Terry Crews drops another nuclear truth bomb on Twatter, $33the fallout levels are off the charts

1  2020-07-07 by jannitalia

This happened three days ago: https://mobile.twitter.com/terrycrews/status/1279493774679261185

One particular favorite is this guy who wants to silence Crews using a petition:

Please share this it's an important topic for me. I and many other want to like Terry Crews but need some serious change to do so! Terry crews: Stop Terry Crews from making public statements. - Sign the Petition!

His fellow Jesus Freaks are more than pleased

God bless you!

Keep fighting the good fight Terry!

Woketards are not so pleased while others are having a party over it

As I white person I don't need your solidarity because I've got a huge amount of privilege already

My man came here to WHITEXPLAIN terry crews lol

Dana "The Machine Gun" Loesch is full of praise, too

You’re a good man, Terry.

One of us ™️ gets it right

I love this thread. People are flipping out and it’s fantastically entertaining.

Crews' feed is a gold mine for Dramacoin, stay tuned!


Stop Terry Crews from making public statements. - Sign the Petition!

I always cringe at people who's only response is asking those they disagree with to stop opining, not in a gay way because I care about how morally bad it is to want to silence others or anything like that, but because it's so immature

"just shut up" "someone take Elon's phone away from him" "JK Rowling stop tweeting" "fuck off"

I think it's becoming more and more frequent too

Hillary pioneered "kys... in minecraft" years before chapos decided to use it.

"in minecraft"

I literally can't even believe you said that. There are so many arguments against your position, but I'm not going to take the time to type them out because they're so obvious.

Hey, you are really attractive and I want to pound your tight little ass man

Shut up, bitch, I know it.





His very existence triggers Twitter, it's fantastic.

I cannot fucking believe this statement is considered controversial. What a fucking ridiculous time we live in

It's one of my favorite parts about Terry Crews honestly. He has these "hot takes" that honestly shouldn't even be considered that but people lose their damn minds over it.

I like the one where his tweet was basically "father's are important too" and people twisted it to mean Terry Crews hates women and trans folk.


I can’t imagine what wokes will be like if we have another 4 years of Daddy. Will be good for drama.

only reason I want him to win

You really do have to read it out loud before reading the reactions, this is the stage beyond terminally online loonies

I can't support you anymore with every tweet its like you just stab my heart . I'd think youd stand for minorities and your black brothers/sisters but you just keep saying these undermining opinions like our pain means nothing . You have tainted every memory of you I've have


Based and uncle tom-pilled.

The one thing BLM hates more than white moderates/conservatives is black moderates/conservatives.

Not themselves?

Unironically look at places whites have been chased out of in parts of SA and all of Zimbabwe.

Whites get told to leave and maybe roughed up with property taken.

Blacks going against it get necklaced or shot.

Indonesia was a big one, too.

u dont need the comma

I dont need it but it isnt wrong. I prefer to use it because it reads more like the way I heard it in my head.

Good for you but it's still wrong

It is not incorrect albeit not necessary. I received my English teaching certification from Oxford, my man.

I received my English teaching certification from Oxford

so which fast food chain have you been working with?

I think you are confusing an English teaching certificate with a degree in English literature.


I swear these "mea culpa" self flagellating white libs are modern day religious zealots. They just swapped in "white privilege" instead of "original sin" and worship progressivism instead of any god. Twitter is their place of worship where they get to proclaim their progressiveness instead of godliness, and their precious woke politicians are their new priests and Popes.

And yet they will decry how stupid religion is without even an ounce of self awareness.

Joe Rogan said something similar. People have replaced religion with politics.

Christian societies are the only ones that produce these zealots.

We need to get him here somehow and mod him immediately. Dude is a drama shit stiring god.

He has a reddit account, TheTerryCrews


Terry is a saint and I won’t tolerate any twittercels slandering him.

What is with white people getting off on shame all the time? It's legit embarrassing.

I am convinced that a lot of this is weirdly inhibited fetish shit. Like I'm sorry, I don't want to be one of those "haha cucks" people, but these things where these people are getting on their knees or kissing black people's shoes or whatever are just fucking weird. Like, considerably weirder even than standard mayoid procedure. I feel like a lot of these people would be better off just jerking it to some interracial cuck porn, it'd be less embarrassing for everyone (though, admittedly, terrible for dramacoin). But they don't know about it or are ashamed of their fetish or something, so it expresses itself as this garbage instead.

The look on the guy’s face as the CEO of chik-fil-a shined his sneakers was of secondhand embarrassment and a loss of what to do in such an awkward situation. Mayos are pathetic.

