US is about 30 times higher than that in India. Can't really just copy and paste political policies like that without accounting for the wealth of the population.

You literally can. People here are richer across the board and on average have more access to medical care.

They were trying to dunk on USA like “oh y’all don’t all have free medical care like us in India.”

What made me giggle a bit was the guy a bit further down in the thread saying “we’ll have 5,000 deaths a day by mid-April”.

That whole sub is a bit unhinged.

Here is a guy saying that we should never have to work again and linking to /r/antiworm (lmao at that sub as well) for proof.

Also, the inhaler thread was wild. This person was larping as if they couldn’t afford an inhaler and another commenter claims that Americans can’t afford inhalers because they all cost $500+

I linked to a literal $20 albuterol inhaler and got downvoted because it doesn’t agree with the AMerICa BAd

r/antiworm instead of r/antiwork

lol what the fuck did you link to by accident?

Worm is a solid piece of work, but when I tried to approach the creators one human being to another. I got shut down. I got edited WHILE I WAS WRITING, and then I was blocked from the site. It EVEN FUCKING CRASHED.

And I turned to reddit. I'm typing on a phone and it was a cool story, but, yeah, the people in charge are dicks. They don't WANT their readers to KNOW what the story is ABOUT, they don't WANT people to UNDERSTAND WHAT's going on, and the WHOLE. GODDAMN. TIME. it's like they've been weeding out people who know too much.

You wanna know why?

It's anti-male propaganda, and they're making money off it.

And, haha, they're ALSO HURTING MEN!

Now THAT'S a business model I can get behind!

Wait, that can't be right.

Surely there's no market for- OF COURSE they're making money! The Women's Rights movement has been in the process of stagnation since the 60's!

But you don't hurt people to make money. You don't SPREAD HATE to earn MONEY, and YOU DON'T GET TO HURT OTHER PEOPLE WITHOUT A DAMN GOOD REASON!

You can spread this SHIT all over the place, but I WILL NOT let you do it like this.

And, uh, I'm pretty sure it IS actually just one person, using something like ten or fifteen different accounts. Also, I mean when your INTRODUCTION into an ONLINE COMMUNITY contains statements to the effect of "we used to theorize, but DON'T" It's all a bit too Wicker Man for me, I just think.