There is a glut of black women eating corn starch on youtube

1  2020-07-07 by Feanorfanclub


The woman in the first video has pictures of her at the start, and the immediate transition into her massive form is insane. I actually laughed out loud at it. It's like a before and after comparison, except it's before finding out fat fetishists exist and after ruining her body for money.

this is the future liberals want for america

black people to have food smh

Streaming is the dumbest thing to ever get popular that I hope this venture does as much damage as possible to the entire platform. I will support any and every cause to nuke all streaming platforms. It was a mistake to dabble in these dark arts, and it must be dealt with.


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They're just mukbang videos which suddenly appeared a few years ago. There are several subgenres such as the mic right up close so you can hear chewing sounds. Mukbangs with extra burping. Mukbangs with extremely fat people. The purpose of which is like most other things on the internet, it gives some weirdo out there a boner.

Reported to the mods for kink-shaming.

God damn... In that italian feast video she refers to the lasagna pan and spaghetti pan as "lunch size". WTF. Those are full size to-go pans used for dinner entrees. Entrees like that are already way bigger than a normal serving size. Fucking nuts.

"Im forever out of breath no matter what I do, that's just my natural state of being"

No it's fucking not oh my god. That is not natural. This woman needs help

edit: alright, well she didnt finish all that food thank goodness... what a rollercoaster

Jesus christ I couldn't make it through just a few seconds of either video...

i think they actually have pica, which is an eating disorder.

I thought this too!

Mukbang is the weirdest shit ever. I can understand ASMR to an extent, but I’ve never understood why people watch other people eat extreme amounts of food very close to the microphone.

I fucking hate it when people are chewing too loudly across the table from me.

Feeder fetish

I hate the word “mukbang”

idk for most people but i (and other people i used to talk to on eating disorder sites) basically use it as either a)living vicariously through their eating because you’re starving or b)turning yourself off of eating because the videos are so fucking gross lol


yeah I'm pretty sure this is some weird fetish. Youtube has many creepy corners tbh.

I will never understand their mysterious ways

It's your fetish.

bruh y tho

There are so many more of them too. You could spend days watching this shit

Feeder fetish

My coworker who only works at my job for tax purposes while she sells cocaineor something as her real job eats cornstarch all day.


suggest her to start youtube career if she can eat that much

Yeah I would be fired, then possibly fired upon on my way out.

Are you sure she's not eating cocaine?

Also, why hasn't she been fired?

Because it's hard to fire people like her if you know what I mean, but if I were my boss I'd fire my whole department except one

I wondered when someone would post this. I don’t think it’s straight ASMR/Mukbang (god I hate that shit) and I don’t think they all have pica. Something else is going on here but hell if I can figure it out.

second woman says she has a big spoon but its just a literal spatula wtf

a spatula is a big spoon though

For you.

You made me look this phenomenon up. Found a forum post about it from 2018. They think there's a conspiracy where companies are making black women anemic so that they'll eat corn starch or wall plaster.


Most of the comments were rather reasonable and advising people to take supplements.

the woman in the first video liked comments with the N word, we wuz kangs and "do you enjoy being obese". Based and starchpilled, she should be made our first afro american mod 😍

They're just carb-cycling, bro. They're gonna look shredded soon, bro.

I made these for 4th of July

i didn’t have any red, so I used green

Interesting color substitution, especially when she’s trying to show them off with a green screen.

I'm gonna say this is like the Spiderman and Elsa thing and there's some sort of international gangs paying people to make these for clicks.

Not surprising in the slightest that every single one of them is obese and they didnt even get fat eating tasty food, 100g of corn starch is like eating a whole meal of calories