Tbh, if you haven't felt secondhand embarrassment getting a courthouse shoeshine, you're a sociopath.

While I was working as a salesman (in training, so basically a real salesmans bitch) my mentor had us do that at the airport as like a powermove. I was so embarrassed I wanted to go back on the plane.

Go watch the all gas no breaks AVN episode. I'd link to the specific section, but I'm taking a piss at work and the entire video is gold.

You'll know which part I sent you to find.

The host of that show used to be a Seattle based rapper. Killed the entire mystique of the show for me.


The All Gas No Brakes guy

Yeah, I think there's a few hosts. The AVN one is named Andrew.

What really kills stuff for me is when I see someone who was on Almost Live. Because then I'm like "why am I watching what Joel McHale is doing now and not watching Almost Live?"

Almost Live

Was Joel McHale on that?

Yeah, he was in the '90s.

Either fetish or fear, like they actually think black people will beat their ass should they disobey and thus acquiesce to their demands. I've known a handful of progressive types who ended up being the most racist people ever cause they just assumed that any defiance led to a black person beating your ass inside out.

The white liberal doesn’t believe that black people are normal people like the rest of us, he believes that black people are violent monkeys that need protection provided by their white savior.

Just look at how the rationalize a black man being so overtaken by rage at hearing the n word they can't help but physically attack people.




white people are legit embarrassing

simplified your post a bit

There’s a reason why the Germans have a word for second hand embarrassment: Fremdschämen

The need to be observed and understood was once satisfied by God. Now we can implement the same functionality with data-mining algorithms.

God and gods were apparitions of observation, judgement, and punishment. Other sentiments towards them were secondary.

The human organism always worships. First it was the gods, then it was fame (the observation and judgement of others), next it will be the self-aware systems you have built to realize truly omnipresent observation and judgement.

You will soon have your God, and you will make it with your own hands.

Based and Dentonpilled

Deus Ex was fucking prescient

Basically Nietzsche:

The madman jumped into their midst and pierced them with his eyes. "Whither is God?" he cried; "I will tell you. We have killed him---you and I. All of us are his murderers. But how did we do this? How could we drink up the sea? Who gave us the sponge to wipe away the entire horizon? What were we doing when we unchained this earth from its sun? Whither is it moving now? Whither are we moving? Away from all suns? Are we not plunging continually? Backward, sideward, forward, in all directions? Is there still any up or down? Are we not straying, as through an infinite nothing? Do we not feel the breath of empty space? Has it not become colder? Is not night continually closing in on us? Do we not need to light lanterns in the morning? Do we hear nothing as yet of the noise of the gravediggers who are burying God? Do we smell nothing as yet of the divine decomposition? Gods, too, decompose. God is dead. God remains dead. And we have killed him.

"How shall we comfort ourselves, the murderers of all murderers? What was holiest and mightiest of all that the world has yet owned has bled to death under our knives: who will wipe this blood off us? What water is there for us to clean ourselves? What festivals of atonement, what sacred games shall we have to invent? Is not the greatness of this deed too great for us? Must we ourselves not become gods simply to appear worthy of it? There has never been a greater deed; and whoever is born after us---for the sake of this deed he will belong to a higher history than all history hitherto."

That dumbass thought he was a cockroach lol

On June 29 at 3 a.m., a 14-year-old and a 16-year-old were shot in a car at a CHOP barricade. The 16-year-old was killed. The younger victim was hospitalized. Accounts of how it happened conflict. But videos from the moment show people running at the sound of gunfire. A voice memo sent to a CHOP security group said, "Shots fired. May have been from our end, toward car coming in through barricades, barreling in through barricades." Messages to security groups say the car was driving either in or around the CHOP, and that people guarding the barricades shot into it.

In one video, when gunshots pause, someone shouts, "So, you're not dead yet huh?"

Woke pigs 😎

Apparently in the space between "so your not dead yet, huh?" And the gun shot, they started beating him from what ive been told

From the second I saw idiots running around with assault rifles I had a vague eery premonition that maybe something was wrong. Isn't that called militarized policing?

I think this experiment honestly ticks off a few checks in what probably isn't going to solve any problems with police reform. For instance, replacing the bad mean racist pigs with pigs that are extremely woke and share anti racist memes and shit. Nope, didn't work, still killed an unarmed black teenager. Also getting rid of qualified immunity, nope, these fuckers didn't have it, they're going to go straight to jail for murder for killing an unarmed black teenager and beating and mocking him as he lay dying. Still wound up doing it.

