Turns out yanderedev did spend 3,000 dollars just to buy a subreddit lmao.

8  2020-07-06 by TheColdTurtle


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Imagine not just doing it for free, but actually paying someone else for the privilege of doing it for free. YandereDev truly is a revolting degenerate.

When is his POS game gonna be released in full anyways?

Some turbosperg got fed up with waiting and built his own complete version in two weeks with more features.

There's no way this shit ends well. Either YanDev kills himself or he fades into irrelevance when the community takes over his proyect.

Never, why finish it when people are throwing money at you to do nothing

He paid $3000 to stop people from making fun of him but he got made fun of anyway. Sounds like mod material.

This guy can't catch a break. Fortunately, it is all his fault.

What's even funnier is that YandereDev bargained his way from $1,000 to $3,000. Guy clearly isn't good at making deals.

For those that don't know, this bartering on Squidward's part was fucking amazing to read. The femoid that sold the subreddit deleted her side of the DM's, but you can still infer what the process was.

ChaliceBoi employed a bizarre tactic where he argued against the mod's concerns and reluctance -- only to immediately offer exactly $2854.28 without waiting to see if his argument worked and claimed that was his "highest offer at this point in time".

I guess "this point in time" meant that exact second because he then immediately offered $3000 in his next fucking reply. It's well worth the full read from the link posted in that thread.

To give him some credit he did at least insist on paying her only $1500 up front...then still paid the second half afterwards. For a subreddit. A subreddit full of people that didn't like him. That he still wanted to moderate and control. Instead of working on his game.

Those 50 minute documentaries on this incompetent libertarian from people like TheRightOpinion or KappaKaiju are worth watching despite the length. He's a goldmine.

I cant help but watch almost every essay vid about him even though it all says the same thing. It is like watching a movie over and over again

If the admins caught wind of this and banned him it would just be so good. Peak drama, 100%.

He still mods r/YandereSimulator (without the underscore). This is disallowed by Reddit's ToS for the same reason EA doesn't control its games' subs. Imagine how much he'd seethe if we reported this to Reddit admins and he lost control of a second subreddit.

Nooo don’t do that! That problem will extend the release date by another millennium

Do people actually care about this pedo weeb video g*me? I thought it was just a lolcow factory

I’m fairly certain that only a small amount of people care about it anymore. I was watching a video yesterday detailing the story of that game and it’s shit developer. YandereDev is the embodiment of the Reddit janny.

Was it a good video? Mind linking it?

I honestly thought it would get cancelled right before TinyBuild showed up. Crazy that it's still going.

I really want this to pull a Duke Nukem Forever and show up out of nowhere after all the hype has already died out.

Thanks fam. I have a strange love of these esoteric YouTube video essays.


delays on this "game" are not only anti-degenerate, they're good for dramacoin

You can already play it, it's just not complete yet because he has the ambition of someone who makes Yandere simulator games.

...is that a bad thing?

I think they got rid of that rule.

/r/Drama is one of the most reactionary and transphobic subreddits on this website. Their moderators consistently promote this behaviour, and their userbase has been known to harass leftists and brigade their posts.

I created this subreddit as a response to that. All hatred and shenanigans at /r/drama can be catalogued and made fun of accordingly.

There are only two rules: no bigotry and no /r/drama users.


  1. Turns out yanderedev did spend 3,00... - archive.org, archive.today

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oooooh, a mod with compensation.

he deserves a raise, double the amout earned!

the if else flairs ahahahahahahah

This is just proof that jannies COULD eventually receive some sort of monetary compensation for their work, if they hustled hard enough.

Drink the Sperm Glass
