Mikey P (Secretary of State) declares war on TikTok.

1  2020-07-07 by WarBoyPrimo


Finally a rightoid initiative I can support 100%.


Agreed. Will vote Daddy if Tiktok gets buttfucked

Please federal government tell me what I can do

China banning its citizens from using a platform: censorship

America banking its citizens from yang a platform: freedom

Its freedom when you tell me what to do. It's freedom when you require that I use state approved products that you can spy on me with. Tiktok is the only social media platform you can use that isn't an open book for federal agents.

TikTok IS an open book for chinese federal agents, so have fun getting blackmailed by the Chinese government. You're just mad the US government has been banming your favorite websites for decades now.

Isn't an open book for federal agents

Could you elaborate on that? Because it seems to be they give out tons of data to Chinese security forces and even as a leftoid I'm not too keen on that.

I think it's important to note the difference here: China bans citizens from using apps (doubly enforced using the "Great Firewall"), whereas the proposed bill would ban TikTok from being distributed in the US. As a liberit*rian, I'm not exactly sure where I fall on this, because on the one hand, it is a restriction of the free market, but on the other, TikTok literally has keylogger exploits built in and is known to report user data to the Chinese government.

This kills the Zoomer.



Tik Tok has produce some of the best content around theses last years, so boomer get in line 💅

I know seeing girls your own age shaking their butts around is exciting for you, but the problem is its exciting for all the 40 year old libertarians on the app too. It has to go, sorry zoomer

Just watch porn coomer.

Yes fellow zoomer, I too want to install a keylogger for a regime that commits genocide on my phone so I can watch teenage girls doing funny things.

Ban Twitter first

Twitter is an American psyop. It's different.

My bets on him not receiving nudes he asked for on that app.

what the reasoning for this? Generalized increased sanctions or is it security based?

Conway begged daddy to silence her daughter since she's an embarrassment to the family. And the only way to silence her is to ban TikTok.

Because it's probably chinese spyware or something

May Allah forgive my mild serious-posting for a minute.

Someone on a netsec sub broke it down. It was doing things like pinging GPS very frequently, reading too much system data(including free system RAM), reading the Mac address of routers you're connected too, etc.

IDK how true that is but it seemed seriously overreaching normal behavior.

Im inherently suspicious of Chinese software so if this is true im all for it.

It does all that, and so does every other major app. Basically everything on your phone is spyware. Your only choice is where your data goes.

Apparently not to the degree of Chinese spyware, also they don't hide what data gets sent back home unlike Chinese spyware which takes special measure to encrypt it.

You're forgetting the worst offense: just this month it was found to use a clipboard exploit as a keylogger on 2 million iPhones, despite explicitly saying it didn't back in April.

Because we're the incredibly dumb target demographic who would gladly post clearance sites and equipment on ccp spyware for upvotes, views or whatever tiktok uses.

What America is really worried about is its inability to spy on those who use the platform, unlike all the ones under its thumb that it controls. It wants to vigorously repress Americans who desire to see content it doesn't have control over. This is about America and its desires for total control over what the American people see and watch.

Or that it's a platform for rampant pedophilia and was just recently confirmed to be keylogging over 2 million iPhones.

Sinophobia and fascist totalitarianism by the evil America empire

Sanctions are a war crime, secondary sanctions are an act of war against the world.

They won't ban it.

wtf I like big government now

You have 4 links and not one of them is to information. The signal to noise ratio of the shit I've read from your links is absolutely abysmal, nobody with a working brain would put time into reading such drivel, let alone attempt to use it in place of information sources. If basic income actually failed, you could give at least some semblance of a concise explanation of the failure, or at least have one of your four links lead to something data-focused, instead of being like "here's an opinion, now immerse yourself in verbose repititions of that opinion for a half hour since hopefully that's enough to make you agree with it." You are a prime brainwashee and the reason Trump will win again.


  1. Mikey P (Secretary of State) declar... - archive.org, archive.today

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Oh no! Think about the nurses

ok based

Wtf I love esthablishment GOP now



Brainlet detected

God if Gen Z gave a shit about policy instead of reacting on social media, they might be able to prevent this.



Sanctions mean your free speech is illegal as long as it doesn't support the government line, and that OK. Sanctions mean the government can make it illegal for you to use a certain product or service that it can't spy on, and that's OK.


Now hold on,, the US gov can 100% spy on Tiktok.

It just doesn't want to share outside of Fiveyes

America is literally turning into North Korea

How long until Chinese or anyone that looks like them go into concentration camps and we ban Kung Fu panda as devious communist propaganda.

Also its hilarious that America has complained about bans in its social media platforms that the FBI and NSA can just waltz in and examine the info of any foreigner (and technically not a citizen although lmao if you think that don't) at any moment. Jeez I wonder why China wouldn't want its users on those spy platforms.

Then of course when a Chinese company makes a hit platform America doesn't wait five seconds before censoring it and banning its people from using the platform. Literally America is just projecting, it knows it uses that platforms to spy on the world, it sanctions people for failing to allow it to spy on them, and it bans them from creating their own platforms.

Honestly the main thing America is worried about is that it's citizens might have a place to communicate where it can't spy on them.

You a big fan of China, aren't you?

How do you feel about the Dalai Llama?

Every dramatard should be outraged. Tiktok is the last lolcow sanctuary where bullying goes practically unchecked!

If Trump shuts down TikTok he's got my vote, and I'm not even American so we're talking easily an hour of work.