Like as soon as you saw those people at CHOP you should've turned around and noped out, awww fuck we got rid of the pigs but then some psycho decided to make the pigs again except totally untrained and extra shitty, hiding their face behind masks, and constantly brandishing assault rifles.

It's also hilarious that they gave themselves permission to engage in this stupidity because of paranoia about white supremacists driving into CHOP with cars. You would think it would cause them to do a double take once they saw them and their green af trigger happy woke pig bros saw their white supremacist terrorist was in fact a black teenager. Literally doesn't even phase them, just baffling. At least we know they don't racially profile I guess.

This is a pretty bad way forward, probably not going to work to replace the MPD with antifa who post fuck the police memes, they will post the woke racist pig memes literally as they hold an unarmed unresisting black teenager in a choke hold, they will probably wind up proudly taking smiling selfies next to the corpse of a white supremacist they just neutralized except its clearly an unarmed black teenager. Woke pigs is perhaps the most singularly failed experiment in human history.

Hey there are people out there who can understand maybe, put them in a jail cell next to a cop that went to prison for police brutality against a black man, perhaps they'll find they have a lot in common.

Fyi I think the psychologists and social service people that want to replace the police with will eventually just wind up killing unarmed black men, it will be one of the first things they do.

Community militias, FYI those are the first thing that usually starts popping up when a society is descending into anarchy and civil war, maybe you should stop blindly celebrating them as it is in fact more of a sign that Minneapolis is a few steps away from descending into a war zone. Eventually the woke mayo community nearby will form its own community militia, and then all you have to do is wait and a couple of days later you will have a full on race war on your hands between woke white liberal and kang.

Like I'm not saying they're doing anything wrong, it's just they're almost certainly not a route to a future alternative model of policing, they are in fact initial response of a community to a total breakdown of order. When other communities respond similarly and raise their own muscle for protection, then you have a bunch of small armies next to each other under separate chains of command. Eventually they will figure out how to piss each other off and then your done. How do I warn them of this? It's sort of like if someone thinks they've acquired superpowers, but in fact they're experiencing early warning signs of terminal brain cancer.

Guilt. Most of the worst offenders are rich and went to fancy colleges. Same thing with techbro fruitcake CTOs. They've got so much goddamned money and feel bad about it, and whinging on twitter helps. Some. Not like they have any choice though.

The white poors who do it are either communist or mentally ill, or both. But most poors have no time for anything political twitter. So we get the guilty riches blubbering like toddlers all day, helping no one at all. Just like corporations. It's easy shit to do and makes them feel better and the mob stays at bay. I almost don't blame them, but then I do.


life is so good they have to find ways to make them feel bad

I think Nietzsche and Uncle Ted have the answers you seek.

Nietzsche gay

Ur gay 😡

Not as gay as Neitzsche

If you aren’t going to be that gay why bother?

He actually wrote a book called "Gay Science" about how to be more gay.

Got it, so I need to go insane from either syphilis or CIA experiments


How did their life philosophies work out for them 😏🤔🤣

They flew too close to the sun.

Unlike Michel Focault who flew too close to the cum 💦😏

Puritan morality never left burgerland completely, it just lost its religious context

Twitter liberalism is primarily about seeking virtue points from other libtards.

It's a contest. They're desperate to out-woke everyone else.

It's a race to the bottom. Last one there is a chud!

Last one there must be a nazi!

Think of the money that could be made if twitter had it's own version of reddit gold/awards. Would cause drama from every angle and these people would have less to spend on funkos.

seeking virtue points

I was just a teen when I was introduced to "twitter." I was at a party, and everyone else was "installing the app" and I wanted to fit in, so I did too. To be perfectly honest, I didn't even get high the first time. It was just a game; just something you do to be social.

But one day I posted about saving the whales, and got a "like." It was ecstasy. I'd never felt anything like that before. So naturally, I posted about how awesome Greenpeace is. I got more likes, and with it, more dopamine. I quickly found that I needed more. The meager dozen likes I might get from saying that rain forests are good, or climate change is bad - I no longer felt anything from that.

I started experimenting with hardcore virtue. This was late 2016 and the new drug was called "orange man bad." You could get 100 likes easy with an orange man bad post. You've probably heard the conspiracy theory that it was actually the CIA that flooded the streets with orange man - got us all strung out.

Fast forward to today. I have to renounce my own race to get my fix. I have to wish for the destruction of my country. All my friends are gone - "called out" one by one for virtue points. My family wont speak to me. I had to dox them - had to! - I needed the virtue. You don't understand what it's like until you're truly addicted. You have no choice. At this point I'll mutilate my own body for a retweet by a blue checkmark.

