A person is shot in New York, righties orgasm stats

1  2020-07-07 by cfbWORKING


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Can you ELI5 how BLM is, well, communist?

Edit: Most people are replying that the founders of BLM have said in 2015 that they are "trained Marxists"....this is an inherently flawed argument.

Why? This is based on the presumption that BLM is an organized, well, organization rather than a movement. I sincerely doubt every single one of the thousands if not millions of protestors in America and around the world took a pledge that says "Black Lives Matter, oh and Marx and Lenin forever!" When going to the BLM HQ and getting their BLM membership card. You all are making it sound like they did that. Chances are, they were pissed off and pent up after being inside for so long due to COVID-19, possibly after being unemployed, and they went out to protest. It's a movement, the people there might care about stuff like capitalism having some bad qualities, but they probably care more about cops getting away with murdering black people and don't know nor couldn't care less what some nameless founders said in a Twitter video five years ago.

Imagine some .org's leaders all called themselves "trained nazis" and some tard on reddit was like "well, the jews did do some bad things between the wars so it kindof makes sense why they feel that way."

All social media is a Chinese / Israeli psyop. It's the only way i can rationalize shit like this.

You poor small brained child, do you really still think China exists? Israel is an Pharaoh psyop and China was invented by the Indian government to hide the real source of silk.

Feels a bit too on the nose for that one.

And like free rent for everyone. It’s those parts that make them communist in peoples eyes.

God forbid a policy benefit the majority of tax payers. I guess those opposed just LOVE paying rent.


Not a single chance the kid who wrote that is over 14. Even a dumb 16 year old will finally grasp that maybe there’s a reason that money exists.

Where do they think rent money goes? A majority goes into property taxes and servicing loans, loans taken out to pay for material costs and labor spent building the property and property taxes that go into maintaining the surrounding commons. Those costs don't disappear if you wave a magic "no rent" wand.

Legendary seethe right here. One guy said “racists are backed into a corner” as if these protests haven’t made racism more powerful lol

Why do you see a video of a man getting shot and immediately think of how you can politicize it for your own agenda?

The irony

Imagine siding with a group of systematically racist and violent, state-sponsored aggressors as they try to hold their cities hostage because their people are looking for reform and accountability

Oh SO it was police that was burning all those businesses and killing homeless people!

The left response to black on black violence is like the rights to a school shooting

Acknowledge it for as little time possible then wait for another wave to crash and distract society.

The left response to black on black violence is like the rights to a school shooting

More guns? I mean that might within a generation or 2 solve Black on Black violence but there will be a few stray bullet victims caught in the mix.

The only people that want the police defunded are those that have never had to call them. It's like how righties want to cut social services that no longer benefit them.

This is probably true to a large extent. Horseshoe theory but for social services.

You say that as if poor people like calling the police.

I grew up very poor and in the ghetto for a number of years. I'd avoid calling the police at all costs because I never had a positive interaction with them.

I got into a fist fight with a cop at the age of 14 after he harassed my 9 year old sister and I told him to fuck off.

He literally turned to a gathering of old women and told them I tried to break his windshield.

To be clear here, he had completely fabricated this out of thin air and everyone called him on it and he was forced to let me go. My biggest regret in life is I did not beat his obese ass up and down the street.

I was about to say, this is some epic /r/thatHappened shit, but I didn't check the username first.

You left out the part where your racially diverse hood all clapped for you, shill.

Yeah it's clearly shocking that a poor person in the ghetto would have a bad encounter with a police officer.

Very unbelievable indeed.

You didn't grow up poor, shill. You didn't grow up in the ghetto. You didn't get into an epic fistfight with a cop when you were 14, and you ran absolutely no risk of beating his ass up and down the street.

I get that you're a fantasy account, but at least make the fiction believable, dude.

Lmao the best parrt of this is I larp a lot on here, but every single thing in that comment was completely factual.

If Reddit commies had ever been in a fight, they wouldn't be Reddit commies.

In what universe am I a communist.

The same universe where you got into a brawl with a cop when you were 14.

I don't think you really get this.

A) I've been over 6 feet tall since the age of 14.

