reddit’s ebony fetish is so strong that they once again upvote a (((hate group)))👨🏿‍🦱🔪🧎

8  2020-07-06 by ienjoystartingfights


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Fuck I hate r*dditors

The first comment I read. Fellow gun owners are as predictable as they're unbelievable.

Just shows they watched a youtube video about guns before


Girl in the thumbnail be kinda cute tho

tfw no racist ebony queen

All you can see is her eyes. That’s why Muslims wear garbage bags, you’ll never know what a hideous, inbred sow your wife is.

The top comment again is about finger discipline lmao.

It's like congragulating a driver for having their hands on the steering well, or slapping on a seat belt.

How to spot a no-guns LARPer 101

Controversial opinion: Extremist groups always have such good style

not remotely controversial. fascism relies on slick looking performances to be effective. nazis had uniforms designed by hugo boss, had extremely choreographed performances and displays of power, expertly designed propaganda (nazi propaganda films advanced the artform globally), heavily used wagner music motifs, etc.

plenty of better sources to read about this, but the gist is that fascism is super reliant on thought control, and to make that effective, you have to dress it up so people enjoy consuming your propaganda and enjoy being a part of the “system”. without the slick uniforms and cool movies and marches, nazis are just f slurs who do high kicks.

Nazis were lucky to have Hugo Boss and Wagner on their side.

Nazis were lucky to have Germans on their side in a war.

I remember reading about an English driver complaining that driving in Germany is stressful because they honk at you if you make the slightest mistake.

No one does total war like the Germans.

Hugo Boss didn’t design their uniforms, his company was just one of several that manufactured pre-existing designs.

At any rate the whole Nazi aesthetic is just the shitty fanfic version of Imperial Germany. I don’t know how people find the blown-out horse riding pants half their uniforms had even meme-attractive.

It's because German World War style has become an amalgam in fiction. The storm troopers of late-WW1 merged with the trench coats of the SS got sexed up with Israeli holocaust porn, and Wolfenstein games. Not even saying it to be an asshole, if Hitler had carried a sword, it would be the perfect storm, the Nazis would have made their comeback years ago.




keep zozzin on

Anyone notice the woman's fat belly is basically busting outside of her uniform?

This is why COVID... etc.


Not even controversial. Like, ISIS makes some pretty catchy tunes, even if the lyrics are all claimin they would behead me if given the chance.

its more of just an accepted fact of fascist regimes than in opinion

its like me saying controversial opinion: democracies hold elections

ItS nOt ReAl DeMoCrAcY BeCaUsE...

Swing states aren't democrat enough?

Plus they wear those sick ninja costumes


Do TERFs count as extremists?

lol no

They count as retards more than they count as extremists.

They approve of chair torture

No because they’re right

“Womyn good men bad” is anything but extreme.

Style maybe but try wearing all black marching on a sunny southern day and you'll wish you were dead.

I didn't see this pic before it got y'alled, but last time New Black Panthers showed up, it turned out to be staged.

Apparently there were at least two actors, the official leaders of the real party said they had nothing to do with it, and that they'd never let a whitey march with them.

Alphabet boys know what they're doing

And the fascists have the outfits

But I don't care for the outfits

That's an observation bias. Extremist groups with bad style fail to gain momentum (because of their bad style), so you only hear about extremist groups with good style.

thats not an observation bias, if anything its a survivor bias, but that doesnt matter because it’s extremely obvious that we’re talking about successful fascist groups anyway

r/drama uniform when?


Wait a bunch of armed black people held a peaceful and orderly march and the police didn't attempt to murder all of them?

Twitter told me that only happened for NRA boomers

I've been maintaining the opposite: that if BLM protestors want to stop getting pepper sprayed, they should start open carry protests. This just proves it. Guns make protests safer.

Indubitably based


Guns make protests everything safer

🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸

CHAZ had a bit of trouble with their open carry people. The goal is to not pretend you are suddenly police 2.0 because you are armed. Then everything will be fine.

The black panthers have consistently been holding more armed protests since Ferguson, they just don't get media attention because they're organized and have more weapons than manpower.

Ah shit. I mentioned the other day that I dig their name without knowing anything about them. Guess I'm cancelled now.


Wtf i love Hitler now?

Are you surprised? The soys of Reddit really want an ebony guy smashing their fat gf, because they believe it will save their relationship (it won’t).

Cuckoldry is an overwhelmingly right-wing fetish.

Soys like BDSM and femdom.

I’d say it’s bi-paristan

Which is why I, an enlightened centrist, like being a dominant bull.

But really soyboys just call it polyamory even though their chick gets smashed and they dont.

Polys get all the desperation handies from their fellow brother-husbands.

Boi, das ghey.

its the (((porn industry))) at work, pushing forward a narrative of bbc bulls cucking pale white gremlins in order to destabilize the west, thusly exterminating gentiles

You realize the people into that are extremely racist and look at it as " well let's do something humiliating to me/her with my cuck fetish . So if she won't blow rover I'll have her fuck a person I consider way lower than me" that's interracial porn enthusiasts underlying thought process on it. It's not bbc so much as it is humuliation and " let's see just how much of a little slut you are"

This is incredibly wrong lol. The humiliation is humiliating themselves by their wife being pleasured more by someone else.

Everything men do is because of dick size

That sounds like something a racist cuck would say to cope.

As a frequent bull I know what I'm talking about

Gussy or bussy diver?

¿Por qué no los dos? The humiliation is that their wife is being pleasured by what they believe to be an animal.

I don’t understand interracial porn tbh. Like if it was black guy smashing white guy, vice verse or an ebony woman fucking a white man then yes I’m on that train, but I can’t ejaulate unless I can self insert

I noticed the absence of mayo f🤮ids in your masturbation habits and I applaud you for having good jerkin taste



We're in a world where black = good and white = bad

Truly 🤡🌎

I spend more time with women on any given Tuesday than any unloved, lonely shut-in Chapo poster has in his whole fucking life. I might make jokes about women on /r/drama, but IRL I'm one of the fucking girls and fine with it.

When any of them open up to me about their experiences with harassment or assault, it is never - NEVER. FUCKING. EVER. - about a MAGA bro or a frat boy. It is always at the hands of some sensitive feminist "woke" boy.

The "frat boy rapist" thing is a myth that dangerous dudes like this are happy to perpetuate, because it takes the heat off of them, i.e. the real threats to the goddamn wimminz.


  1. reddit’s ebony fetish is so strong ... -,

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On these weekly "guys look at this BLM/Black Panther militia so cool" threads I always wonder if the OP and top voted comment saying "guys guys ackthually they hate the j*ws" are the same person

Man I really want to be a black supremacist that must be so fun