There's no escape; no redemption. There's only virtue.

Hot. Now do an erotica version of this and sell it to r/blackpeopletwitter users, it will resonate with them

Forwarded to snappy

desperate to out-woke

This is brilliant :)

maybe late response but there is also definitely a factor of something akin to small penis humiliation porn or other stuff like that in some people. if you go to the comments of pro-black liberal pages on instagram or such you will see some people truly self-flagellating in the most grand way. being like "it is true that i as a white person will never hnng understand how fucking insanely difficult it is for you, i will work my entire life to understand, but i will always be a big piece of shit" etc. it's possible that it is them trying to outwoke people but it seems almost too much focused on how much they themselves suck to be that.

16 years is more than enough to brainwash someone into hating themselves.

I think that some sort of an evopsych explanation would be the most convincing here, the phenomenon is just too widespread. Something along the lines of an ancient instinct to denounce your own family as a sign of loyalty to the larger tribe.

It's the exact opposite, evolution went out the door generations ago. Childhood survival rates are >99%, everyone lives long enough to reproduce, child support etc means there's no limits on how many kids you have. Humanity circa 2020 is one giant pile of genetic detrius circling the drain.

It's the exact opposite, evolution went out the door generations ago.

Humans have been political animals for tens of thousands of generations.

How does that change the fact modernity has removed selection pressures? You can run experiments on evolution in a lab and see measurable changes, that's millions of years of evolution reversed in months. We've had several generations with no selection pressures, of course there'll be a degradation.

In the later days of Roman Empire there was a controversy about the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Altar_of_Victory, which represented a sort of an abstract concept of triumph over all enemies of Rome, and which more Christian emperors removed (and then others restored, and so on), presumably solely trying to suppress paganism.

However if we read a poet Prudentius's "Contra Symmachum", opposing another attempt to restore the altar, his reasoning sounds surprisingly familiar. First of all, the reason for the existence of the Roman Empire is actually:

Shall I tell you, Roman, what cause it was that so exalted your labours, what it was that nursed your glory to such a height of fame that it has put rein and bridle on the world? God, wishing to bring into partnership peoples of different speech and realms of discordant manners, determined that all the civilised world should be harnessed to one ruling power … The untroubled harmony of human union wins his favour for the world; by division it drives Him away, with cruel warfare it makes Him wroth; it satisfies Him with the offering of peace and holds Him fast with quietness and brotherly love.

Then, writing as a fеmale personification of the Empire, Prudentius dismisses any concerns that maybe we might need these racist masculine ideals of cruel warfare and triumph over enemies to defend ourselves from barbarians:

Let those who din into my ears once more the story of past disasters and ancient sorrows observe that in your time I suffer such things no longer. No barbarian foe shatters my bars with his spear, nor with strange arms and dress and hair goes roving through my captured city, carrying off my young men to bondage across the Alps.

This was written in 403, in 410 the city of Rome was sacked by Visigoths, for the first time in 800 years. Further disintegration quickly followed.

What I'm saying is that it's not a couple of generations slightly degraded in one place, it's a pattern reliably repeating across cultures separated by thousands of miles and years. So it's probably not just some random manifestation of genetic load but a deep adaptation manifesting itself weirdly in novel conditions.

You've just described oikophobia. More people should be aware of this concept.

Well, it's not just that, also a belief that the world is fundamentally good and the only source of evil is those pesky conservatives, and a desire to turn everything into a status competition, and maybe more things. But yeah, oikophobia is a part of the leftist memecomplex that, I insist, must have some sort of evolutionary roots, or it wouldn't spring up like mushrooms after a warm summer rain in every dominant society.

Its intellectuals wanting to reinvent the wheel every generation. Transvaluation is a natural pass time of a bloated literati, in the West you guys had the people who advocated republican nationalism when feudal concepts were the norm, globalist capitalism when nationalist mercantilism was the norm and then of course class warfare when capitalism became the norm. Success or failure of the reforms they advocated were always secondary, it was primarily an ideological debate. Equity is the new value being pushed, now that class warfare has been made obsolete by even the poor of your countries enjoy living standards too high to make them mobilize. However you can see the roots of this movement itself in the early republican movements, the blank state theory of man. This is a dogma the West absolutely refuses to touch, no matter how much evidence might be piled up against it. People who subscribe to such dogma cannot then explain differences between groups except in the way early republicans explained the way monarchs were undeserving of their status, that is that the superior only occupy their position through coercive force.

Its not evolutionary, otherwise you'd see members of a the inferior groups also exhibiting such behaviour since it'd be very advantageous to themselves to claim allegiance to the larger whole.