B) I have a rabid anti-authority personality to the point I will flip shit like a jamal if a cop tries to hard ass me and I know I'm right.

Fuck Shill that one gave me enough second hand embarrassment to stop lurking an actually post here

That's life.

The hero we deserve.


Like seriously, where do the poor people come up with the money to hire fake police officers to come treat them like shit? I smell a conspiracy here. Brb making a 15 minute youtube video about this

What the fuck was your sister doing at the age of 9 that warranted a cop bothering her and why did you try to fight an adult at the age of 14 you absolute retarded poorcel.

A) He was just doing what cops do, harassing people.

B) He tried to illegally arrest me and I knew what he was doing was illegal so I defended myself.

Typical poor person making up stories about how they didn't do anything wrong.

Yeah dude I totally tried to break the windshield on a police cruiser randomly.

Doesn't sound random, sounds like you spergled out at a police officer and hit his windshield because he made the little pizza man angry.

Do you seriously think that fat ass cop let me go if I tried to break his windshield lol?

You realize cops constantly make shit up like this right:


For example, here's a cop claiming a guy swung a golf club at her randomly.

It's not even uncommon for them to lie to maintain authority:


In private, police worry about maintaining their authority, because they believe it's dangerous to be seen letting people defy them. That may be what happened last summer in Seattle, when an elderly man refused to comply with a police officer's command to drop a golf club. She said he waved it at her menacingly; he said he was using it as a walking stick. Once he dug in and refused her order, she felt compelled to arrest him. But when the dash-cam video of the encounter came out this week, the department apologized.

So the cop took pity on you as a dumb kid instead of arresting you for assaulting a police officer? Man, what an absolute jerk.

He tried to illegally arrest me and fabricated a crime multiple people could confirm was fabricated.

He let me go because he knew he'd be fucked if he tried to push it.

Police don't 'try to arrest' you Pizza, they either arrest you or they don't.

Sounds like he just scared you shitless and let you go because its not worth arresting a 14 year old with limp noodle arms.

He sure as hell tried, he then had to let me go because he got called on his bullshit.

I once had a city cop drive 15 minutes outside of his jurisdiction to accuse me of fabricating a nail bomb and attempting to murder someone because I threw a firecracker in their yard.

He didn't arrest me and was pretty offended when I asked if I needed to call the sheriff and have him removed from the property.

I didn't try to fight him though.

You and I are very different people.

I will never understand what it is like to live with crippling autism 😭😭😭


My family grew up poor away from any ghettos, and our interactions with police were anything from "YAHOO!" to "YOU SUCK!", so I sympathise.

Are you running for office in 2024?

You couldn't pay me enough to ever get involved in politics.

I'd never make it past the debate stage because I'd start calling people retarded.

Follow your instincts, it worked for Trump

I'd start calling people retarded.

This is exactly what they do.. Do you think you can debate nuanced issues in 2 min windows? No! you call the other a retard for going against you. They just don't use the word retard but that's what they do essentially

You live in Florida don't you? It should work out fine for you.

I don't have what it takes. You have to be a pathological liar to be involved in politics and you have to pander to idiots.

you go to gatorland often?

I went one time and a bull ant fell off of the ceiling and bit me and I left.

its probably been at least 20 years since ive been but when i was a kid we went to gatorland all the fucking time. oh i just remembered something my mom told me: one time when i was just a toddler she had taken me and my older brother who was like 3 at the time to gatorland, we were at the gator exhibit where they string up a bunch of rotisserie chickens or whatever like 10 ft in the air over the water and the gators leap up out of the water to eat them right, and we're on the elevated walkway around the pool. my mom takes her eyes off my big brother for like half a second and when she looked back he had climbed the railing and was about to jump into the pool with all the gators, she grabbed him literally in midair as he was jumping off the handrail. holy shit that mustve been insane lol. anyways gatorland was awesome, we would always eat at the pizza hut across the street afterwards, fuck disney gatorland is where its at

That place is dangerous they used to give boat tours on these boats with no fucking back door and boat around giant packs of gators while throwing chicken.

yeah and it was fucking awesome like literally a real life jurassic park

we were at the gator exhibit where they string up a bunch of rotisserie chickens or whatever like 10 ft in the air over the water and the gators leap up out of the water to eat them right



Police are useless when you need to talk to them. They are better suited to be some shadowy actors, pulling strings in the back.

completely fabricated this out of thin air

So you're saying people don't want to pay for something they don't use?

