Star Citizens are finally fed up with people dunking on space Jesus Chris Roberts and have started removing all opposing viewpoints. Luckily, science proved that it will not create an echo chamber.

1  2020-07-06 by ethicsssss


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No matter how many people we ban deeply unreasonable people will still exist.

Mods can't ban themselves I guess.


to no longer see overly extreme statements such as: SC does not exist / is a scam SQ42 does not exist / is a scam CRs gross mismanagement is the main reason for the ongoing failure to deliver faster or anything good (As nobody here can judge the internal workings of the company) How can backers be so dumb to still defend/believe in/support this game

Lmao these are extreme statements?

"Maybe dropping $3,000 on a jpeg of a spaceship from an unfinished game isn't the best idea" = extreme statement

Here's a spreadsheet that justifies me silencing the critics.

Literally just objective reality.

I might hang out there and post that Sagan quote in a few threads to see how long it takes them to catch on that I'm mocking them:

“One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.”

Which stage is denial again?

LOL, imaging paying for something with no guarantee of it ever arriving.


Stockholm Syndrome Simulator

maybe the real Star Citizen is the seethe we had along the way

Original findom community

Don't even try to kinkshame me. My kinks are my business.


  1. Star Citizens are finally fed up wi... -,

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When this game is still just some expensive jpegs 4 years from now will they still think the same?

p-p-please don't make me think critically about the thousands of dollars I gave away for nothing.

• Do you think that blocking just 1.67% of the daily active users has created an echo-chamber for me?

Do you think that blocking just 1% of the population would create an antisemitic society?

Just play Elite Dangerous

For the amount of money they got, you can literally ride into space for real not just once but at least 4 times. +/- if you ride with the ruskies. If you have started college when Star Citizen was announced, you will have enough credentials and experience to be accepted into Nasa's astronaut program.