What I'm saying is that it's not a couple of generations slightly degraded in one place, it's a pattern reliably repeating across cultures separated by thousands of miles and years. So it's probably not just some random manifestation of genetic load but a deep adaptation manifesting itself weirdly in novel conditions.

I've been aware of this sort of thing for a few years but it can be hard to think about it, to think of everything you know just being an infinitely repeating, predictable pattern. Have you read straw dogs by John Gray?

The two go together. Rich and prosperous societies have weaker selection pressures, as well as a 'safe' middle class free to abandon its in-group bias. Two manifestations of the same underlying trend.

I think it's some kind of perversion of the instinct to leave your family and head out on your own when you become an adult. Look closely at any self-flagellating mayo and you'll find that they have a "racist grandpa", their parents are so bourgeois, etc. The white guilt is a way to break away from the family and try to find your own identity. At the same time, these people are cowardly so they aren't going to hunt for gold in the Yukon or something, they're going to try to find a social clique that will accept them.

"We've done so much and are so powerful, we must apologize" is low-key bragging.

It’s a form of virtue signaling, and part of being an “ally”.


As the west moves towards atheism, it has struggled to find something to replace the thousands of years of guilt and self flagellation that Catholicism and Christianity in general imposed join it.

a lot of them aren't able to accomplish any actual goals so they've invented something that makes them feel like they've done something worthy.

I decide to unite with good people.

Ofc this is a hot take on twitter.

It's a radical and racist statement on Twitter.

How long before Terry crews suggesting defeating Hitler was a good thing causes a shitstorm.

He could probably smash all of them into a pulp if he wanted to.

I would probably cum to see him bodycheck a bluecheck mark dork.

Huge amount of power in that semen retention powered punch.


As A wH*Te PeRSon

Everyone's so mad, this is great.

I like that deodorant advert he did.

That's basically the only thing he has done.

Based and Bedlam-pilled.

The 9/11 Vore Conspiracy argues that the twin towers were not hit by planes externally. Instead, planes were built inside the towers, and continually inflated which eventually caused a collapse.

The anonymous theorist, reviewing footage of the 9/11 attack, stops the footage numerous times to point out "weak zones" of the town that gave in as a response to the increasing weight of the internal aircraft.

He highlights areas in the footage that portray people and objects being violently thrown out of the windows with force, as well as small billows of steam and fire, happening at the lower floor levels of one of the towers.

"Look at this shit. You're telling me there's just random ass explosions going on? Down here? We ain't even remotely close to where the plane collided. Bull fucking horse shit.'

The theorist explains that the planes were built by "crazed U.S. government scientists who watched too much Doctor Who, it was like that of a real life TARDIS experiment".

"They built these massive towers, for what? Business? Hell nah, have you seen the economy pre-9/11? It was shit. We didn't have the money nor energy for no goddamn tower of that size, and definitely not two."

We asked why the experiment would take place in the middle of a city as crowded as NYC. The theorist responded:

"It's hidden in plain sight. NYC's got all the resources in the world, right at your disposal. Nah, seriously man, look at these streets, there's a fuckin' garbage pile up just down the road. You know what kind of technology you can find in these piles? There's some fuckin' money to be made. Plus you get to make a nationwide scare if your experiment fucks up, and publicity means more money. They had all to gain and nothing to lose."

The theorist explains that any and all footage taken inside the Twin Towers pre-9/11 was simply simulated, props, or illusion. Footage of NYC recorded in a position respective to which the twin towers overlooked, was created via a clever series of mirrors originally sourcing from the "432 Park Avenue" building.

The theorist claims that any and all footage of the planes are "so fake, it's laughable", he states: "Nobody saw any planes... not in real life. Outside of what the TV stations would tell you, not a single soul saw an actual, physical plane hit the buildings. Hell, you could ask everyone in New York today, you won't find a single person who saw a plane."


  1. Terry Crews drops another nuclear t... - archive.org, archive.today

  2. https://mobile.twitter.com/terrycre... - archive.org, archive.today*

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but what does jlp says about it?

This is his audition to be the next miss Congeniality isnt ir


He needs to be made a mod stat.

His fellow Jesus Freaks are more than pleased

God bless them, you're obese and disgusting OP

Wtf he legit said he likes good people and doesn't like bad people is that not right?

Ight fuck it Hicks for president

Well thanks for endorsing me

I dont think im exactly a good choice but i appreciate it nonetheless

Shut the fuck up turborandom

But...my name is Hicks...

Ironic cuz christfags believe (or should believe, it’s in the Bible) that everyone is bad and that no one is good