They arent. Just another right wing talking point/boogeyman because they hate black people.


“Funded by George Soros”

“Oh look another Queef Anon”

Okay bootlicker 👌

queef anon

Aww poor wittle policemen can’t handle being held to high standards. Good fucking riddance. They were bitch boys anyway who woulda ended up killing someone.

Wow, not only did they disregard the original post, but also the comment, all to prove his point.

All that these protests have proven is that we have a demographic that needs the police more then any other.

And that demographic is mayos! and everybody else taking part in the riots tbh.

I miss simpler times when we just killed eachother over our chosen cloudmen.

I liked it when we murdered each other over cannibalistic bread and wine

smh, why won't you just let me grill you.

He's talking about transubstantiation of the sacrament you heathen

I know

That train left the station with the spread of access to information

Turns out it's harder to bomb shitholistanians on the other side of the planet when you learn their sky daddy is the same as yours, differing only in minor details and diet guidelines 😮😮

>Implying this is different in any way whatsoever

I was shitting on your grammar, KAREN, but I guess you missed that.

And Black people fighting for equal rights IS NOT THE SAME THING as them saying they're superior to white people. They literally have never said that. That is your own racist ass white fragility hearing what you want to hear. You are threatened by the idea of not being in a position of privilege. I'm saying that as a white person who isn't triggered by the suggestion that POC deserve to be treated like we are.

“Those black people were burning buildings FOR EQUALITY. If you don’t want your baby raped that’s just white fragility, chud!

And Black people fighting for equal rights IS NOT THE SAME THING as them saying they're superior to white people. They literally have never said that.

Tell that to BLM Toronto

oh yeah, there are a hundred thousand deaths worldwide every day and you dont post about all of them you fucking hypocrite

cant fix anything until we fix everything

Unsure whether rightoid talking about Big Floyd, or leftoid talking about person shot during riots. Either way, horseshoe theory confirmed. It's that easy!

People protest general gun violence too. You fuckwits show up and wave the 2nd amendment around like a magic shield. Yet somehow when people want to reduce police funding it's all "who will protect us?!"

What else do you need your 2nd amendment rights for if not to protect yourself without police? Wasn't that the argument used for decades by the NRA and pro-2A people?

That’d be a good point if liberals also didn’t want to push MORE gun control in addition to this shit

That's the actual rightoid talking point. "You want police brutality gone but want to disarm us. If we're disarmed, who will protect us when the polcie are gone?"

It's like they only caught part of the argument. ._.

r/ActualPublicFreakouts is basically r/Drama in video format

Person shot

Excuse me I know when i see a MURDER in the middle of broad daylight. The city dwellers are disgusting scum and need to be dealt with, we can no longer tolerate their hatred and bigotry within the USA. Call this what it was, a public lynching.

Wait really? If my son was involved in a gang and drug dealing, carried a gun with him at all times and I have a strong idea that he’s used it against other people. One day he was shot in a related instance...I would feel completely different if my kid has never been in trouble, volunteered, never hurt another person, got pulled over by a cop having a bad day and was killed.

What the fuck is this absurd hypothetical supposed to demonstrate or prove?

If I am shitty parent I am less likely to care for my kid

On a side note, the way his body falls is very common in shootings and is frightening on a primal level, yet I never see it in media. Same thing with death spasms and fencing position.

The King does a pretty good job. Wind River is not bad.

Alright, all joking aside that video was rather disturbing and fucked up. Only a coward shoots a man walking with his daughter.

The majority of shootings during the riots were performed by cowards. Far rightoids, far leftoids and gangsters rarely attack when there are large groups of people, like police or citizen militia...

Congratulations! I do not often downvote. You have earned mine.


  1. A person is shot in New York, right... - archive.org, archive.today

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Shooting a guy with his child is a bitch move though.

just wanna grill for gods sakes